
torch.export Tutorial

Created On: Oct 02, 2023 | Last Updated: Jan 09, 2025 | Last Verified: Nov 05, 2024

Author: William Wen, Zhengxu Chen, Angela Yi, Pian Pawakapan


torch.export and its related features are in prototype status and are subject to backwards compatibility breaking changes. This tutorial provides a snapshot of torch.export usage as of PyTorch 2.5.

torch.export() is the PyTorch 2.X way to export PyTorch models into standardized model representations, intended to be run on different (i.e. Python-less) environments. The official documentation can be found here.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use torch.export() to extract ExportedProgram’s (i.e. single-graph representations) from PyTorch programs. We also detail some considerations/modifications that you may need to make in order to make your model compatible with torch.export.


Basic Usage

torch.export extracts single-graph representations from PyTorch programs by tracing the target function, given example inputs. torch.export.export() is the main entry point for torch.export.

In this tutorial, torch.export and torch.export.export() are practically synonymous, though torch.export generally refers to the PyTorch 2.X export process, and torch.export.export() generally refers to the actual function call.

The signature of torch.export.export() is:

    f: Callable,
    args: Tuple[Any, ...],
    kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    dynamic_shapes: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[int, Dim]]] = None
) -> ExportedProgram

torch.export.export() traces the tensor computation graph from calling f(*args, **kwargs) and wraps it in an ExportedProgram, which can be serialized or executed later with different inputs. Note that while the output ExportedGraph is callable and can be called in the same way as the original input callable, it is not a torch.nn.Module. We will detail the dynamic_shapes argument later in the tutorial.

import torch
from torch.export import export

class MyModule(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.lin = torch.nn.Linear(100, 10)

    def forward(self, x, y):
        return torch.nn.functional.relu(self.lin(x + y), inplace=True)

mod = MyModule()
exported_mod = export(mod, (torch.randn(8, 100), torch.randn(8, 100)))
print(exported_mod.module()(torch.randn(8, 100), torch.randn(8, 100)))

Let’s review some attributes of ExportedProgram that are of interest.

The graph attribute is an FX graph traced from the function we exported, that is, the computation graph of all PyTorch operations. The FX graph has some important properties:

  • The operations are “ATen-level” operations.

  • The graph is “functionalized”, meaning that no operations are mutations.

The graph_module attribute is the GraphModule that wraps the graph attribute so that it can be ran as a torch.nn.Module.


The printed code shows that FX graph only contains ATen-level ops (such as torch.ops.aten) and that mutations were removed. For example, the mutating op torch.nn.functional.relu(..., inplace=True) is represented in the printed code by torch.ops.aten.relu.default, which does not mutate. Future uses of input to the original mutating relu op are replaced by the additional new output of the replacement non-mutating relu op.

Other attributes of interest in ExportedProgram include:

  • graph_signature – the inputs, outputs, parameters, buffers, etc. of the exported graph.

  • range_constraints – constraints, covered later


See the torch.export documentation for more details.

Graph Breaks

Although torch.export shares components with torch.compile, the key limitation of torch.export, especially when compared to torch.compile, is that it does not support graph breaks. This is because handling graph breaks involves interpreting the unsupported operation with default Python evaluation, which is incompatible with the export use case. Therefore, in order to make your model code compatible with torch.export, you will need to modify your code to remove graph breaks.

A graph break is necessary in cases such as:

  • data-dependent control flow

class Bad1(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
        if x.sum() > 0:
            return torch.sin(x)
        return torch.cos(x)

import traceback as tb
    export(Bad1(), (torch.randn(3, 3),))
except Exception:
  • accessing tensor data with .data

class Bad2(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):[0, 0] = 3
        return x

    export(Bad2(), (torch.randn(3, 3),))
except Exception:
  • calling unsupported functions (such as many built-in functions)

class Bad3(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
        x = x + 1
        return x + id(x)

    export(Bad3(), (torch.randn(3, 3),))
except Exception:
  • unsupported Python language features (e.g. throwing exceptions, match statements)

class Bad4(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
            x = x + 1
            raise RuntimeError("bad")
            x = x + 2
        return x

    export(Bad4(), (torch.randn(3, 3),))
except Exception:

Non-Strict Export

To trace the program, torch.export uses TorchDynamo, a byte code analysis engine, to symbolically analyze the Python code and build a graph based on the results. This analysis allows torch.export to provide stronger guarantees about safety, but not all Python code is supported, causing these graph breaks.

