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Timer quick start¶
Created On: Apr 01, 2021 | Last Updated: Jan 19, 2024 | Last Verified: Not Verified
In this tutorial, we’re going to cover the primary APIs of torch.utils.benchmark.Timer. The PyTorch Timer is based on the timeit.Timer API, with several PyTorch specific modifications. Familiarity with the builtin Timer class is not required for this tutorial, however we assume that the reader is familiar with the fundamentals of performance work.
For a more comprehensive performance tuning tutorial, see PyTorch Benchmark.
- Contents:
1. Defining a Timer¶
A Timer serves as a task definition.
from torch.utils.benchmark import Timer
timer = Timer(
# The computation which will be run in a loop and timed.
stmt="x * y",
# `setup` will be run before calling the measurement loop, and is used to
# populate any state which is needed by `stmt`
x = torch.ones((128,))
y = torch.ones((128,))
# Alternatively, ``globals`` can be used to pass variables from the outer scope.
# globals={
# "x": torch.ones((128,)),
# "y": torch.ones((128,)),
# },
# Control the number of threads that PyTorch uses. (Default: 1)
2. Wall time: Timer.blocked_autorange(...)
This method will handle details such as picking a suitable number if repeats, fixing the number of threads, and providing a convenient representation of the results.
# Measurement objects store the results of multiple repeats, and provide
# various utility features.
from torch.utils.benchmark import Measurement
m: Measurement = timer.blocked_autorange(min_run_time=1)
<torch.utils.benchmark.utils.common.Measurement object at 0x7f1929a38ed0>
x * y
x = torch.ones((128,))
y = torch.ones((128,))
Median: 2.34 us
IQR: 0.07 us (2.31 to 2.38)
424 measurements, 1000 runs per measurement, 1 thread
3. C++ snippets¶
from torch.utils.benchmark import Language
cpp_timer = Timer(
"x * y;",
auto x = torch::ones({128});
auto y = torch::ones({128});
<torch.utils.benchmark.utils.common.Measurement object at 0x7f192b019ed0>
x * y;
auto x = torch::ones({128});
auto y = torch::ones({128});
Median: 1.21 us
IQR: 0.03 us (1.20 to 1.23)
83 measurements, 10000 runs per measurement, 1 thread
Unsurprisingly, the C++ snippet is both faster and has lower variation.
4. Instruction counts: Timer.collect_callgrind(...)
For deep dive investigations, Timer.collect_callgrind
Callgrind in order to
collect instruction counts. These are useful as they offer fine grained and
deterministic (or very low noise in the case of Python) insights into how a
snippet is run.
from torch.utils.benchmark import CallgrindStats, FunctionCounts
stats: CallgrindStats = cpp_timer.collect_callgrind()
<torch.utils.benchmark.utils.valgrind_wrapper.timer_interface.CallgrindStats object at 0x7f1929a35850>
x * y;
auto x = torch::ones({128});
auto y = torch::ones({128});
All Noisy symbols removed
Instructions: 563600 563600
Baseline: 0 0
100 runs per measurement, 1 thread
5. Instruction counts: Delving deeper¶
The string representation of CallgrindStats
is similar to that of
Measurement. Noisy symbols are a Python concept (removing calls in the
CPython interpreter which are known to be noisy).
For more detailed analysis, however, we will want to look at specific calls.
returns a FunctionCounts
object to make this easier.
Conceptually, FunctionCounts
can be thought of as a tuple of pairs with some
utility methods, where each pair is (number of instructions, file path and
function name).
- A note on paths:
One generally doesn’t care about absolute path. For instance, the full path and function name for a multiply call is something like:
/the/prefix/to/your/pytorch/install/dir/pytorch/build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorMethods.cpp:at::Tensor::mul(at::Tensor const&) const [/the/path/to/your/conda/install/miniconda3/envs/ab_ref/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/lib/]
when in reality, all of the information that we're interested in can be
represented in:
build/aten/src/ATen/core/TensorMethods.cpp:at::Tensor::mul(at::Tensor const&) const
``CallgrindStats.as_standardized()`` makes a best effort to strip low signal
portions of the file path, as well as the shared object and is generally
inclusive_stats = stats.as_standardized().stats(inclusive=False)
torch.utils.benchmark.utils.valgrind_wrapper.timer_interface.FunctionCounts object at 0x7f192a6dfd90>
47264 ???:_int_free
25963 ???:_int_malloc
19900 build/../aten/src/ATen/TensorIter ... (at::TensorIteratorConfig const&)
18000 ???:__tls_get_addr
13500 ???:malloc
11300 build/../c10/util/SmallVector.h:a ... (at::TensorIteratorConfig const&)
10345 ???:_int_memalign
10000 build/../aten/src/ATen/TensorIter ... (at::TensorIteratorConfig const&)
9200 ???:free
8000 build/../c10/util/SmallVector.h:a ... IteratorBase::get_strides() const
Total: 173472
That’s still quite a lot to digest. Let’s use the FunctionCounts.transform method to trim some of the function path, and discard the function called. When we do, the counts of any collisions (e.g. foo.h:a() and foo.h:b() will both map to foo.h) will be added together.
