
Source code for torch_tensorrt.dynamo._refit

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.export import ExportedProgram
from torch_tensorrt._enums import dtype
from torch_tensorrt._Input import Input
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo import partitioning
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo._exporter import inline_torch_modules
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo._settings import CompilationSettings
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.conversion._conversion import infer_module_output_dtypes
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.conversion._ConverterRegistry import (
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.conversion._TRTInterpreter import TRTInterpreter
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.conversion.truncate_double import repair_double_inputs
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.lowering import (
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.runtime._PythonTorchTensorRTModule import (
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.runtime._TorchTensorRTModule import (
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.utils import (
from torch_tensorrt.logging import TRT_LOGGER

import tensorrt as trt

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def construct_refit_mapping(
    module: torch.fx.GraphModule,
    inputs: Sequence[Input],
    settings: CompilationSettings = CompilationSettings(),
) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]:
    """Find out the weight mapping between weight in exported program and TensorRT engine
        module: FX GraphModule to interpret
        inputs: Sequence of Tensors representing inputs to the module
        settings: Compilation settings
        Mapping from weight name in TensorRT to actual weight value in np.ndarray
    MODULE_MAP = {
        "SCALE": (trt.IScaleLayer, [("scale", "SCALE"), ("shift", "SHIFT")]),
        "CONVOLUTION": (
            [("kernel", "KERNEL"), ("bias", "BIAS")],
        "DECONVOLUTION": (
            [("kernel", "KERNEL"), ("bias", "BIAS")],
        "CONSTANT": (trt.IConstantLayer, [("weights", "CONSTANT")]),

    output_dtypes = infer_module_output_dtypes(

    # Use Interpreter
    weight_map = {}
    interpreter = TRTInterpreter(
        logger_level=(trt.Logger.VERBOSE if settings.debug else trt.Logger.WARNING),
    net =
    for i in range(net.num_layers):
        layer = net[i]
        layer_type: str =
        if layer_type in MODULE_MAP:
            # Cast the parent class to child class to access attributes
            # For example: ILayer does not have ILayer.kernel/ILayer.bias
            # So we cast it to IConvolutionLayer and access the attributes
            layer.__class__ = MODULE_MAP[layer_type][0]
            for weight_type, weight_name in MODULE_MAP[layer_type][1]:
                weight = layer.__getattribute__(weight_type).copy()
                weight_dtype = dtype.try_from(weight.dtype).to(trt.DataType)
                weight_map[f"{} {weight_name}"] = (

    return weight_map

def construct_refit_mapping_from_weight_name_map(
    weight_name_map: dict[Any, Any], state_dict: dict[Any, Any]
) -> dict[Any, Any]:
    engine_weight_map = {}
    for engine_weight_name, (sd_weight_name, np_weight_type) in weight_name_map.items():
        trt_dtype = dtype.try_from(np_weight_type).to(trt.DataType)
        torch_dtype = dtype.try_from(np_weight_type).to(torch.dtype)

        if sd_weight_name not in state_dict:
            # If weights is not in sd, we can leave it unchanged
            engine_weight_map[engine_weight_name] = state_dict[sd_weight_name]

        engine_weight_map[engine_weight_name] = (

    return engine_weight_map

def _refit_single_trt_engine_with_gm(
    new_gm: torch.fx.GraphModule,
    old_engine: trt.ICudaEngine,
    input_list: Sequence[Any],
    settings: CompilationSettings = CompilationSettings(),
    weight_name_map: Optional[dict[str, List[str]]] = None,
) -> None:
    Refit a TensorRT Engine in place

    refitted = set()
    torch_device = get_model_device(new_gm)
    refitter = trt.Refitter(old_engine, TRT_LOGGER)
    weight_list = refitter.get_all_weights()

    if weight_name_map:
        # Get the refitting mapping
        trt_wt_location = (
            if torch_device == "cuda"
            else trt.TensorLocation.HOST
        mapping = construct_refit_mapping_from_weight_name_map(
            weight_name_map, new_gm.state_dict()

        # Debug Use
        # correct = construct_refit_mapping(new_gm, input_list, settings)
        # comparison = {k: (np.allclose(correct[k][0], mapping[k][0].cpu().numpy(), 1e-2, 1e-2), correct[k][0], mapping[k][0]) for k in mapping if k in correct}

        for layer_name in weight_list:
            if layer_name not in mapping:
                logger.warning(f"{layer_name} is not found in weight mapping.")
            # Use Numpy to create weights
            weight, weight_dtype = mapping[layer_name]
            trt_wt_tensor = trt.Weights(
                weight_dtype, weight.data_ptr(), torch.numel(weight)
            refitter.set_named_weights(layer_name, trt_wt_tensor, trt_wt_location)
        assert (
            len(refitter.get_missing_weights()) == 0
        ), "Fast refitting failed due to incomplete mapping"

        mapping = construct_refit_mapping(new_gm, input_list, settings)
        trt_wt_location = trt.TensorLocation.HOST
        for layer_name in weight_list:
            if layer_name not in mapping:
                raise AssertionError(f"{layer_name} is not found in weight mapping")
            # Use Numpy to create weights
            weight, datatype = mapping[layer_name]
            trt_wt_tensor = trt.Weights(datatype,, weight.size)
            refitter.set_named_weights(layer_name, trt_wt_tensor, trt_wt_location)

        if len(refitted) != len(weight_list):
            logger.warning("Not all weights have been refitted!!!")

    if not refitter.refit_cuda_engine():
        logger.error("Error: failed to refit new weights.")
        raise AssertionError("Refitting failed.")