To address this issue, in PyTorch 2.3, we introduced a new mode of exporting called non-strict mode, where we trace through the program using the Python interpreter executing it exactly as it would in eager mode, allowing us to skip over unsupported Python features. This is done through adding a strict=False flag.

Looking at some of the previous examples which resulted in graph breaks:

  • Accessing tensor data with .data now works correctly

class Bad2(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):[0, 0] = 3
        return x

bad2_nonstrict = export(Bad2(), (torch.randn(3, 3),), strict=False)
print(bad2_nonstrict.module()(torch.ones(3, 3)))
  • Calling unsupported functions (such as many built-in functions) traces

through, but in this case, id(x) gets specialized as a constant integer in the graph. This is because id(x) is not a tensor operation, so the operation is not recorded in the graph.

class Bad3(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
        x = x + 1
        return x + id(x)

bad3_nonstrict = export(Bad3(), (torch.randn(3, 3),), strict=False)
print(bad3_nonstrict.module()(torch.ones(3, 3)))
  • Unsupported Python language features (such as throwing exceptions, match

statements) now also get traced through.

class Bad4(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
            x = x + 1
            raise RuntimeError("bad")
            x = x + 2
        return x

bad4_nonstrict = export(Bad4(), (torch.randn(3, 3),), strict=False)
print(bad4_nonstrict.module()(torch.ones(3, 3)))

However, there are still some features that require rewrites to the original module:

Control Flow Ops

torch.export actually does support data-dependent control flow. But these need to be expressed using control flow ops. For example, we can fix the control flow example above using the cond op, like so:

from functorch.experimental.control_flow import cond

class Bad1Fixed(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
        def true_fn(x):
            return torch.sin(x)
        def false_fn(x):
            return torch.cos(x)
        return cond(x.sum() > 0, true_fn, false_fn, [x])

exported_bad1_fixed = export(Bad1Fixed(), (torch.randn(3, 3),))
print(exported_bad1_fixed.module()(torch.ones(3, 3)))
print(exported_bad1_fixed.module()(-torch.ones(3, 3)))

There are limitations to cond that one should be aware of:

  • The predicate (i.e. x.sum() > 0) must result in a boolean or a single-element tensor.

  • The operands (i.e. [x]) must be tensors.

  • The branch function (i.e. true_fn and false_fn) signature must match with the operands and they must both return a single tensor with the same metadata (for example, dtype, shape, etc.).

  • Branch functions cannot mutate input or global variables.

  • Branch functions cannot access closure variables, except for self if the function is defined in the scope of a method.

For more details about cond, check out the cond documentation.

Constraints/Dynamic Shapes

This section covers dynamic behavior and representation of exported programs. Dynamic behavior is subjective to the particular model being exported, so for the most part of this tutorial, we’ll focus on this particular toy model (with the resulting tensor shapes annotated):

class DynamicModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.l = torch.nn.Linear(5, 3)

    def forward(
        w: torch.Tensor,  # [6, 5]
        x: torch.Tensor,  # [4]
        y: torch.Tensor,  # [8, 4]
        z: torch.Tensor,  # [32]
        x0 = x + y  # [8, 4]
        x1 = self.l(w)  # [6, 3]
        x2 = x0.flatten()  # [32]
        x3 = x2 + z  # [32]
        return x1, x3

By default, torch.export produces a static program. One consequence of this is that at runtime, the program won’t work on inputs with different shapes, even if they’re valid in eager mode.

