ts.torch_handler package¶
- ts.torch_handler.request_envelope package
- ts.torch_handler.unit_tests package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- ts.torch_handler.unit_tests.test_base_handler module
- ts.torch_handler.unit_tests.test_envelopes module
- ts.torch_handler.unit_tests.test_image_classifier module
- ts.torch_handler.unit_tests.test_image_segmenter module
- ts.torch_handler.unit_tests.test_mnist_kf module
- ts.torch_handler.unit_tests.test_object_detector module
- Module contents
ts.torch_handler.base_handler module¶
Base default handler to load torchscript or eager mode [state_dict] models Also, provides handle method per torch serve custom model specification
- class ts.torch_handler.base_handler.BaseHandler[source]¶
Base default handler to load torchscript or eager mode [state_dict] models Also, provides handle method per torch serve custom model specification
- handle(data, context)[source]¶
- Entry point for default handler. It takes the data from the input request and returns
the predicted outcome for the input.
- inference(*args, **kwargs)¶
- initialize(context)[source]¶
- Initialize function loads the model.pt file and initialized the model object.
First try to load torchscript else load eager mode state_dict based model.
- Parameters:
context (context) – It is a JSON Object containing information
parameters. (pertaining to the model artifacts) –
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Raises the Runtime error when the model.py is missing
- postprocess(*args, **kwargs)¶
- preprocess(*args, **kwargs)¶
ts.torch_handler.contractions module¶
contraction map for text classification models.
ts.torch_handler.densenet_handler module¶
Module for image classification default handler
- class ts.torch_handler.densenet_handler.DenseNetHandler[source]¶
DenseNetHandler handler class. This handler takes an image and returns the name of object in that image.
ts.torch_handler.image_classifier module¶
Module for image classification default handler
- class ts.torch_handler.image_classifier.ImageClassifier[source]¶
ImageClassifier handler class. This handler takes an image and returns the name of object in that image.
- image_processing = Compose( Resize(size=256, interpolation=bilinear, max_size=None, antialias=True) CenterCrop(size=(224, 224)) ToTensor() Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) )¶
- postprocess(*args, **kwargs)¶
- topk = 5¶
ts.torch_handler.image_segmenter module¶
Module for image segmentation default handler
- class ts.torch_handler.image_segmenter.ImageSegmenter[source]¶
ImageSegmenter handler class. This handler takes a batch of images and returns output shape as [N K H W], where N - batch size, K - number of classes, H - height and W - width.
- image_processing = Compose( Resize(size=256, interpolation=bilinear, max_size=None, antialias=True) CenterCrop(size=(224, 224)) ToTensor() Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) )¶
ts.torch_handler.object_detector module¶
Module for object detection default handler
- class ts.torch_handler.object_detector.ObjectDetector[source]¶
ObjectDetector handler class. This handler takes an image and returns list of detected classes and bounding boxes respectively
- image_processing = Compose( ToTensor() )¶
- initialize(context)[source]¶
- Initialize function loads the model.pt file and initialized the model object.
First try to load torchscript else load eager mode state_dict based model.
- Parameters:
context (context) – It is a JSON Object containing information
parameters. (pertaining to the model artifacts) –
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Raises the Runtime error when the model.py is missing
- threshold = 0.5¶
ts.torch_handler.text_classifier module¶
Module for text classification default handler DOES NOT SUPPORT BATCH!
- class ts.torch_handler.text_classifier.TextClassifier[source]¶
TextClassifier handler class. This handler takes a text (string) and as input and returns the classification text based on the model vocabulary.
- inference(data, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
The Inference Request is made through this function and the user needs to override the inference function to customize it.
- Parameters:
data (torch tensor) –
The data is in the form of Torch Tensor whose shape should match that of the
Model Input shape.
- Returns:
- The predicted response from the model is returned
in this function.
- Return type:
(Torch Tensor)
- ngrams = 2¶
- postprocess(data)[source]¶
- The post process function converts the prediction response into a
Torchserve compatible format
- Parameters:
data (Torch Tensor) – The data parameter comes from the prediction output
output_explain (None) – Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- Returns the response containing the predictions and explanations
(if the Endpoint is hit).It takes the form of a list of dictionary.
- Return type:
- preprocess(data)[source]¶
- Normalizes the input text for PyTorch model using following basic cleanup operations :
remove html tags
lowercase all text
expand contractions [like I’d -> I would, don’t -> do not]
remove accented characters
remove punctuations
Converts the normalized text to tensor using the source_vocab.
- Parameters:
data (str) – The input data is in the form of a string
- Returns:
Text Tensor is returned after perfoming the pre-processing operations (str): The raw input is also returned in this function
- Return type:
ts.torch_handler.text_handler module¶
Base module for all text based default handler. Contains various text based utility methods
- class ts.torch_handler.text_handler.TextHandler[source]¶
Base class for all text based default handler. Contains various text based utility methods
ts.torch_handler.vision_handler module¶
Base module for all vision handlers
- class ts.torch_handler.vision_handler.VisionHandler[source]¶
Base class for all vision handlers
- initialize(context)[source]¶
- Initialize function loads the model.pt file and initialized the model object.
First try to load torchscript else load eager mode state_dict based model.
- Parameters:
context (context) – It is a JSON Object containing information
parameters. (pertaining to the model artifacts) –
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Raises the Runtime error when the model.py is missing
- preprocess(*args, **kwargs)¶