[docs]def refit_module_weights( compiled_module: torch.fx.GraphModule | ExportedProgram, new_weight_module: ExportedProgram, arg_inputs: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None, kwarg_inputs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, verify_output: bool = False, use_weight_map_cache: bool = True, in_place: bool = False, ) -> torch.fx.GraphModule: """ Refit a compiled graph module with ExportedProgram. This performs weight updates in compiled_module without recompiling the engine. Args: compiled_module: compiled TensorRT module that needs to be refitted. This compiled_module should be compmiled by torch_tensorrt.dynamo.compile or load it from disk using trt.load. new_weight_module: exported program with the updated weights. This one should have the same model architecture as the compiled module. arg_inputs: sample arg inputs. Optional, needed if output check kwarg_inputs: sample kwarg inputs. Optional, needed if output check verify_output: whether to verify output of refitted module Returns: A new compiled TensorRT module that has the updated weights. """ inline_module = False if isinstance(compiled_module, ExportedProgram): compiled_module = compiled_module.module() if len(list(compiled_module.named_children())) == 0: inline_module = True if not in_place: compiled_module = copy.deepcopy(compiled_module) elif inline_module: raise AssertionError( "Exported program does not support modifying in place. Please set in_place to false and use the returned graph module." ) # Get the settings and check the setting to be uniform settings: CompilationSettings = None if inline_module: # Obtain the settings compiled_submodules = [ (name.replace("_engine", ""), engine) for name, engine in compiled_module.__dict__.items() if "engine" in name ] # [('_run_on_acc_0', inline_module)] encoded_metadata = compiled_submodules[0][1].__getstate__()[0][ SERIALIZED_METADATA_IDX ] assert ( encoded_metadata != "" ), "The engine provided is either not refittable or was built with a version of Torch-TensorRT that is too old, please recompile using the latest version with make_refitable=True" settings = TorchTensorRTModule.decode_metadata(encoded_metadata)["settings"] # Handle torch modules compiled_submodules_map = dict(compiled_submodules) for name, submodule in compiled_module.named_children(): compiled_submodules_map[name] = submodule else: for name, submodule in compiled_module.named_children(): if not isinstance( submodule, (PythonTorchTensorRTModule, TorchTensorRTModule) ): continue settings = submodule.settings assert ( settings.make_refitable ), "Refitting is not enabled. Please recompile the engine with refit=True." if settings.debug: set_log_level(logger.parent, logging.DEBUG) device = to_torch_tensorrt_device(settings.device) if arg_inputs: if not isinstance(arg_inputs, # Prepare torch_trt inputs arg_inputs = [arg_inputs] torch_inputs = get_torch_inputs(arg_inputs, device) torch_kwarg_inputs: Any = {} if kwarg_inputs: torch_kwarg_inputs = get_torch_inputs(kwarg_inputs, device) runtime = trt.Runtime(TRT_LOGGER) if not isinstance(new_weight_module, ExportedProgram): raise AssertionError( f"Input graph should be an ExportedProgram but got type {type(new_weight_module)}" ) new_weight_module = pre_export_lowering(new_weight_module) new_weight_module = new_weight_module.run_decompositions( get_decompositions(settings.enable_experimental_decompositions) ) new_gm = new_weight_module.module() logger.debug("Input graph: " + str(new_gm.graph)) # Apply lowering on the graph module new_gm = post_lowering(new_gm)"Compilation Settings: %s\n", settings) # Set torch-executed ops CONVERTERS.set_disallowed_targets(settings.torch_executed_ops) # If specified, try using the fast partitioner and fall back to the global one on failure if settings.use_fast_partitioner: try: new_partitioned_module, supported_ops = partitioning.fast_partition( new_gm, verbose=settings.debug, min_block_size=settings.min_block_size, torch_executed_ops=settings.torch_executed_ops, ) except torch.fx.passes.splitter_base.FxNetSplitterInternalError: logger.error( "Partitioning failed on the subgraph with fast partition. See trace above. " + "Retrying with global partition.", exc_info=True, ) settings.use_fast_partitioner = False if not settings.use_fast_partitioner: new_partitioned_module, supported_ops = partitioning.global_partition( new_gm, verbose=settings.debug, min_block_size=settings.min_block_size, torch_executed_ops=settings.torch_executed_ops, ) if inline_module: # Preprocess the partitioned module to be in the same format as the inline module inline_torch_modules(new_partitioned_module) new_partitioned_module.delete_all_unused_submodules() # Check the number of partitions and name assert {sm[0] for sm in new_partitioned_module.named_children()} == set( compiled_submodules_map.keys() ), "New weights module is not compatible with previously compiled