w = torch.randn(6, 5)
x = torch.randn(4)
y = torch.randn(8, 4)
z = torch.randn(32)
model = DynamicModel()
ep = export(model, (w, x, y, z))
model(w, x, torch.randn(3, 4), torch.randn(12))
ep.module()(w, x, torch.randn(3, 4), torch.randn(12))

Basic concepts: symbols and guards

To enable dynamism, export() provides a dynamic_shapes argument. The easiest way to work with dynamic shapes is using Dim.AUTO and looking at the program that’s returned. Dynamic behavior is specified at a input dimension-level; for each input we can specify a tuple of values:

from torch.export.dynamic_shapes import Dim

dynamic_shapes = {
    "w": (Dim.AUTO, Dim.AUTO),
    "x": (Dim.AUTO,),
    "y": (Dim.AUTO, Dim.AUTO),
    "z": (Dim.AUTO,),
ep = export(model, (w, x, y, z), dynamic_shapes=dynamic_shapes)

Before we look at the program that’s produced, let’s understand what specifying dynamic_shapes entails, and how that interacts with export. For every input dimension where a Dim object is specified, a symbol is allocated, taking on a range of [2, inf] (why not [0, inf] or [1, inf]? we’ll explain later in the 0/1 specialization section).

Export then runs model tracing, looking at each operation that’s performed by the model. Each individual operation can emit what’s called “guards”; basically boolean condition that are required to be true for the program to be valid. When guards involve symbols allocated for input dimensions, the program contains restrictions on what input shapes are valid; i.e. the program’s dynamic behavior. The symbolic shapes subsystem is the part responsible for taking in all the emitted guards and producing a final program representation that adheres to all of these guards. Before we see this “final representation” in an ExportedProgram, let’s look at the guards emitted by the toy model we’re tracing.

Here, each forward input tensor is annotated with the symbol allocated at the start of tracing:

class DynamicModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.l = torch.nn.Linear(5, 3)

    def forward(
        w: torch.Tensor,  # [s0, s1]
        x: torch.Tensor,  # [s2]
        y: torch.Tensor,  # [s3, s4]
        z: torch.Tensor,  # [s5]
        x0 = x + y  # guard: s2 == s4
        x1 = self.l(w)  # guard: s1 == 5
        x2 = x0.flatten()  # no guard added here
        x3 = x2 + z  # guard: s3 * s4 == s5
        return x1, x3

Let’s understand each of the operations and the emitted guards:

  • x0 = x + y: This is an element-wise add with broadcasting, since x is a 1-d tensor and y a 2-d tensor. x is broadcasted along the last dimension of y, emitting the guard s2 == s4.

  • x1 = self.l(w): Calling nn.Linear() performs a matrix multiplication with model parameters. In export, parameters, buffers, and constants are considered program state, which is considered static, and so this is a matmul between a dynamic input (w: [s0, s1]), and a statically-shaped tensor. This emits the guard s1 == 5.

  • x2 = x0.flatten(): This call actually doesn’t emit any guards! (at least none relevant to input shapes)

  • x3 = x2 + z: x2 has shape [s3*s4] after flattening, and this element-wise add emits s3 * s4 == s5.

Writing all of these guards down and summarizing is almost like a mathematical proof, which is what the symbolic shapes subsystem tries to do! In summary, we can conclude that the program must have the following input shapes to be valid:

  • w: [s0, 5]

  • x: [s2]

  • y: [s3, s2]

  • z: [s2*s3]

And when we do finally print out the exported program to see our result, those shapes are what we see annotated on the corresponding inputs:


Another feature to notice is the range_constraints field above, which contains a valid range for each symbol. This isn’t so interesting currently, since this export call doesn’t emit any guards related to symbol bounds and each base symbol has a generic bound, but this will come up later.

So far, because we’ve been exporting this toy model, this experience has not been representative of how hard it typically is to debug dynamic shapes guards & issues. In most cases it isn’t obvious what guards are being emitted, and which operations and parts of user code are responsible. For this toy model we pinpoint the exact lines, and the guards are rather intuitive.

