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TorchServe on Windows
Contents of this Document
At present, it has only been certified on windows server 2019 however should work fine on Windows 10.
Make sure you are an admin user or have admin rights
The instruction given here will use anaconda Powershell terminal to install torchserve
Install Anaconda as given here
Install Git as given here
Install openjdk17
Download openjdk17
Unzip and edit/add environment variables i.e. PATH and JAVA_HOME e.g.
Using command line
unzip jdk-17.0.3_windows-x64_bin.zip
or using GUI interfaceEdit system or user profile environment variable
value and append path<your-openjdk17-path>\bin
to it
Install nodejs
Download nodejs
Post installation make sure nodejs and npm node modules binaries are present in PATH environment variable.
You may have to re-start windows if your ‘Anaconda Powershell Prompt’ (APP) is not able to detect npm or nodejs commands
Install from binaries
NOTE At present, wheels for windows are not available on PyPi. However following steps can also be used if you have prebuilt torchserve wheel for windows.
Start ‘Anaconda Powershell Prompt’ (APP) as Admin User i.e. By right click on APP and run following commands
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/serve.git
cd serve
python .\ts_scripts\install_dependencies.py
For local wheel file
pip install <your-torchserve-wheel-file-name>.whl
For PyPi package (N/A at present)
pip install torchserve torch-model-archiver
Start torchserve
torchserve.exe --start --model-store <path-to-model-store>
For next steps refer Serving a model
Install from source
Ensure that system or user profile environment variable name
with value as<your-openjdk17-path>
path is present.Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019
NOTE ensure that you have restarted system after install above Visual C++ components
Ensure that ‘nvidia-smi.exe’ is available in
environment variable. Usually, it should be available under<your_install_drive>\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI
e.g. C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI, add this path toPath
env variableStart ‘Anaconda Powershell Prompt’ (APP) as Admin User i.e. By right click on APP and run following commands
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/serve.git
pip install click
cd serve
For production usage, use commands below:
python .\ts_scripts\install_dependencies.py --environment=prod
python .\ts_scripts\install_from_src.py
For development purposes, use commands below:
If you plan to develop with TorchServe and change some source code, commands below will help. The install_dependencies script installs few extra dependencies which are needed for development and testing.
python .\ts_scripts\install_dependencies.py --environment=dev
python .\ts_scripts\install_from_src.py
If you are building from source then you may have to change the port number for inference, management and metrics apis as specified in
, all files infrontend/server/src/test/resources/snapshot/*
command fails to execute then run following command on APP (anaconda powershell prompt)Remove-item alias:curl
Refer to this SO answer for details.