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Saving models compiled with Torch-TensorRT

Saving models compiled with Torch-TensorRT varies slightly with the ir that has been used for compilation.

Dynamo IR

Starting with 2.1 release of Torch-TensorRT, we are switching the default compilation to be dynamo based. The output of ir=dynamo compilation is a torch.fx.GraphModule object. There are two ways to save these objects

a) Converting to Torchscript

torch.fx.GraphModule objects cannot be serialized directly. Hence we use torch.jit.trace to convert this into a ScriptModule object which can be saved to disk. The following code illustrates this approach.

import torch
import torch_tensorrt

model = MyModel().eval().cuda()
inputs = [torch.randn((1, 3, 224, 224)).cuda()]
trt_gm = torch_tensorrt.compile(model, ir="dynamo", inputs) # Output is a torch.fx.GraphModule
trt_traced_model = torch.jit.trace(trt_gm, inputs)
torch.jit.save(trt_traced_model, "trt_model.ts")

# Later, you can load it and run inference
model = torch.jit.load("trt_model.ts").cuda()

b) ExportedProgram

torch.export.ExportedProgram is a new format introduced in Pytorch 2.1. After we compile a Pytorch module using Torch-TensorRT, the resultant torch.fx.GraphModule along with additional metadata can be used to create ExportedProgram which can be saved and loaded from disk.

import torch
import torch_tensorrt

model = MyModel().eval().cuda()
inputs = [torch.randn((1, 3, 224, 224)).cuda()]
trt_gm = torch_tensorrt.compile(model, ir="dynamo", inputs) # Output is a torch.fx.GraphModule
# Transform and create an exported program
trt_exp_program = torch_tensorrt.dynamo.export(trt_gm, inputs)
torch.export.save(trt_exp_program, "trt_model.ep")

# Later, you can load it and run inference
model = torch.export.load("trt_model.ep")

torch_tensorrt.dynamo.export inlines the submodules within a GraphModule to their corresponding nodes and stiches all the nodes together. This is needed as torch._export serialization cannot handle serializing and deserializing of submodules (call_module nodes).


This way of saving the models using ExportedProgram is experimental. Here is a known issue : https://github.com/pytorch/TensorRT/issues/2341

Torchscript IR

In Torch-TensorRT 1.X versions, the primary way to compile and run inference with Torch-TensorRT is using Torchscript IR. This behavior stays the same in 2.X versions as well.

import torch
import torch_tensorrt

model = MyModel().eval().cuda()
inputs = [torch.randn((1, 3, 224, 224)).cuda()]
trt_ts = torch_tensorrt.compile(model, ir="ts", inputs) # Output is a ScriptModule object
torch.jit.save(trt_ts, "trt_model.ts")

# Later, you can load it and run inference
model = torch.jit.load("trt_model.ts").cuda()


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