In more complicated cases, a helpful first step is always to enable verbose logging. This can be done either with the environment variable TORCH_LOGS="+dynamic", or interactively with torch._logging.set_logs(dynamic=10):

ep = export(model, (w, x, y, z), dynamic_shapes=dynamic_shapes)

This spits out quite a handful, even with this simple toy model. The log lines here have been cut short at front and end to ignore unnecessary info, but looking through the logs we can see the lines relevant to what we described above; e.g. the allocation of symbols:

create_symbol s0 = 6 for L['w'].size()[0] [2, int_oo] (_dynamo/variables/ in <lambda>)
create_symbol s1 = 5 for L['w'].size()[1] [2, int_oo] (_dynamo/variables/ in <lambda>)
runtime_assert True == True [statically known]
create_symbol s2 = 4 for L['x'].size()[0] [2, int_oo] (_dynamo/variables/ in <lambda>)
create_symbol s3 = 8 for L['y'].size()[0] [2, int_oo] (_dynamo/variables/ in <lambda>)
create_symbol s4 = 4 for L['y'].size()[1] [2, int_oo] (_dynamo/variables/ in <lambda>)
create_symbol s5 = 32 for L['z'].size()[0] [2, int_oo] (_dynamo/variables/ in <lambda>)

The lines with create_symbol show when a new symbol has been allocated, and the logs also identify the tensor variable names and dimensions they’ve been allocated for. In other lines we can also see the guards emitted:

runtime_assert Eq(s2, s4) [guard added] x0 = x + y  # output shape: [8, 4]  # in forward (_subclasses/ in infer_size), for more info run with TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_GUARD_ADDED="Eq(s2, s4)"
runtime_assert Eq(s1, 5) [guard added] x1 = self.l(w)  # [6, 3]  # in forward ( in meta_mm), for more info run with TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_GUARD_ADDED="Eq(s1, 5)"
runtime_assert Eq(s2*s3, s5) [guard added] x3 = x2 + z  # [32]  # in forward (_subclasses/ in infer_size), for more info run with TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_GUARD_ADDED="Eq(s2*s3, s5)"

Next to the [guard added] messages, we also see the responsible user lines of code - luckily here the model is simple enough. In many real-world cases it’s not so straightforward: high-level torch operations can have complicated fake-kernel implementations or operator decompositions that complicate where and what guards are emitted. In such cases the best way to dig deeper and investigate is to follow the logs’ suggestion, and re-run with environment variable TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_GUARD_ADDED="...", to further attribute the guard of interest.

Dim.AUTO is just one of the available options for interacting with dynamic_shapes; as of writing this 2 other options are available: Dim.DYNAMIC, and Dim.STATIC. Dim.STATIC simply marks a dimension static, while Dim.DYNAMIC is similar to Dim.AUTO in all ways except one: it raises an error when specializing to a constant; this is designed to maintain dynamism. See for example what happens when a static guard is emitted on a dynamically-marked dimension:

dynamic_shapes["w"] = (Dim.AUTO, Dim.DYNAMIC)
export(model, (w, x, y, z), dynamic_shapes=dynamic_shapes)

Static guards also aren’t always inherent to the model; they can also come from user specifications. In fact, a common pitfall leading to shape specializations is when the user specifies conflicting markers for equivalent dimensions; one dynamic and another static. The same error type is raised when this is the case for x.shape[0] and y.shape[1]:

dynamic_shapes["w"] = (Dim.AUTO, Dim.AUTO)
dynamic_shapes["x"] = (Dim.STATIC,)
dynamic_shapes["y"] = (Dim.AUTO, Dim.DYNAMIC)
export(model, (w, x, y, z), dynamic_shapes=dynamic_shapes)

Here you might ask why export “specializes”, i.e. why we resolve this static/dynamic conflict by going with the static route. The answer is because of the symbolic shapes system described above, of symbols and guards. When x.shape[0] is marked static, we don’t allocate a symbol, and compile treating this shape as a concrete integer 4. A symbol is allocated for y.shape[1], and so we finally emit the guard s3 == 4, leading to specialization.