Torch-TensorRT module" else: assert {sm[0] for sm in new_partitioned_module.named_children()} == { sm[0] for sm in compiled_module.named_children() }, "New weights module is not compatible with previously compiled Torch-TensorRT module" # 2. TODO: Check the hash of source fx.Graph and new fx.Graph # Iterate over all components that can be accelerated # Generate the corresponding TRT Module for those for name, new_submodule in new_partitioned_module.named_children(): # Refit each submodule # Extract engine from the submodule try: if inline_module: weight_name_map = None compiled_submodule = compiled_submodules_map[name] # If this is a torch module, load the old state_dict if "_run_on_acc" not in name: compiled_submodule.load_state_dict(new_submodule.state_dict()) continue else: engine_info = compiled_submodule.__getstate__()[0] engine = get_engine_from_encoded_engine( engine_info[ENGINE_IDX], runtime ) if use_weight_map_cache: encoded_metadata = compiled_submodule.__getstate__()[0][ SERIALIZED_METADATA_IDX ] weight_name_map = TorchTensorRTModule.decode_metadata( encoded_metadata )["weight_name_map"] if not weight_name_map: use_weight_map_cache = False logger.warning( "This engine does not have a weight map cache. Rebuilding the weight map" ) else: compiled_submodule = getattr(compiled_module, name) weight_name_map = None if use_weight_map_cache: try: weight_name_map = compiled_submodule.weight_name_map except AttributeError: logger.warning( "The module was compiled with an old version of Torch-TensorRT. Rebuilding the weight map." ) if not weight_name_map: use_weight_map_cache = False logger.warning( "This engine does not have a weight map cache. Rebuilding the weight map" ) if isinstance(compiled_submodule, PythonTorchTensorRTModule): engine = compiled_submodule.engine elif isinstance(compiled_submodule, TorchTensorRTModule): engine_info = compiled_submodule.engine.__getstate__()[0] engine = get_engine_from_encoded_engine( engine_info[ENGINE_IDX], runtime ) elif isinstance(compiled_submodule, torch.fx.graph_module.GraphModule): # This is graph break resulted by unsupported ops compiled_submodule.load_state_dict(new_submodule.state_dict()) continue else: raise AssertionError( "The type of graph module is not supported for refitting." ) except AttributeError: raise AssertionError( "The type of graph module is not supported for refitting or two compiled modules do not match." ) # Get the submodule inputs for min, opt, max shapes of the graph inputs submodule_inputs = partitioning.construct_submodule_inputs(new_submodule) logger.debug( "Refitting Submodule name: %s\n", str(name), ) assert submodule_inputs is not None # Handle long/double inputs if requested by the user if settings.truncate_double: submodule_inputs = repair_double_inputs( new_partitioned_module, new_submodule, submodule_inputs, to_torch_device(settings.device), name, ) try: _refit_single_trt_engine_with_gm( new_gm=new_submodule, old_engine=engine, input_list=submodule_inputs, settings=settings, weight_name_map=weight_name_map, ) except AssertionError as e: # If fast_refit is used and failed, we fall back to regular refit logger.warning(e) if use_weight_map_cache and weight_name_map: _refit_single_trt_engine_with_gm( new_gm=new_submodule, old_engine=engine, input_list=submodule_inputs, settings=settings, weight_name_map=None, ) if isinstance(compiled_submodule, TorchTensorRTModule): serialized_engine = bytes(engine.serialize()) new_engine_info = list(engine_info) new_engine_info[ENGINE_IDX] = serialized_engine refitted_engine = torch.classes.tensorrt.Engine(tuple(new_engine_info)) compiled_submodule.engine = refitted_engine elif inline_module: serialized_engine = bytes(engine.serialize()) new_engine_info = list(engine_info) new_engine_info[ENGINE_IDX] = serialized_engine refitted_engine = torch.classes.tensorrt.Engine(tuple(new_engine_info)) setattr(compiled_module, f"{name}_engine", refitted_engine) if verify_output and arg_inputs is not None: if check_module_output( new_module=new_gm, refitted_module=compiled_module, arg_inputs=torch_inputs, kwarg_inputs=torch_kwarg_inputs, ):"Refitting Succeed!") else: if weight_name_map: logger.warning( "Refitting with weight_name_map yielded incorrect result! The outputs do not match." ) return refit_module_weights( compiled_module, new_weight_module, arg_inputs, kwarg_inputs, verify_output, use_weight_map_cache=False, in_place=in_place, ) logger.error("Refitting Failed! The outputs do not match.") else:"Refitting Completed! Output verification skipped.") return compiled_module
# Util functions ----------- import base64 def get_engine_from_encoded_engine( encoded_engine: str, runtime: trt.Runtime ) -> trt.ICudaEngine: serialized_engine = base64.b64decode(encoded_engine) engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(serialized_engine) return engine


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