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Custom Python Operators¶
Created On: Jun 18, 2024 | Last Updated: Jan 06, 2025 | Last Verified: Nov 05, 2024
How to integrate custom operators written in Python with PyTorch
How to test custom operators using
PyTorch 2.4 or later
PyTorch offers a large library of operators that work on Tensors (e.g.
, torch.sum
, etc). However, you might wish to use a new customized
operator with PyTorch, perhaps written by a third-party library. This tutorial
shows how to wrap Python functions so that they behave like PyTorch native
operators. Reasons why you may wish to create a custom operator in PyTorch include:
Treating an arbitrary Python function as an opaque callable with respect to
(that is, preventtorch.compile
from tracing into the function).Adding training support to an arbitrary Python function
Use torch.library.custom_op()
to create Python custom operators.
APIs to create C++ custom operators (these
work in Python-less environments).
See the Custom Operators Landing Page
for more details.
Please note that if your operation can be expressed as a composition of
existing PyTorch operators, then there is usually no need to use the custom operator
API – everything (for example torch.compile
, training support) should
just work.
Example: Wrapping PIL’s crop into a custom operator¶
Let’s say that we are using PIL’s crop
import torch
from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image, pil_to_tensor
import PIL
import IPython
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def crop(pic, box):
img = to_pil_image(pic.cpu())
cropped_img = img.crop(box)
return pil_to_tensor(cropped_img).to(pic.device) / 255.
def display(img):
plt.imshow(img.numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)))
img = torch.ones(3, 64, 64)
img *= torch.linspace(0, 1, steps=64) * torch.linspace(0, 1, steps=64).unsqueeze(-1)

cropped_img = crop(img, (10, 10, 50, 50))

is not handled effectively out-of-the-box by
: torch.compile
induces a
“graph break”
on functions it is unable to handle and graph breaks are bad for performance.
The following code demonstrates this by raising an error
with fullgraph=True
raises an error if a
graph break occurs).
In order to black-box crop
for use with torch.compile
, we need to
do two things:
wrap the function into a PyTorch custom operator.
add a “
kernel” (aka “meta kernel”) to the operator. Given someFakeTensors
inputs (dummy Tensors that don’t have storage), this function should return dummy Tensors of your choice with the correct Tensor metadata (shape/strides/dtype
from typing import Sequence
# Use torch.library.custom_op to define a new custom operator.
# If your operator mutates any input Tensors, their names must be specified
# in the ``mutates_args`` argument.
@torch.library.custom_op("mylib::crop", mutates_args=())
def crop(pic: torch.Tensor, box: Sequence[int]) -> torch.Tensor:
img = to_pil_image(pic.cpu())
cropped_img = img.crop(box)
return (pil_to_tensor(cropped_img) / 255.).to(pic.device, pic.dtype)
# Use register_fake to add a ``FakeTensor`` kernel for the operator
def _(pic, box):
channels = pic.shape[0]
x0, y0, x1, y1 = box
return pic.new_empty(channels, y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
After this, crop
now works without graph breaks:


Adding training support for crop¶
Use torch.library.register_autograd
to add training support for an operator.
Prefer this over directly using torch.autograd.Function
; some compositions of
with PyTorch operator registration APIs can lead to (and
has led to) silent incorrectness when composed with torch.compile
If you don’t need training support, there is no need to use
If you end up training with a custom_op
that doesn’t have an autograd
registration, we’ll raise an error message.
The gradient formula for crop
is essentially PIL.paste
(we’ll leave the
derivation as an exercise to the reader). Let’s first wrap paste
into a
custom operator:
@torch.library.custom_op("mylib::paste", mutates_args=())
def paste(im1: torch.Tensor, im2: torch.Tensor, coord: Sequence[int]) -> torch.Tensor:
assert im1.device == im2.device
assert im1.dtype == im2.dtype
im1_pil = to_pil_image(im1.cpu())
im2_pil = to_pil_image(im2.cpu())
PIL.Image.Image.paste(im1_pil, im2_pil, coord)
return (pil_to_tensor(im1_pil) / 255.).to(im1.device, im1.dtype)
def _(im1, im2, coord):
assert im1.device == im2.device
assert im1.dtype == im2.dtype
return torch.empty_like(im1)
And now let’s use register_autograd
to specify the gradient formula for crop
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
grad_input = grad_output.new_zeros(ctx.pic_shape)
grad_input = paste(grad_input, grad_output, ctx.coords)
return grad_input, None
def setup_context(ctx, inputs, output):
pic, box = inputs
ctx.coords = box[:2]
ctx.pic_shape = pic.shape
crop.register_autograd(backward, setup_context=setup_context)
Note that the backward must be a composition of PyTorch-understood operators, which is why we wrapped paste into a custom operator instead of directly using PIL’s paste.

This is the correct gradient, with 1s (white) in the cropped region and 0s (black) in the unused region.
Testing Python Custom operators¶
Use torch.library.opcheck
to test that the custom operator was registered
correctly. This does not test that the gradients are mathematically correct;
please write separate tests for that (either manual ones or torch.autograd.gradcheck
To use opcheck
, pass it a set of example inputs to test against. If your
operator supports training, then the examples should include Tensors that
require grad. If your operator supports multiple devices, then the examples
should include Tensors from each device.
examples = [
[torch.randn(3, 64, 64), [0, 0, 10, 10]],
[torch.randn(3, 91, 91, requires_grad=True), [10, 0, 20, 10]],
[torch.randn(3, 60, 60, dtype=torch.double), [3, 4, 32, 20]],
[torch.randn(3, 512, 512, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.double), [3, 4, 32, 45]],
for example in examples:
torch.library.opcheck(crop, example)
Mutable Python Custom operators¶
You can also wrap a Python function that mutates its inputs into a custom
Functions that mutate inputs are common because that is how many low-level
kernels are written; for example, a kernel that computes sin
may take in
the input and an output tensor and write input.sin()
to the output tensor.
We’ll use numpy.sin
to demonstrate an example of a mutable Python
custom operator.
import numpy as np
@torch.library.custom_op("mylib::numpy_sin", mutates_args={"output"}, device_types="cpu")
def numpy_sin(input: torch.Tensor, output: torch.Tensor) -> None:
assert input.device == output.device
assert input.device.type == "cpu"
input_np = input.numpy()
output_np = output.numpy()
np.sin(input_np, out=output_np)
Because the operator doesn’t return anything, there is no need to register
a FakeTensor
kernel (meta kernel) to get it to work with torch.compile
def f(x):
out = torch.empty(3)
numpy_sin(x, out)
return out
x = torch.randn(3)
y = f(x)
assert torch.allclose(y, x.sin())
And here’s an opcheck
run telling us that we did indeed register the operator correctly.
would error out if we forgot to add the output to mutates_args
, for example.
example_inputs = [
[torch.randn(3), torch.empty(3)],
[torch.randn(0, 3), torch.empty(0, 3)],
[torch.randn(1, 2, 3, 4, dtype=torch.double), torch.empty(1, 2, 3, 4, dtype=torch.double)],
for example in example_inputs:
torch.library.opcheck(numpy_sin, example)
In this tutorial, we learned how to use torch.library.custom_op
create a custom operator in Python that works with PyTorch subsystems
such as torch.compile
and autograd.
This tutorial provides a basic introduction to custom operators. For more detailed information, see:
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 4.502 seconds)