
Source code for ts.torch_handler.text_handler

Base module for all text based default handler.
Contains various text based utility methods
import logging
import os
import re
import string
import unicodedata
from abc import ABC

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from captum.attr import LayerIntegratedGradients
from import get_tokenizer

from ..utils.util import CLEANUP_REGEX
from .base_handler import BaseHandler
from .contractions import CONTRACTION_MAP

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL,

[docs]class TextHandler(BaseHandler, ABC): """ Base class for all text based default handler. Contains various text based utility methods """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.source_vocab = None self.tokenizer = get_tokenizer("basic_english") self.input_text = None self.lig = None self.initialized = None
[docs] def initialize(self, context): """ Loads the model and Initializes the necessary artifacts """ super().initialize(context) self.initialized = False source_vocab = ( self.manifest["model"]["sourceVocab"] if "sourceVocab" in self.manifest["model"] else None ) if source_vocab: # Backward compatibility self.source_vocab = torch.load(source_vocab) else: self.source_vocab = torch.load(self.get_source_vocab_path(context)) # Captum initialization self.lig = LayerIntegratedGradients(self.model, self.model.embedding) self.initialized = True
[docs] def get_source_vocab_path(self, ctx): properties = ctx.system_properties model_dir = properties.get("model_dir") source_vocab_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "") if os.path.isfile(source_vocab_path): return source_vocab_path else: raise Exception( "Missing the source_vocab file. Refer default handler " "documentation for details on using text_handler." )
def _expand_contractions(self, text): """ Expands the contracted words in the text """ def expand_match(contraction): match = first_char = match[0] expanded_contraction = ( CONTRACTION_MAP.get(match) if CONTRACTION_MAP.get(match) else CONTRACTION_MAP.get(match.lower()) ) expanded_contraction = first_char + expanded_contraction[1:] return expanded_contraction text = CONTRACTIONS_PATTERN.sub(expand_match, text) text = re.sub("'", "", text) return text def _remove_accented_characters(self, text): """ Removes remove_accented_characters """ text = ( unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", text) .encode("ascii", "ignore") .decode("utf-8", "ignore") ) return text def _remove_html_tags(self, text): """ Removes html tags """ clean_text = CLEANUP_REGEX.sub("", text) return clean_text def _remove_puncutation(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Mispelled in original version. This is a compat layer """ return self._remove_punctuation(*args, **kwargs) def _remove_punctuation(self, text): """ Removes punctuation """ return text.translate(str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation)) def _tokenize(self, text): return self.tokenizer(text)
[docs] def get_word_token(self, input_tokens): """ Constructs word tokens from text """ # Remove unicode space character from BPE Tokeniser tokens = [token.replace("Ġ", "") for token in input_tokens] return tokens
[docs] def summarize_attributions(self, attributions): """ Summarises the attribution across multiple runs """ attributions = F.softmax(attributions) attributions_sum = attributions.sum(dim=-1)"attributions sum shape %d", attributions_sum.shape) attributions = attributions / torch.norm(attributions_sum) return attributions


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