
Source code for ts.torch_handler.base_handler

Base default handler to load torchscript or eager mode [state_dict] models
Also, provides handle method per torch serve custom model specification

import abc
import importlib.util
import logging
import os
import time

import packaging.version
import torch

from ts.handler_utils.timer import timed

from ..utils.util import (

if packaging.version.parse(torch.__version__) >= packaging.version.parse("1.8.1"):
    from torch.profiler import ProfilerActivity, profile, record_function


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm

except ImportError as error:

if packaging.version.parse(torch.__version__) >= packaging.version.parse("2.0.0a"):
    PT2_AVAILABLE = True
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        # If Ampere enable tensor cores which will give better performance
        # Ideally get yourself an A10G or A100 for optimal performance
        if torch.cuda.get_device_capability() >= (8, 0):
  "Enabled tensor cores")
        f"Your torch version is {torch.__version__} which does not support torch.compile"
    PT2_AVAILABLE = False

if packaging.version.parse(torch.__version__) > packaging.version.parse("2.2.2"):
    PT230_AVAILABLE = True
    PT230_AVAILABLE = False

    import openvino.torch  # nopycln: import"OpenVINO backend enabled for torch.compile")
except ImportError:
    logger.warning("OpenVINO is not enabled")

if os.environ.get("TS_IPEX_ENABLE", "false") == "true":
        import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex

        IPEX_AVAILABLE = True
    except ImportError as error:
            "IPEX is enabled but intel-extension-for-pytorch is not installed. Proceeding without IPEX."
        IPEX_AVAILABLE = False

    import onnxruntime as ort
    import psutil"ONNX enabled")
except ImportError as error:
    logger.warning("proceeding without onnxruntime")

    import torch_tensorrt  # nopycln: import"Torch TensorRT enabled")
except ImportError:
    logger.warning("Torch TensorRT not enabled")