One feature of export is that during tracing, statements like asserts, torch._check(), and if/else conditions will also emit guards. See what happens when we augment the existing model with such statements:

class DynamicModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.l = torch.nn.Linear(5, 3)

    def forward(self, w, x, y, z):
        assert w.shape[0] <= 512
        torch._check(x.shape[0] >= 16)
        if w.shape[0] == x.shape[0] + 2:
            x0 = x + y
            x1 = self.l(w)
            x2 = x0.flatten()
            x3 = x2 + z
            return x1, x3
            return w

dynamic_shapes = {
    "w": (Dim.AUTO, Dim.AUTO),
    "x": (Dim.AUTO,),
    "y": (Dim.AUTO, Dim.AUTO),
    "z": (Dim.AUTO,),
ep = export(DynamicModel(), (w, x, y, z), dynamic_shapes=dynamic_shapes)

Each of these statements emits an additional guard, and the exported program shows the changes; s0 is eliminated in favor of s2 + 2, and s2 now contains lower and upper bounds, reflected in range_constraints.

For the if/else condition, you might ask why the True branch was taken, and why it wasn’t the w.shape[0] != x.shape[0] + 2 guard that got emitted from tracing. The answer is that export is guided by the sample inputs provided by tracing, and specializes on the branches taken. If different sample input shapes were provided that fail the if condition, export would trace and emit guards corresponding to the else branch. Additionally, you might ask why we traced only the if branch, and if it’s possible to maintain control-flow in your program and keep both branches alive. For that, refer to rewriting your model code following the Control Flow Ops section above.

0/1 specialization

Since we’re talking about guards and specializations, it’s a good time to talk about the 0/1 specialization issue we brought up earlier. The bottom line is that export will specialize on sample input dimensions with value 0 or 1, because these shapes have trace-time properties that don’t generalize to other shapes. For example, size 1 tensors can broadcast while other sizes fail; and size 0 … . This just means that you should specify 0/1 sample inputs when you’d like your program to hardcode them, and non-0/1 sample inputs when dynamic behavior is desirable. See what happens at runtime when we export this linear layer:

ep = export(
    torch.nn.Linear(4, 3),
    (torch.randn(1, 4),),
        "input": (Dim.AUTO, Dim.STATIC),
ep.module()(torch.randn(2, 4))

Named Dims

So far we’ve only been talking about 3 ways to specify dynamic shapes: Dim.AUTO, Dim.DYNAMIC, and Dim.STATIC. The attraction of these is the low-friction user experience; all the guards emitted during model tracing are adhered to, and dynamic behavior like min/max ranges, relations, and static/dynamic dimensions are automatically figured out underneath export. The dynamic shapes subsystem essentially acts as a “discovery” process, summarizing these guards and presenting what export believes is the overall dynamic behavior of the program. The drawback of this design appears once the user has stronger expectations or beliefs about the dynamic behavior of these models - maybe there is a strong desire on dynamism and specializations on particular dimensions are to be avoided at all costs, or maybe we just want to catch changes in dynamic behavior with changes to the original model code, or possibly underlying decompositions or meta-kernels. These changes won’t be detected and the export() call will most likely succeed, unless tests are in place that check the resulting ExportedProgram representation.

For such cases, our stance is to recommend the “traditional” way of specifying dynamic shapes, which longer-term users of export might be familiar with: named Dims:

dx = Dim("dx", min=4, max=256)
dh = Dim("dh", max=512)
dynamic_shapes = {
    "x": (dx, None),
    "y": (2 * dx, dh),

This style of dynamic shapes allows the user to specify what symbols are allocated for input dimensions, min/max bounds on those symbols, and places restrictions on the dynamic behavior of the ExportedProgram produced; ConstraintViolation errors will be raised if model tracing emits guards that conflict with the relations or static/dynamic specifications given. For example, in the above specification, the following is asserted:

  • x.shape[0] is to have range [4, 256], and related to y.shape[0] by y.shape[0] == 2 * x.shape[0].

