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  • torch.export AOTInductor Tutorial for Python runtime (Beta)

torch.export AOTInductor Tutorial for Python runtime (Beta)

Created On: Aug 23, 2024 | Last Updated: Jan 24, 2025 | Last Verified: Nov 05, 2024

Author: Ankith Gunapal, Bin Bao, Angela Yi


torch._inductor.aoti_compile_and_package and torch._inductor.aoti_load_package are in Beta status and are subject to backwards compatibility breaking changes. This tutorial provides an example of how to use these APIs for model deployment using Python runtime.

It has been shown previously how AOTInductor can be used to do Ahead-of-Time compilation of PyTorch exported models by creating an artifact that can be run in a non-Python environment. In this tutorial, you will learn an end-to-end example of how to use AOTInductor for Python runtime.



What you will learn

  • How to use AOTInductor for Python runtime.

  • How to use torch._inductor.aoti_compile_and_package() along with torch.export.export() to generate a compiled artifact

  • How to load and run the artifact in a Python runtime using torch._export.aot_load().

  • When to you use AOTInductor with a Python runtime

Model Compilation

We will use the TorchVision pretrained ResNet18 model as an example.

The first step is to export the model to a graph representation using torch.export.export(). To learn more about using this function, you can check out the docs or the tutorial.

Once we have exported the PyTorch model and obtained an ExportedProgram, we can apply torch._inductor.aoti_compile_and_package() to AOTInductor to compile the program to a specified device, and save the generated contents into a “.pt2” artifact.


This API supports the same available options that torch.compile() has, such as mode and max_autotune (for those who want to enable CUDA graphs and leverage Triton based matrix multiplications and convolutions)

import os
import torch
import torch._inductor
from torchvision.models import ResNet18_Weights, resnet18

model = resnet18(weights=ResNet18_Weights.DEFAULT)

with torch.inference_mode():
    inductor_configs = {}

    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        device = "cuda"
        inductor_configs["max_autotune"] = True
        device = "cpu"

    model = model.to(device=device)
    example_inputs = (torch.randn(2, 3, 224, 224, device=device),)

    exported_program = torch.export.export(
    path = torch._inductor.aoti_compile_and_package(
        package_path=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "resnet18.pt2"),
Downloading: "https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet18-f37072fd.pth" to /var/lib/ci-user/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/resnet18-f37072fd.pth

  0%|          | 0.00/44.7M [00:00<?, ?B/s]

