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Refitting Torch-TensorRT Programs with New Weights
Compilation is an expensive operation as it involves many graph transformations, translations and optimizations applied on the model. In cases were the weights of a model might be updated occasionally (e.g. inserting LoRA adapters), the large cost of recompilation can make it infeasible to use TensorRT if the compiled program needed to be built from scratch each time. Torch-TensorRT provides a PyTorch native mechanism to update the weights of a compiled TensorRT program without recompiling from scratch through weight refitting.
In this tutorial, we are going to walk through
Compiling a PyTorch model to a TensorRT Graph Module
Save and load a graph module
Refit the graph module
This tutorial focuses mostly on the AOT workflow where it is most likely that a user might need to manually refit a module. In the JIT workflow, weight changes trigger recompilation. As the engine has previously been built, with an engine cache enabled, Torch-TensorRT can automatically recognize a previously built engine, trigger refit and short cut recompilation on behalf of the user (see: Engine Caching).
Standard Workflow
Imports and model definition
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch_tensorrt as torch_trt
import torchvision.models as models
from torch_tensorrt.dynamo import refit_module_weights
inputs = [torch.rand((1, 3, 224, 224)).to("cuda")]
Make a refittable Compilation Program
The inital step is to compile a module and save it as with a normal. Note that there is an additional parameter immutable_weights that is set to False. This parameter is used to indicate that the engine being built should support weight refitting later. Engines built without these setttings will not be able to be refit.
In this case we are going to compile a ResNet18 model with randomly initialized weights and save it.
model = models.resnet18(pretrained=False).eval().to("cuda")
exp_program = torch.export.export(model, tuple(inputs))
enabled_precisions = {torch.float}
debug = False
workspace_size = 20 << 30
min_block_size = 0
use_python_runtime = False
torch_executed_ops = {}
trt_gm = torch_trt.dynamo.compile(
) # Output is a torch.fx.GraphModule
# Save the graph module as an exported program, "./compiled.ep", inputs=inputs)
Refit the Program with Pretrained Weights
Random weights are not useful for inference. But now instead of recompiling the model, we can
refit the model with the pretrained weights. This is done by setting up another PyTorch module
with the target weights and exporting it as an ExportedProgram. Then the refit_module_weights
function is used to update the weights of the compiled module with the new weights.
# Create and compile the updated model
model2 = models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval().to("cuda")
exp_program2 = torch.export.export(model2, tuple(inputs))
compiled_trt_ep = torch_trt.load("./compiled.ep")
# This returns a new module with updated weights
new_trt_gm = refit_module_weights(
# Check the output
expected_outputs, refitted_outputs = exp_program2.module()(*inputs), new_trt_gm(*inputs)
for expected_output, refitted_output in zip(expected_outputs, refitted_outputs):
assert torch.allclose(
expected_output, refitted_output, 1e-2, 1e-2
), "Refit Result is not correct. Refit failed"
print("Refit successfully!")
Advanced Usage
There are a number of settings you can use to control the refit process
Weight Map Cache
Weight refitting works by matching the weights of the compiled module with the new weights from the user supplied ExportedProgram. Since 1:1 name matching from PyTorch to TensorRT is hard to accomplish, the only gaurenteed way to match weights at refit-time is to pass the new ExportedProgram through the early phases of the compilation process to generate near identical weight names. This can be expensive and is not always necessary.
To avoid this, At initial compile, Torch-TensorRt will attempt to cache a direct mapping from PyTorch
weights to TensorRT weights. This cache is stored in the compiled module as metadata and can be used
to speed up refit. If the cache is not present, the refit system will fallback to rebuilding the mapping at
refit-time. Use of this cache is controlled by the use_weight_map_cache
Since the cache uses a heuristic based system for matching PyTorch and TensorRT weights, you may want to verify the refitting. This can be done by setting
to True and providing sample arg_inputs
and kwarg_inputs
. When this is done, the refit
system will run the refitted module and the user supplied module on the same inputs and compare the outputs.
In-Place Refit
allows the user to refit the module in place. This is useful when the user wants to update the weights
of the compiled module without creating a new module.
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)