  • x.shape[1] is static.

  • y.shape[1] has range [2, 512], and is unrelated to any other dimension.

In this design, we allow relations between dimensions to be specified with univariate linear expressions: A * dim + B can be specified for any dimension. This allows users to specify more complex constraints like integer divisibility for dynamic dimensions:

dx = Dim("dx", min=4, max=512)
dynamic_shapes = {
    "x": (4 * dx, None)  # x.shape[0] has range [16, 2048], and is divisible by 4.

Constraint violations, suggested fixes

One common issue with this specification style (before Dim.AUTO was introduced), is that the specification would often be mismatched with what was produced by model tracing. That would lead to ConstraintViolation errors and export suggested fixes - see for example with this model & specification, where the model inherently requires equality between dimensions 0 of x and y, and requires dimension 1 to be static.

class Foo(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x, y):
        w = x + y
        return w + torch.ones(4)

dx, dy, d1 = torch.export.dims("dx", "dy", "d1")
ep = export(
    (torch.randn(6, 4), torch.randn(6, 4)),
        "x": (dx, d1),
        "y": (dy, d1),

The expectation with suggested fixes is that the user can interactively copy-paste the changes into their dynamic shapes specification, and successfully export afterwards.

Lastly, there’s couple nice-to-knows about the options for specification:

  • None is a good option for static behavior: - dynamic_shapes=None (default) exports with the entire model being static. - specifying None at an input-level exports with all tensor dimensions static, and is also required for non-tensor inputs. - specifying None at a dimension-level specializes that dimension, though this is deprecated in favor of Dim.STATIC.

  • specifying per-dimension integer values also produces static behavior, and will additionally check that the provided sample input matches the specification.

These options are combined in the inputs & dynamic shapes spec below:

inputs = (
    torch.randn(4, 4),
    torch.randn(3, 3),
dynamic_shapes = {
    "tensor_0": (Dim.AUTO, None),
    "tensor_1": None,
    "int_val": None,
    "bool_val": None,

Custom Ops

torch.export can export PyTorch programs with custom operators.

Currently, the steps to register a custom op for use by torch.export are:

  • Define the custom op using torch.library (reference) as with any other custom op

@torch.library.custom_op("my_custom_library::custom_op", mutates_args={})
def custom_op(input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    print("custom_op called!")
    return torch.relu(x)
  • Define a "Meta" implementation of the custom op that returns an empty tensor with the same shape as the expected output

def custom_op_meta(x):
    return torch.empty_like(x)
  • Call the custom op from the code you want to export using torch.ops

class CustomOpExample(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
        x = torch.sin(x)
        x = torch.ops.my_custom_library.custom_op(x)
        x = torch.cos(x)
        return x
  • Export the code as before

exported_custom_op_example = export(CustomOpExample(), (torch.randn(3, 3),))
print(exported_custom_op_example.module()(torch.randn(3, 3)))

Note in the above outputs that the custom op is included in the exported graph. And when we call the exported graph as a function, the original custom op is called, as evidenced by the print call.

If you have a custom operator implemented in C++, please refer to this document to make it compatible with torch.export.


The graph produced by torch.export by default returns a graph containing only functional ATen operators. This functional ATen operator set (or “opset”) contains around 2000 operators, all of which are functional, that is, they do not mutate or alias inputs. You can find a list of all ATen operators here and you can inspect if an operator is functional by checking op._schema.is_mutable, for example:


By default, the environment in which you want to run the exported graph should support all ~2000 of these operators. However, you can use the following API on the exported program if your specific environment is only able to support a subset of the ~2000 operators.

def run_decompositions(
    self: ExportedProgram,
    decomposition_table: Optional[Dict[torch._ops.OperatorBase, Callable]]
) -> ExportedProgram

run_decompositions takes in a decomposition table, which is a mapping of operators to a function specifying how to reduce, or decompose, that operator into an equivalent sequence of other ATen operators.