[docs]def setup_ort_session(model_pt_path, map_location): providers = ( ["CUDAExecutionProvider", "CPUExecutionProvider"] if map_location == "cuda" else ["CPUExecutionProvider"] ) sess_options = ort.SessionOptions() sess_options.intra_op_num_threads = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True) # Start an inference session ort_session = ort.InferenceSession( model_pt_path, providers=providers, sess_options=sess_options ) return ort_session
[docs]class BaseHandler(abc.ABC): """ Base default handler to load torchscript or eager mode [state_dict] models Also, provides handle method per torch serve custom model specification """ def __init__(self): self.model = None self.mapping = None self.device = None self.initialized = False self.context = None self.model_pt_path = None self.manifest = None self.map_location = None self.explain = False = 0 self.profiler_args = {}
[docs] def initialize(self, context): """Initialize function loads the file and initialized the model object. First try to load torchscript else load eager mode state_dict based model. Args: context (context): It is a JSON Object containing information pertaining to the model artifacts parameters. Raises: RuntimeError: Raises the Runtime error when the is missing """ if context is not None and hasattr(context, "model_yaml_config"): self.model_yaml_config = context.model_yaml_config properties = context.system_properties if torch.cuda.is_available() and properties.get("gpu_id") is not None: self.map_location = "cuda" self.device = torch.device( self.map_location + ":" + str(properties.get("gpu_id")) ) elif ( os.environ.get("TS_IPEX_GPU_ENABLE", "false") == "true" and properties.get("gpu_id") is not None and torch.xpu.is_available() ): self.map_location = "xpu" self.device = torch.device( self.map_location + ":" + str(properties.get("gpu_id")) ) torch.xpu.device(self.device) elif torch.backends.mps.is_available() and properties.get("gpu_id") is not None: self.map_location = "mps" self.device = torch.device("mps") elif XLA_AVAILABLE: self.device = xm.xla_device() else: self.map_location = "cpu" self.device = torch.device(self.map_location) self.manifest = context.manifest model_dir = properties.get("model_dir") self.model_pt_path = None if "serializedFile" in self.manifest["model"]: serialized_file = self.manifest["model"]["serializedFile"] self.model_pt_path = os.path.join(model_dir, serialized_file) # model def file model_file = self.manifest["model"].get("modelFile", "") if model_file: logger.debug("Loading eager model") self.model = self._load_pickled_model( model_dir, model_file, self.model_pt_path ) self.model.eval() # Convert your model by following instructions: # For TensorRT support follow instructions here: elif self.model_pt_path.endswith(".pt"): self.model = self._load_torchscript_model(self.model_pt_path) self.model.eval() # Convert your model by following instructions: elif self.model_pt_path.endswith(".onnx") and ONNX_AVAILABLE: self.model = setup_ort_session(self.model_pt_path, self.map_location)"Succesfully setup ort session") elif ( self.model_pt_path.endswith(".so") and self._use_torch_export_aot_compile() and PT230_AVAILABLE ): # Set cuda device to the gpu_id of the backend worker # This is needed as the API for loading the exported model doesn't yet have a device id if torch.cuda.is_available() and properties.get("gpu_id") is not None: torch.cuda.set_device(self.device) self.model = self._load_torch_export_aot_compile(self.model_pt_path) logger.warning( "torch._export is an experimental feature! Succesfully loaded torch exported model." ) else: raise RuntimeError("No model weights could be loaded") if hasattr(self, "model_yaml_config") and "pt2" in self.model_yaml_config: pt2_value = self.model_yaml_config["pt2"] if "compile" in pt2_value: compile_options = pt2_value["compile"] if compile_options["enable"] == True: del compile_options["enable"] # if backend is not provided, compile will use its default, which is valid valid_backend = ( check_valid_pt2_backend(compile_options["backend"]) if "backend" in compile_options else True ) else: valid_backend = False elif "export" in pt2_value: valid_backend = False else: # pt2_value can be the backend, passed as a str, or arbitrary kwargs, passed as a dict if isinstance(pt2_value, str): compile_options = dict(backend=pt2_value) elif isinstance(pt2_value, dict): compile_options = pt2_value else: raise ValueError("pt2 should be str or dict") # if backend is not provided, compile will use its default, which is valid valid_backend = ( check_valid_pt2_backend(compile_options["backend"]) if "backend" in compile_options else True ) logger.warning( "This approach of specifying torch.compile() options is deprecated. The new standard approach is mentioned in" ) else: valid_backend = False # PT 2.0 support is opt in if PT2_AVAILABLE and valid_backend: compile_options_str = ", ".join( [f"{k} {v}" for k, v in compile_options.items()] ) # Compilation will delay your model initialization try: self.model = torch.compile( self.model, **compile_options, )"Compiled model with {compile_options_str}") except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Compiling model model with {compile_options_str} has failed \n Proceeding without compilation" ) logger.warning(e) elif IPEX_AVAILABLE: self.model = self.model = self.model = ipex.optimize(self.model)"Compiled model with ipex") logger.debug("Model file %s loaded successfully", self.model_pt_path) # Load class mapping for classifiers mapping_file_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "index_to_name.json") self.mapping = load_label_mapping(mapping_file_path) self.initialized = True
def _load_torch_export_aot_compile(self, model_so_path): """Loads the PyTorch model so and returns a Callable object. Args: model_pt_path (str): denotes the path of the model file. Returns: (Callable Object) : Loads the model object. """ return torch._export.aot_load(model_so_path, self.map_location) def _load_torchscript_model(self, model_pt_path): """Loads the PyTorch model and returns the NN model object. Args: model_pt_path (str): denotes the path of the model file. Returns: (NN Model Object) : Loads the model object. """ return torch.jit.load(model_pt_path, map_location=self.device) def _load_pickled_model(self, model_dir, model_file, model_pt_path): """ Loads the pickle file from the given model path. Args: model_dir (str): Points to the location of the model artifacts. model_file (.py): the file which contains the model class. model_pt_path (str): points to the location of the model pickle file. Raises: RuntimeError: It raises this error when the file is missing. ValueError: Raises value error when there is more than one class in the label, since the mapping supports only one label per class. Returns: serialized model file: Returns the pickled pytorch model file """ model_def_path = os.path.join(model_dir, model_file) if not os.path.isfile(model_def_path): raise RuntimeError("Missing the file") module = importlib.import_module(model_file.split(".")