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Torch-TensorRT Explained

Torch-TensorRT is a compiler for PyTorch models targeting NVIDIA GPUs via the TensorRT Model Optimization SDK. It aims to provide better inference performance for PyTorch models while still maintaining the great ergonomics of PyTorch.

Dynamo Frontend

The Dynamo frontend is the default frontend for Torch-TensorRT. It utilizes the dynamo compiler stack from PyTorch.

torch.compile (Just-in-time)

torch.compile is a JIT compiler stack, as such, compilation is deferred until first use. This means that as conditions change in the graph, the graph will automatically recompile. This provides users the most runtime flexibility, however limits options regarding serialization.

Under the hood, torch.compile delegates subgraphs it believes can be lowered to Torch-TensorRT. Torch-TensorRT further lowers these graphs into ops consisting of solely Core ATen Operators or select “High-level Ops” amenable to TensorRT acceleration. Subgraphs are further partitioned into components that will run in PyTorch and ones to be further compiled to TensorRT based on support for operators. TensorRT engines then replace supported blocks and a hybrid subgraph is returned to torch.compile to be run on call.

Accepted Formats

  • torch.fx GraphModule (torch.fx.GraphModule)

  • PyTorch Module (torch.nn.Module)


  • Boxed-function that triggers compilation on first call

torch_tensorrt.dynamo.compile (Ahead-of-time)

torch_tensorrt.dynamo.compile is an AOT compiler, models are compiled in an explicit compilation phase. These compilation artifacts can then be serialized and reloaded at a later date. Graphs go through the torch.export.trace system to be lowered into a graph consisting of Core ATen Operators or select “High-level Ops” amenable to TensoRT acceleration. Subgraphs are further partitioned into components that will run in PyTorch and ones to be further compiled to TensorRT based on support for operators. TensorRT engines then replace supported blocks and a hybrid subgraph is packed into an ExportedProgram which can be serialized and reloaded.

Accepted Formats

  • torch.export.ExportedProgram (torch.export.ExportedProgram)

  • torch.fx GraphModule (torch.fx.GraphModule) (via torch.export.export)

  • PyTorch Module (torch.nn.Module) (via torch.export.export)


  • torch.fx.GraphModule (serializable with torch.export.ExportedProgram)

Legacy Frontends

As there has been a number of compiler technologies in the PyTorch ecosystem over the years Torch-TensorRT has some legacy features targeting them.

TorchScript (torch_tensorrt.ts.compile)

The TorchScript frontend was the original default frontend for Torch-TensorRT and targets models in the TorchScript format. The graph provided will be partitioned into supported and unsupported blocks. Supported blocks will be lowered to TensorRT and unsupported blocks will remain to run with LibTorch. The resultant graph is returned back to the user as a ScriptModule that can be loaded and saved with the Torch-TensorRT PyTorch runtime extension.

Accepted Formats

  • TorchScript Module (torch.jit.ScriptModule)

  • PyTorch Module (torch.nn.Module) (via torch.jit.script or torch.jit.trace)


  • TorchScript Module (torch.jit.ScriptModule)

FX Graph Modules (torch_tensorrt.fx.compile)

This frontend has almost entirely been replaced by the Dynamo frontend which is a superset of the features available though the FX frontend. The original FX frontend remains in the codebase for backwards compatibility reasons.

Accepted Formats

  • torch.fx GraphModule (torch.fx.GraphModule)

  • PyTorch Module (torch.nn.Module) (via torch.fx.trace)


  • torch.fx GraphModule (torch.fx.GraphModule)


As there are many different frontends and supported formats, we provide a convenience layer called torch_tensorrt.compile which lets users access all the different compiler options. You can specify to torch_tensorrt.compile what compiler path to use by setting the ir option, telling Torch-TensorRT to try to lower the provided model through a specific intermediate representation.

ir Options

  • torch_compile: Use the torch.compile system. Immediately returns a boxed-function that will compile on first call

  • dynamo: Run the graph through the torch.export/ torchdynamo stack. If the input module is a torch.nn.Module, it must be “export-traceable” as the module will be traced with torch.export.export. Returns a torch.fx.GraphModule which can be run immediately or saved via torch.export.export or torch_tensorrt.save

  • torchscript or ts: Run graph through the TorchScript stack. If the input module is a torch.nn.Module, it must be “scriptable” as the module will be compiled with torch.jit.script. Returns a torch.jit.ScriptModule which can be run immediately or saved via torch.save or torch_tensorrt.save

  • fx: Run graph through the torch.fx stack. If the input module is a torch.nn.Module, it will be traced with torch.fx.trace and subject to its limitations.


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