 92%|#########2| 41.1M/44.7M [00:00<00:00, 431MB/s]
100%|##########| 44.7M/44.7M [00:00<00:00, 430MB/s]
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x3x224x224, 64x3x7x7)
  convolution 0.0531 ms 100.0%
  triton_convolution2d_4 0.1393 ms 38.1% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=7, KERNEL_W=7, PADDING_H=3, PADDING_W=3, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_0 0.1497 ms 35.5% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=7, KERNEL_W=7, PADDING_H=3, PADDING_W=3, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_3 0.1834 ms 29.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=7, KERNEL_W=7, PADDING_H=3, PADDING_W=3, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_5 0.2474 ms 21.5% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=7, KERNEL_W=7, PADDING_H=3, PADDING_W=3, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_2 0.5345 ms 9.9% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=1024, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=7, KERNEL_W=7, PADDING_H=3, PADDING_W=3, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_1 0.8941 ms 5.9% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=7, KERNEL_W=7, PADDING_H=3, PADDING_W=3, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.8979 seconds and 0.0077 seconds precompiling for 7 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x64x56x56, 64x64x3x3)
  triton_convolution2d_10 0.0355 ms 100.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_6 0.0364 ms 97.3% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_11 0.0366 ms 96.8% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_9 0.0421 ms 84.3% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  convolution 0.0458 ms 77.4%
  triton_convolution2d_12 0.0650 ms 54.6% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_7 0.0769 ms 46.1% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_8 0.1265 ms 28.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=1024, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9425 seconds and 0.0007 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x64x56x56, 128x64x3x3)
  triton_convolution2d_38 0.0290 ms 100.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_39 0.0399 ms 72.6% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  convolution 0.0456 ms 63.6%
  triton_convolution2d_34 0.0477 ms 60.8% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_37 0.0601 ms 48.3% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_40 0.0618 ms 46.9% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_35 0.0719 ms 40.3% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_36 0.1330 ms 21.8% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=1024, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9405 seconds and 0.0006 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x128x28x28, 128x128x3x3)
  convolution 0.0448 ms 100.0%
  triton_convolution2d_45 0.0498 ms 90.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_46 0.0702 ms 63.8% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_41 0.0845 ms 53.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_44 0.1040 ms 43.1% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_47 0.1170 ms 38.3% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_42 0.1399 ms 32.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_43 0.2408 ms 18.6% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=1024, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9516 seconds and 0.0008 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x64x56x56, 128x64x1x1)
  triton_convolution2d_52 0.0086 ms 100.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_53 0.0099 ms 86.5% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_48 0.0107 ms 80.5% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_51 0.0131 ms 65.7% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_54 0.0133 ms 64.4% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  convolution 0.0134 ms 64.1%
  triton_convolution2d_49 0.0147 ms 58.5% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_50 0.0218 ms 39.3% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=1024, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9260 seconds and 0.0006 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x128x28x28, 256x128x3x3)
  convolution 0.0368 ms 100.0%
  triton_convolution2d_73 0.0493 ms 74.6% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_74 0.1113 ms 33.1% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_72 0.1135 ms 32.5% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_75 0.1160 ms 31.8% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_69 0.1325 ms 27.8% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_70 0.1343 ms 27.4% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_71 0.2053 ms 17.9% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=1024, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9550 seconds and 0.0006 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x256x14x14, 256x256x3x3)
  convolution 0.0564 ms 100.0%
  triton_convolution2d_80 0.0915 ms 61.7% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_79 0.2100 ms 26.9% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_81 0.2148 ms 26.3% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_82 0.2267 ms 24.9% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_76 0.2569 ms 22.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_77 0.2720 ms 20.7% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_78 0.3744 ms 15.1% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=512, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9770 seconds and 0.0007 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x128x28x28, 256x128x1x1)
  triton_convolution2d_87 0.0106 ms 100.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_86 0.0189 ms 55.7% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_89 0.0190 ms 55.5% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_88 0.0193 ms 54.7% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_84 0.0219 ms 48.3% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_83 0.0220 ms 48.1% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  convolution 0.0257 ms 41.0%
  triton_convolution2d_85 0.0266 ms 39.8% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=1024, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9271 seconds and 0.0006 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x256x14x14, 512x256x3x3)
  convolution 0.0576 ms 100.0%
  triton_convolution2d_108 0.0929 ms 62.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_109 0.2170 ms 26.5% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_107 0.2213 ms 26.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_110 0.2248 ms 25.6% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_106 0.2410 ms 23.9% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=512, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_105 0.2598 ms 22.2% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_104 0.2603 ms 22.1% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9733 seconds and 0.0006 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x512x7x7, 512x512x3x3)
  convolution 0.0851 ms 100.0%
  triton_convolution2d_115 0.1805 ms 47.1% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_113 0.2153 ms 39.5% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_117 0.2669 ms 31.9% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_112 0.3220 ms 26.4% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_114 0.4026 ms 21.1% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_116 0.4275 ms 19.9% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_111 0.5135 ms 16.6% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=3, KERNEL_W=3, PADDING_H=1, PADDING_W=1, STRIDE_H=1, STRIDE_W=1, UNROLL=False, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9952 seconds and 0.0007 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE convolution(2x256x14x14, 512x256x1x1)
  triton_convolution2d_122 0.0150 ms 100.0% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_120 0.0264 ms 56.8% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=512, BLOCK_N=16, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=1, num_warps=8
  convolution 0.0286 ms 52.5%
  triton_convolution2d_121 0.0304 ms 49.4% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=128, BLOCK_N=128, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_124 0.0308 ms 48.8% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_118 0.0310 ms 48.4% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
  triton_convolution2d_123 0.0315 ms 47.7% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=64, BLOCK_N=256, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=8
  triton_convolution2d_119 0.0332 ms 45.2% ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=16, BLOCK_M=256, BLOCK_N=64, GROUPS=1, KERNEL_H=1, KERNEL_W=1, PADDING_H=0, PADDING_W=0, STRIDE_H=2, STRIDE_W=2, UNROLL=True, num_stages=2, num_warps=4
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 0.9282 seconds and 0.0006 seconds precompiling for 8 choices
AUTOTUNE addmm(2x1000, 2x512, 512x1000)
  triton_mm_146 0.0116 ms 100.0% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=64, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=64, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=3, num_warps=4
  triton_mm_141 0.0118 ms 98.1% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=64, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=5, num_warps=4
  triton_mm_153 0.0120 ms 96.8% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=64, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=4, num_warps=4
  triton_mm_142 0.0124 ms 93.8% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=32, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=5, num_warps=2
  triton_mm_143 0.0126 ms 91.6% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=128, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=32, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=5, num_warps=2
  triton_mm_152 0.0127 ms 91.2% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=64, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=3, num_warps=4
  triton_mm_140 0.0132 ms 87.9% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=128, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=32, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=2, num_warps=2
  triton_mm_150 0.0133 ms 87.0% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=64, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=128, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=3, num_warps=4
  triton_mm_149 0.0134 ms 86.2% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=128, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=4, num_warps=8
  triton_mm_148 0.0143 ms 81.2% ACC_TYPE='tl.float32', ALLOW_TF32=True, BLOCK_K=32, BLOCK_M=16, BLOCK_N=128, B_PROLOGUE_CAST_TYPE=None, EVEN_K=True, GROUP_M=8, num_stages=3, num_warps=4
SingleProcess AUTOTUNE benchmarking takes 1.7579 seconds and 0.0022 seconds precompiling for 18 choices

