
Source code for ts.utils.util

Utility functions for TorchServe
import enum
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import re

import yaml

[docs]class PT2Backend(str, enum.Enum): EAGER = "eager" AOT_EAGER = "aot_eager" INDUCTOR = "inductor" NVFUSER = "nvfuser" AOT_NVFUSER = "aot_nvfuser" AOT_CUDAGRAPHS = "aot_cudagraphs" OFI = "ofi" FX2TRT = "fx2trt" ONNXRT = "onnxrt" IPEX = "ipex" TORCHXLA_TRACE_ONCE = "torchxla_trace_once"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CLEANUP_REGEX = re.compile("<.*?>|&([a-z0-9]+|#[0-9]{1,6}|#x[0-9a-f]{1,6});")
[docs]def list_classes_from_module(module, parent_class=None): """ Parse user defined module to get all model service classes in it. :param module: :param parent_class: :return: List of model service class definitions """ # Parsing the module to get all defined classes classes = [ cls[1] for cls in inspect.getmembers( module, lambda member: inspect.isclass(member) and member.__module__ == module.__name__, ) ] # filter classes that is subclass of parent_class if parent_class is not None: return [c for c in classes if issubclass(c, parent_class)] return classes
[docs]def check_valid_pt2_backend(backend: str) -> bool: backend_values = [member.value for member in PT2Backend] if backend in backend_values: return True else: logger.warning(f"{backend} is not a supported backend") return False
[docs]def load_label_mapping(mapping_file_path): """ Load a JSON mapping { class ID -> friendly class name }. Used in BaseHandler. """ if not os.path.isfile(mapping_file_path): logger.warning( f"{mapping_file_path!r} is missing. Inference output will not include class name." ) return None with open(mapping_file_path) as f: mapping = json.load(f) if not isinstance(mapping, dict): raise Exception( 'index->name JSON mapping should be in "class": "label" format.' ) # Older examples had a different syntax than others. This code accommodates those. if "object_type_names" in mapping and isinstance( mapping["object_type_names"], list ): mapping = {str(k): v for k, v in enumerate(mapping["object_type_names"])} return mapping for key, value in mapping.items(): new_value = value if isinstance(new_value, list): new_value = value[-1] if not isinstance(new_value, str): raise Exception( "labels in index->name mapping must be either str or List[str]" ) mapping[key] = new_value return mapping
[docs]def map_class_to_label(probs, mapping=None, lbl_classes=None): """ Given a list of classes & probabilities, return a dictionary of { friendly class name -> probability } """ if not isinstance(probs, list): raise Exception("Convert classes to list before doing mapping") if mapping is not None and not isinstance(mapping, dict): raise Exception("Mapping must be a dict") if lbl_classes is None: lbl_classes = itertools.repeat(range(len(probs[0])), len(probs)) results = [ { (mapping[str(lbl_class)] if mapping is not None else str(lbl_class)): prob for lbl_class, prob in zip(*row) } for row in zip(lbl_classes, probs) ] return results
[docs]def get_yaml_config(yaml_file_path): config = {} with open(yaml_file_path, "r") as file: config = yaml.safe_load(file) return config
[docs]class PredictionException(Exception): def __init__(self, message, error_code=500): self.message = message self.error_code = error_code super().__init__(message) def __str__(self): return f"{self.message} : {self.error_code}"


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