import os
import re
def group_by_file(fn_name: str):
if fn_name.startswith("???"):
fn_dir, fn_file = fn_name.split(":")[:2]
fn_dir, fn_file = os.path.split(fn_name.split(":")[0])
fn_dir = re.sub("^.*build/../", "", fn_dir)
fn_dir = re.sub("^.*torch/", "torch/", fn_dir)
return f"{fn_dir:<15} {fn_file}"
<torch.utils.benchmark.utils.valgrind_wrapper.timer_interface.FunctionCounts object at 0x7f192995d750>
118200 aten/src/ATen TensorIterator.cpp
65000 c10/util SmallVector.h
47264 ??? _int_free
25963 ??? _int_malloc
20900 c10/util intrusive_ptr.h
18000 ??? __tls_get_addr
15900 c10/core TensorImpl.h
15100 c10/core CPUAllocator.cpp
13500 ??? malloc
12500 c10/core TensorImpl.cpp
Total: 352327
6. A/B testing with Callgrind
One of the most useful features of instruction counts is they allow fine grained comparison of computation, which is critical when analyzing performance.
To see this in action, lets compare our multiplication of two size 128 Tensors with a {128} x {1} multiplication, which will broadcast the second Tensor:
result = {a0 * b0, a1 * b0, …, a127 * b0}
broadcasting_stats = Timer(
"x * y;",
auto x = torch::ones({128});
auto y = torch::ones({1});
Often we want to A/B test two different environments. (e.g. testing a PR, or
experimenting with compile flags.) This is quite simple, as CallgrindStats
, and Measurement are all pickleable. Simply save measurements
from each environment, and load them in a single process for analysis.
import pickle
# Let's round trip `broadcasting_stats` just to show that we can.
broadcasting_stats = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(broadcasting_stats))
# And now to diff the two tasks:
delta = broadcasting_stats - inclusive_stats
def extract_fn_name(fn: str):
"""Trim everything except the function name."""
fn = ":".join(fn.split(":")[1:])
return re.sub(r"\(.+\)", "(...)", fn)
# We use `.transform` to make the diff readable:
<torch.utils.benchmark.utils.valgrind_wrapper.timer_interface.FunctionCounts object at 0x7f192995d750>
17600 at::TensorIteratorBase::compute_strides(...)
12700 at::TensorIteratorBase::allocate_or_resize_outputs()
10200 c10::SmallVectorImpl<long>::operator=(...)
7400 at::infer_size(...)
6200 at::TensorIteratorBase::invert_perm(...) const
6064 _int_free
5100 at::TensorIteratorBase::reorder_dimensions()
4300 malloc
4300 at::TensorIteratorBase::compatible_stride(...) const
-28 _int_memalign
-100 c10::impl::check_tensor_options_and_extract_memory_format(...)
-300 __memcmp_avx2_movbe
-400 at::detail::empty_cpu(...)
-1100 at::TensorIteratorBase::numel() const
-1300 void at::native::(...)
-2400 c10::TensorImpl::is_contiguous(...) const
-6100 at::TensorIteratorBase::compute_fast_setup_type(...)
-22600 at::TensorIteratorBase::fast_set_up(...)
Total: 58091
So the broadcasting version takes an extra 580 instructions per call (recall
that we’re collecting 100 runs per sample), or about 10%. There are quite a
few TensorIterator
calls, so lets drill down to those. FunctionCounts.filter
makes this easy.
print(delta.transform(extract_fn_name).filter(lambda fn: "TensorIterator" in fn))
<torch.utils.benchmark.utils.valgrind_wrapper.timer_interface.FunctionCounts object at 0x7f19299544d0>
17600 at::TensorIteratorBase::compute_strides(...)
12700 at::TensorIteratorBase::allocate_or_resize_outputs()
6200 at::TensorIteratorBase::invert_perm(...) const
5100 at::TensorIteratorBase::reorder_dimensions()
4300 at::TensorIteratorBase::compatible_stride(...) const
4000 at::TensorIteratorBase::compute_shape(...)
2300 at::TensorIteratorBase::coalesce_dimensions()
1600 at::TensorIteratorBase::build(...)
-1100 at::TensorIteratorBase::numel() const
-6100 at::TensorIteratorBase::compute_fast_setup_type(...)
-22600 at::TensorIteratorBase::fast_set_up(...)
Total: 24000
This makes plain what is going on: there is a fast path in TensorIterator
setup, but in the {128} x {1} case we miss it and have to do a more general
analysis which is more expensive. The most prominent call omitted by the
filter is c10::SmallVectorImpl<long>::operator=(…), which is also part
of the more general setup.
7. Wrapping up¶
In summary, use Timer.blocked_autorange to collect wall times. If timing variation is too high, increase min_run_time, or move to C++ snippets if convenient.
For fine grained analysis, use Timer.collect_callgrind to measure instruction counts and FunctionCounts.(__add__ / __sub__ / transform / filter) to slice-and-dice them.
8. Footnotes¶
- Implied
import torch
If globals does not contain “torch”, Timer will automatically populate it. This means that
will work. (Though other imports should be placed in setup, e.g.Timer("np.zeros(())", "import numpy as np")
In order to provide full information about the PyTorch internals which are executed,
needs access to C++ debug symbols. This is accomplished by settingREL_WITH_DEB_INFO=1
when building PyTorch. Otherwise function calls will be opaque. (The resultantCallgrindStats
will warn if debug symbols are missing.)
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)