[0]) model_class_definitions = list_classes_from_module(module) if len(model_class_definitions) != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected only one class as model definition. {}".format( model_class_definitions ) ) model_class = model_class_definitions[0] model = model_class() if model_pt_path: map_location = ( None if (XLA_AVAILABLE and self.map_location is None) else self.device ) state_dict = torch.load(model_pt_path, map_location=map_location) model.load_state_dict(state_dict) return model def _use_torch_export_aot_compile(self): torch_export_aot_compile = False if hasattr(self, "model_yaml_config") and "pt2" in self.model_yaml_config: # Check if torch._export.aot_compile is being used pt2_value = self.model_yaml_config["pt2"] export_value = pt2_value.get("export", None) if isinstance(export_value, dict) and "aot_compile" in export_value: torch_export_aot_compile = ( True if export_value["aot_compile"] == True else False ) return torch_export_aot_compile @timed def preprocess(self, data): """ Preprocess function to convert the request input to a tensor(Torchserve supported format). The user needs to override to customize the pre-processing Args : data (list): List of the data from the request input. Returns: tensor: Returns the tensor data of the input """ return torch.as_tensor(data, device=self.device) @timed def inference(self, data, *args, **kwargs): """ The Inference Function is used to make a prediction call on the given input request. The user needs to override the inference function to customize it. Args: data (Torch Tensor): A Torch Tensor is passed to make the Inference Request. The shape should match the model input shape. Returns: Torch Tensor : The Predicted Torch Tensor is returned in this function. """ with torch.inference_mode(): marshalled_data = results = self.model(marshalled_data, *args, **kwargs) return results @timed def postprocess(self, data): """ The post process function makes use of the output from the inference and converts into a Torchserve supported response output. Args: data (Torch Tensor): The torch tensor received from the prediction output of the model. Returns: List: The post process function returns a list of the predicted output. """ return data.tolist()
[docs] def handle(self, data, context): """Entry point for default handler. It takes the data from the input request and returns the predicted outcome for the input. Args: data (list): The input data that needs to be made a prediction request on. context (Context): It is a JSON Object containing information pertaining to the model artifacts parameters. Returns: list : Returns a list of dictionary with the predicted response. """ # It can be used for pre or post processing if needed as additional request # information is available in context start_time = time.time() self.context = context metrics = self.context.metrics is_profiler_enabled = os.environ.get("ENABLE_TORCH_PROFILER", None) if is_profiler_enabled: if PROFILER_AVAILABLE: if self.manifest is None: # profiler will use to get the model name self.manifest = context.manifest output, _ = self._infer_with_profiler(data=data) else: raise RuntimeError( "Profiler is enabled but current version of torch does not support." "Install torch>=1.8.1 to use profiler." ) else: if self._is_describe(): output = [self.describe_handle()] else: data_preprocess = self.preprocess(data) if not self._is_explain(): output = self.inference(data_preprocess) output = self.postprocess(output) else: output = self.explain_handle(data_preprocess, data) stop_time = time.time() metrics.add_time( "HandlerTime", round((stop_time - start_time) * 1000, 2), None, "ms" ) return output
def _infer_with_profiler(self, data): """Custom method to generate pytorch profiler traces for preprocess/inference/postprocess Args: data (list): The input data that needs to be made a prediction request on. Returns: output : Returns a list of dictionary with the predicted response. prof: pytorch profiler object """ # Setting the default profiler arguments to profile cpu, gpu usage and record shapes # User can override this argument based on the requirement if not self.profiler_args: self.profiler_args["activities"] = [ ProfilerActivity.CPU, ProfilerActivity.CUDA, ] self.profiler_args["record_shapes"] = True if "on_trace_ready" not in self.profiler_args: result_path = "/tmp/pytorch_profiler" dir_name = "" try: model_name = self.manifest["model"]["modelName"] dir_name = model_name except KeyError: logging.debug("Model name not found in config") result_path = os.path.join(result_path, dir_name) self.profiler_args[ "on_trace_ready" ] = torch.profiler.tensorboard_trace_handler(result_path)"Saving chrome trace to : %s", result_path) with profile(**self.profiler_args) as prof: with record_function("preprocess"): data_preprocess = self.preprocess(data) if not self._is_explain(): with record_function("inference"): output = self.inference(data_preprocess) with record_function("postprocess"): output = self.postprocess(output) else: with record_function("explain"): output = self.explain_handle(data_preprocess, data)"cpu_time_total", row_limit=10)) return output, prof
[docs] def explain_handle(self, data_preprocess, raw_data): """Captum explanations handler Args: data_preprocess (Torch Tensor): Preprocessed data to be used for captum raw_data (list): The unprocessed data to get target from the request Returns: dict : A dictionary response with the explanations response. """ output_explain = None inputs = None target = 0"Calculating Explanations") row = raw_data[0] if isinstance(row, dict):"Getting data and target") inputs = row.get("data") or row.get("body") target = row.get("target") if not target: target = 0 output_explain = self.get_insights(data_preprocess, inputs, target) return output_explain
def _is_explain(self): if self.context and self.context.get_request_header(0, "explain"): if self.context.get_request_header(0, "explain") == "True": self.explain = True return True return False def _is_describe(self): if self.context and self.context.get_request_header(0, "describe"): if self.context.get_request_header(0, "describe") == "True": return True return False
[docs] def describe_handle(self): """Customized describe handler Returns: dict : A dictionary response. """ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass pass
# pylint: enable=unnecessary-pass
[docs] def get_device(self): """Get device Returns: string : self device """ return self.device


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