
Source code for ts.metrics.metric

Metric class for model server
import socket
import time
from builtins import str
from collections import OrderedDict

from ts.metrics.caching_metric import CachingMetric
from ts.metrics.metric_type_enum import MetricTypes
from ts.metrics.unit import Units

MetricUnit = Units()

[docs]class Metric(object): """ Class for generating metrics and printing it to stdout of the worker """ def __init__( self, name, value, unit, dimensions, request_id=None, metric_method=None, ): """ Constructor for Metric class Metric class will spawn a thread and report collected metrics to stdout of worker Parameters ---------- name: str Name of metric value : int, float Can be integer or float unit: str unit can be one of ms, percent, count, MB, GB or a generic string dimensions: list list of Dimension objects request_id: str req_id of metric metric_method: str useful for defining different operations, optional """ self.metric_type = MetricTypes.COUNTER self.dimensions = dimensions self.dimension_names = [ for dim in dimensions] self.dimension_values = [dim.value for dim in dimensions] self._caching_metric = CachingMetric( metric_name=name, unit=unit, dimension_names=self.dimension_names, metric_type=self.metric_type, ) = self._caching_metric.metric_name self.unit = self._caching_metric.unit self.metric_method = metric_method self.value = value self.request_id = request_id
[docs] def update(self, value): """ Update function for Metric class Parameters ---------- value : int, float metric to be updated """ self._caching_metric.add_or_update( value, self.dimension_values, request_id=self.request_id )
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset Metric value to 0 """ self._caching_metric.add_or_update( 0, self.dimension_values, request_id=self.request_id )
def __str__(self): dims = ",".join([str(d) for d in self.dimensions]) if self.request_id: return ( f"{}.{self.unit}:{self.value}|#{dims}|#hostname:{socket.gethostname()}," f"{int(time.time())},{self.request_id}" ) return f"{}.{self.unit}:{self.value}|#{dims}|#hostname:{socket.gethostname()},{int(time.time())}"
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ return an Ordered Dictionary """ return OrderedDict( { "MetricName":, "Value": self.value, "Unit": self.unit, "Dimensions": self.dimensions, "Timestamp": int(time.time()), "HostName": socket.gethostname(), "RequestId": self.request_id, } )


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