ts.torch_handler.request_envelope package
ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.base module
Base class for all RequestEnvelope.
A request envelope reformats the inputs/outputs of a call to a handler. It translates from formats specific to a model orchestrator like Seldon or KServe to a set of flat Python items, and vice versa.
- class ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.base.BaseEnvelope(handle_fn)[source]
Interface for all envelopes. Derive from this class, replacing the abstract methods
- abstract format_output(data)[source]
- handle(data, context)[source]
The Input Requests and Response are handled here.
- abstract parse_input(data)[source]
ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.body module
Default class for all handlers. Grabs the data out of the request body.
- class ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.body.BodyEnvelope(handle_fn)[source]
Gets the key “body” from the input data, returns a raw list
- format_output(data)[source]
- parse_input(data)[source]
ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.json module
Uses JSON formatted inputs/outputs, following the structure outlined in https://www.tensorflow.org/tfx/serving/api_rest
- class ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.json.JSONEnvelope(handle_fn)[source]
Implementation. Captures batches in JSON format, returns also in JSON format.
- format_output(data)[source]
- parse_input(data)[source]
ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.kserve module
The KServe Envelope is used to handle the KServe Input Request inside Torchserve.
- class ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.kserve.KServeEnvelope(handle_fn)[source]
This function is used to handle the input request specified in kserve format and converts it into a Torchserve readable format.
- Parameters:
Format (data - List of Input Request in kserve) –
- Returns:
Returns the list of the Input Request in Torchserve Format
- Return type:
- format_output(data)[source]
Returns the prediction response and captum explanation response of the input request.
- Parameters:
outputs (List) – The outputs arguments is in the form of a list of dictionaries.
- Returns:
The response is returned as a list of predictions and explanations
- Return type:
- parse_input(data)[source]
ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.kservev2 module
The KServe Envelope is used to handle the KServe Input Request inside Torchserve.
- class ts.torch_handler.request_envelope.kservev2.KServev2Envelope(handle_fn)[source]
Implementation. Captures batches in KServe v2 protocol format, returns also in FServing v2 protocol format.
- format_output(data)[source]
Translates Torchserve output KServe v2 response format.
Parameters: data (list): Torchserve response for handler.
Returns: KServe v2 response json. {
“id”: “f0222600-353f-47df-8d9d-c96d96fa894e”, “model_name”: “bert”, “model_version”: “1”, “outputs”: [{
“name”: “input-0”, “shape”: [1], “datatype”: “INT64”, “data”: [2]
- parse_input(data)[source]
Translates KServe request input to list of data expected by Torchserve.
Parameters: data (json): KServe v2 request input json. {
- “inputs”: [{
“name”: “input-0”, “shape”: [37], “datatype”: “INT64”, “data”: [66, 108, 111, 111, 109]
Returns: list of data objects. [{ ‘name’: ‘input-0’, ‘shape’: [5], ‘datatype’: ‘INT64’, ‘data’: [66, 108, 111, 111, 109] }]