The default decomposition table for run_decompositions is the Core ATen decomposition table which will decompose the all ATen operators to the Core ATen Operator Set which consists of only ~180 operators.

class M(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(3, 4)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.linear(x)

ep = export(M(), (torch.randn(2, 3),))

core_ir_ep = ep.run_decompositions()

Notice that after running run_decompositions the torch.ops.aten.t.default operator, which is not part of the Core ATen Opset, has been replaced with torch.ops.aten.permute.default which is part of the Core ATen Opset.

Most ATen operators already have decompositions, which are located here. If you would like to use some of these existing decomposition functions, you can pass in a list of operators you would like to decompose to the get_decompositions function, which will return a decomposition table using existing decomposition implementations.

class M(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(3, 4)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.linear(x)

ep = export(M(), (torch.randn(2, 3),))

from torch._decomp import get_decompositions
decomp_table = get_decompositions([torch.ops.aten.t.default,])
core_ir_ep = ep.run_decompositions(decomp_table)

If there is no existing decomposition function for an ATen operator that you would like to decompose, feel free to send a pull request into PyTorch implementing the decomposition!


torch.export will only ever export a single computation graph from a PyTorch program. Because of this requirement, there will be Python or PyTorch features that are not compatible with torch.export, which will require users to rewrite parts of their model code. We have seen examples of this earlier in the tutorial – for example, rewriting if-statements using cond.

ExportDB is the standard reference that documents supported and unsupported Python/PyTorch features for torch.export. It is essentially a list a program samples, each of which represents the usage of one particular Python/PyTorch feature and its interaction with torch.export. Examples are also tagged by category so that they can be more easily searched.

For example, let’s use ExportDB to get a better understanding of how the predicate works in the cond operator. We can look at the example called cond_predicate, which has a torch.cond tag. The example code looks like:

def cond_predicate(x):
    The conditional statement (aka predicate) passed to ``cond()`` must be one of the following:
    - ``torch.Tensor`` with a single element
    - boolean expression
    NOTE: If the `pred` is test on a dim with batch size < 2, it will be specialized.
    pred = x.dim() > 2 and x.shape[2] > 10
    return cond(pred, lambda x: x.cos(), lambda y: y.sin(), [x])

More generally, ExportDB can be used as a reference when one of the following occurs:

  1. Before attempting torch.export, you know ahead of time that your model uses some tricky Python/PyTorch features and you want to know if torch.export covers that feature.

  2. When attempting torch.export, there is a failure and it’s unclear how to work around it.

ExportDB is not exhaustive, but is intended to cover all use cases found in typical PyTorch code. Feel free to reach out if there is an important Python/PyTorch feature that should be added to ExportDB or supported by torch.export.

Running the Exported Program

As torch.export is only a graph capturing mechanism, calling the artifact produced by torch.export eagerly will be equivalent to running the eager module. To optimize the execution of the Exported Program, we can pass this exported artifact to backends such as Inductor through torch.compile, AOTInductor, or TensorRT.

class M(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(3, 3)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.linear(x)
        return x

inp = torch.randn(2, 3, device="cuda")
m = M().to(device="cuda")
ep = torch.export.export(m, (inp,))

# Run it eagerly
res = ep.module()(inp)

# Run it with torch.compile
res = torch.compile(ep.module(), backend="inductor")(inp)
import torch._export
import torch._inductor

# Note: these APIs are subject to change
# Compile the exported program to a .so using ``AOTInductor``
with torch.no_grad():
so_path = torch._inductor.aot_compile(ep.module(), [inp])

# Load and run the .so file in Python.
# To load and run it in a C++ environment, see:
res = torch._export.aot_load(so_path, device="cuda")(inp)


We introduced torch.export, the new PyTorch 2.X way to export single computation graphs from PyTorch programs. In particular, we demonstrate several code modifications and considerations (control flow ops, constraints, etc.) that need to be made in order to export a graph.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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