⚠️ Notice: Limited Maintenance
This project is no longer actively maintained. While existing releases remain available, there are no planned updates, bug fixes, new features, or security patches. Users should be aware that vulnerabilities may not be addressed.
Apple Silicon Support
What is supported
TorchServe CI jobs now include M1 hardware in order to ensure support, documentation on github M1 hardware.
For Docker ensure Docker for Apple silicon is installed then follow setup steps
Experimental Support
For GPU jobs on Apple Silicon, MPS is now auto detected and enabled. To prevent TorchServe from using MPS, users have to set
deviceType: "cpu"
in model-config.yaml.This is an experimental feature and NOT ALL models are guaranteed to work.
Number of GPUs now reports GPUs on Apple Silicon
Pytests that checks for MPS on MacOS M1 devices
Models that have been tested and work: Resnet-18, Densenet161, Alexnet
Models that have been tested and DO NOT work: MNIST
Example Resnet-18 Using MPS On Mac M1 Pro
serve % torchserve --start --model-store model_store_gen --models resnet-18=resnet-18.mar --ncs
Torchserve version: 0.10.0
Number of GPUs: 16
Number of CPUs: 10
Max heap size: 8192 M
Python executable: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/bin/python3.11
Config file: N/A
Inference address:
Management address:
Metrics address:
Model Store:
Initial Models: resnet-18=resnet-18.mar
Log dir:
Metrics dir:
Netty threads: 0
Netty client threads: 0
Default workers per model: 16
Blacklist Regex: N/A
Maximum Response Size: 6553500
Maximum Request Size: 6553500
Limit Maximum Image Pixels: true
Prefer direct buffer: false
Allowed Urls: [file://.*|http(s)?://.*]
Custom python dependency for model allowed: false
Enable metrics API: true
Metrics mode: LOG
Disable system metrics: false
Workflow Store:
CPP log config: N/A
Model config: N/A
024-04-08T14:18:02,380 [INFO ] main org.pytorch.serve.servingsdk.impl.PluginsManager - Loading snapshot serializer plugin...
2024-04-08T14:18:02,391 [INFO ] main org.pytorch.serve.ModelServer - Loading initial models: resnet-18.mar
2024-04-08T14:18:02,699 [DEBUG] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelVersionedRefs - Adding new version 1.0 for model resnet-18
2024-04-08T14:18:02,699 [INFO ] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelManager - Model resnet-18 loaded.
2024-04-08T14:18:02,699 [DEBUG] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelManager - updateModel: resnet-18, count: 16
serve % curl -T ./examples/image_classifier/kitten.jpg
"tabby": 0.40966302156448364,
"tiger_cat": 0.3467046618461609,
"Egyptian_cat": 0.1300288736820221,
"lynx": 0.02391958422958851,
"bucket": 0.011532187461853027
Conda Example
(myenv) serve % pip list | grep torch
torch 2.2.1
torchaudio 2.2.1
torchdata 0.7.1
torchtext 0.17.1
torchvision 0.17.1
(myenv3) serve % conda install -c pytorch-nightly torchserve torch-model-archiver torch-workflow-archiver
(myenv3) serve % pip list | grep torch
torch 2.2.1
torch-model-archiver 0.10.0b20240312
torch-workflow-archiver 0.2.12b20240312
torchaudio 2.2.1
torchdata 0.7.1
torchserve 0.10.0b20240312
torchtext 0.17.1
torchvision 0.17.1
(myenv3) serve % torchserve --start --ncs --models densenet161.mar --model-store ./model_store_gen/
Torchserve version: 0.10.0
Number of GPUs: 0
Number of CPUs: 10
Max heap size: 8192 M
Config file: N/A
Inference address:
Management address:
Metrics address:
Initial Models: densenet161.mar
Netty threads: 0
Netty client threads: 0
Default workers per model: 10
Blacklist Regex: N/A
Maximum Response Size: 6553500
Maximum Request Size: 6553500
Limit Maximum Image Pixels: true
Prefer direct buffer: false
Allowed Urls: [file://.*|http(s)?://.*]
Custom python dependency for model allowed: false
Enable metrics API: true
Metrics mode: LOG
Disable system metrics: false
CPP log config: N/A
Model config: N/A
System metrics command: default
2024-03-12T15:58:54,702 [INFO ] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelManager - Model densenet161 loaded.
2024-03-12T15:58:54,702 [DEBUG] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelManager - updateModel: densenet161, count: 10
Model server started.
(myenv3) serve % curl -T examples/image_classifier/kitten.jpg
"tabby": 0.46661922335624695,
"tiger_cat": 0.46449029445648193,
"Egyptian_cat": 0.0661405548453331,
"lynx": 0.001292439759708941,
"plastic_bag": 0.00022909720428287983