Compile Mixed Precision models with Torch-TensorRT¶
Consider the following Pytorch model which explicitly casts intermediate layer to run in FP16.
class MyModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.linear1 = torch.nn.Linear(10,10)
self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(10,30).half()
self.linear3 = torch.nn.Linear(30,40)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.linear1(x)
x =
x = self.linear2(x)
x =
x = self.linear3(x)
return x
If we compile the above model using Torch-TensorRT, layer profiling logs indicate that all the layers are run in FP32. This is because TensorRT picks the kernels for layers which result in the best performance.
inputs = [torch.randn((1, 10), dtype=torch.float32).cuda()]
mod = MyModule().eval().cuda()
ep = torch.export.export(mod, tuple(inputs))
with torch_tensorrt.logging.debug():
trt_gm = torch_tensorrt.dynamo.compile(ep,
# Debug log info
# Layers:
# Name: __myl_MulSum_myl0_0, LayerType: kgen, Inputs: [ { Name: __mye116_dconst, Dimensions: [10,10], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: x, Dimensions: [10,1], Format/Datatype: Float }], Outputs: [ { Name: __myln_k_arg__bb1_2, Dimensions: [1,10], Format/Datatype: Float }], TacticName: __myl_MulSum_0xfa6c1858aea1b13b03f90165d7149ec6, StreamId: 0, Metadata:
# Name: __myl_AddResMulSum_myl0_1, LayerType: kgen, Inputs: [ { Name: __mye131_dconst, Dimensions: [10,30], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: __myln_k_arg__bb1_2, Dimensions: [1,10], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: linear1/addmm_constant_0 _ linear1/addmm_add_broadcast_to_same_shape_lhs_broadcast_constantFloat, Dimensions: [1,10], Format/Datatype: Float }], Outputs: [ { Name: __myln_k_arg__bb1_3, Dimensions: [1,30], Format/Datatype: Float }], TacticName: __myl_AddResMulSum_0xb3915d7ebfe48be45b6d49083479e12f, StreamId: 0, Metadata:
# Name: __myl_AddResMulSumAdd_myl0_2, LayerType: kgen, Inputs: [ { Name: __mye146_dconst, Dimensions: [30,40], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: linear3/addmm_2_constant_0 _ linear3/addmm_2_add_broadcast_to_same_shape_lhs_broadcast_constantFloat, Dimensions: [1,40], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: __myln_k_arg__bb1_3, Dimensions: [1,30], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: linear2/addmm_1_constant_0 _ linear2/addmm_1_add_broadcast_to_same_shape_lhs_broadcast_constantFloat, Dimensions: [1,30], Format/Datatype: Float }], Outputs: [ { Name: output0, Dimensions: [1,40], Format/Datatype: Float }], TacticName: __myl_AddResMulSumAdd_0xcdd0085ad25f5f45ac5fafb72acbffd6, StreamId: 0, Metadata:
In order to respect the types specified by the user in the model (eg: in this case, linear2
layer to run in FP16), users can enable
the compilation setting use_explicit_typing=True
. Compiling with this option results in the following TensorRT logs
If you enable use_explicit_typing=True
, only torch.float32 is supported in the enabled_precisions.
inputs = [torch.randn((1, 10), dtype=torch.float32).cuda()]
mod = MyModule().eval().cuda()
ep = torch.export.export(mod, tuple(inputs))
with torch_tensorrt.logging.debug():
trt_gm = torch_tensorrt.dynamo.compile(ep,
# Debug log info
# Layers:
# Name: __myl_MulSumAddCas_myl0_0, LayerType: kgen, Inputs: [ { Name: linear1/addmm_constant_0 _ linear1/addmm_add_broadcast_to_same_shape_lhs_broadcast_constantFloat, Dimensions: [1,10], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: __mye112_dconst, Dimensions: [10,10], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: x, Dimensions: [10,1], Format/Datatype: Float }], Outputs: [ { Name: __myln_k_arg__bb1_2, Dimensions: [1,10], Format/Datatype: Half }], TacticName: __myl_MulSumAddCas_0xacf8f5dd9be2f3e7bb09cdddeac6c936, StreamId: 0, Metadata:
# Name: __myl_ResMulSumAddCas_myl0_1, LayerType: kgen, Inputs: [ { Name: __mye127_dconst, Dimensions: [10,30], Format/Datatype: Half }, { Name: linear2/addmm_1_constant_0 _ linear2/addmm_1_add_broadcast_to_same_shape_lhs_broadcast_constantHalf, Dimensions: [1,30], Format/Datatype: Half }, { Name: __myln_k_arg__bb1_2, Dimensions: [1,10], Format/Datatype: Half }], Outputs: [ { Name: __myln_k_arg__bb1_3, Dimensions: [1,30], Format/Datatype: Float }], TacticName: __myl_ResMulSumAddCas_0x5a3b318b5a1c97b7d5110c0291481337, StreamId: 0, Metadata:
# Name: __myl_ResMulSumAdd_myl0_2, LayerType: kgen, Inputs: [ { Name: __mye142_dconst, Dimensions: [30,40], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: linear3/addmm_2_constant_0 _ linear3/addmm_2_add_broadcast_to_same_shape_lhs_broadcast_constantFloat, Dimensions: [1,40], Format/Datatype: Float }, { Name: __myln_k_arg__bb1_3, Dimensions: [1,30], Format/Datatype: Float }], Outputs: [ { Name: output0, Dimensions: [1,40], Format/Datatype: Float }], TacticName: __myl_ResMulSumAdd_0x3fad91127c640fd6db771aa9cde67db0, StreamId: 0, Metadata:
Now the linear2
layer runs in FP16 as shown in the above logs.