The result of aoti_compile_and_package() is an artifact “resnet18.pt2” which can be loaded and executed in Python and C++.

The artifact itself contains a bunch of AOTInductor generated code, such as a generated C++ runner file, a shared library compiled from the C++ file, and CUDA binary files, aka cubin files, if optimizing for CUDA.

Structure-wise, the artifact is a structured .zip file, with the following specification:

We can use the following command to inspect the artifact contents:

$ unzip -l resnet18.pt2
Archive:  resnet18.pt2
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        1  01-08-2025 16:40   version
        3  01-08-2025 16:40   archive_format
    10088  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/cagzt6akdaczvxwtbvqe34otfe5jlorktbqlojbzqjqvbfsjlge4.cubin
    17160  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/c6oytfjmt5w4c7onvtm6fray7clirxt7q5xjbwx3hdydclmwoujz.cubin
    16616  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/c7ydp7nocyz323hij4tmlf2kcedmwlyg6r57gaqzcsy3huneamu6.cubin
    17776  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/cyqdf46ordevqhiddvpdpp3uzwatfbzdpl3auj2nx23uxvplnne2.cubin
    10856  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/cpzfebfgrusqslui7fxsuoo4tvwulmrxirc5tmrpa4mvrbdno7kn.cubin
    14608  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/c5ukeoz5wmaszd7vczdz2qhtt6n7tdbl3b6wuy4rb2se24fjwfoy.cubin
    11376  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/csu3nstcp56tsjfycygaqsewpu64l5s6zavvz7537cm4s4cv2k3r.cubin
    10984  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/cp76lez4glmgq7gedf2u25zvvv6rksv5lav4q22dibd2zicbgwj3.cubin
    14736  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/c2bb5p6tnwz4elgujqelsrp3unvkgsyiv7xqxmpvuxcm4jfl7pc2.cubin
    11376  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/c6eopmb2b4ngodwsayae4r5q6ni3jlfogfbdk3ypg56tgpzhubfy.cubin
    11624  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/chmwe6lvoekzfowdbiizitm3haiiuad5kdm6sd2m6mv6dkn2zk32.cubin
    15632  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/c3jop5g344hj3ztsu4qm6ibxyaaerlhkzh2e6emak23rxfje6jam.cubin
    25472  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/chaiixybeiuuitm2nmqnxzijzwgnn2n7uuss4qmsupgblfh3h5hk.cubin
   139389  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/cvk6qzuybruhwxtfblzxiov3rlrziv5fkqc4mdhbmantfu3lmd6t.cpp
       27  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/cvk6qzuybruhwxtfblzxiov3rlrziv5fkqc4mdhbmantfu3lmd6t_metadata.json
 47195424  01-08-2025 16:40   data/aotinductor/model/cvk6qzuybruhwxtfblzxiov3rlrziv5fkqc4mdhbmantfu3lmd6t.so
---------                     -------
 47523148                     18 files

Model Inference in Python

To load and run the artifact in Python, we can use torch._inductor.aoti_load_package().

import os
import torch
import torch._inductor

model_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "resnet18.pt2")

compiled_model = torch._inductor.aoti_load_package(model_path)
example_inputs = (torch.randn(2, 3, 224, 224, device=device),)

with torch.inference_mode():
    output = compiled_model(example_inputs)

When to use AOTInductor with a Python Runtime

There are mainly two reasons why one would use AOTInductor with a Python Runtime:

  • torch._inductor.aoti_compile_and_package generates a singular serialized artifact. This is useful for model versioning for deployments and tracking model performance over time.

  • With torch.compile() being a JIT compiler, there is a warmup cost associated with the first compilation. Your deployment needs to account for the compilation time taken for the first inference. With AOTInductor, the compilation is done ahead of time using torch.export.export and torch._inductor.aoti_compile_and_package. At deployment time, after loading the model, running inference does not have any additional cost.

The section below shows the speedup achieved with AOTInductor for first inference

We define a utility function timed to measure the time taken for inference

import time
def timed(fn):
    # Returns the result of running `fn()` and the time it took for `fn()` to run,
    # in seconds. We use CUDA events and synchronization for accurate
    # measurement on CUDA enabled devices.
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        start = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
        end = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
        start = time.time()

    result = fn()
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        end = time.time()

    # Measure time taken to execute the function in miliseconds
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        duration = start.elapsed_time(end)
        duration = (end - start) * 1000

    return result, duration

Lets measure the time for first inference using AOTInductor


model = torch._inductor.aoti_load_package(model_path)
example_inputs = (torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224, device=device),)

with torch.inference_mode():
    _, time_taken = timed(lambda: model(example_inputs))
    print(f"Time taken for first inference for AOTInductor is {time_taken:.2f} ms")
Time taken for first inference for AOTInductor is 3.99 ms

Lets measure the time for first inference using torch.compile


model = resnet18(weights=ResNet18_Weights.DEFAULT).to(device)

model = torch.compile(model)
example_inputs = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224, device=device)

with torch.inference_mode():
    _, time_taken = timed(lambda: model(example_inputs))
    print(f"Time taken for first inference for torch.compile is {time_taken:.2f} ms")
Time taken for first inference for torch.compile is 5632.31 ms

We see that there is a drastic speedup in first inference time using AOTInductor compared to torch.compile


In this recipe, we have learned how to effectively use the AOTInductor for Python runtime by compiling and loading a pretrained ResNet18 model. This process demonstrates the practical application of generating a compiled artifact and running it within a Python environment. We also looked at the advantage of using AOTInductor in model deployments, with regards to speed up in first inference time.

Total running time of the script: ( 1 minutes 3.895 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery

//temporarily add a link to survey


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