
Source code for torch_tensorrt._compile

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Sequence, Set

import torch
import torch.fx
import torch_tensorrt.ts
from torch_tensorrt._enums import dtype
from torch_tensorrt._Input import Input
from torch_tensorrt._utils import sanitized_torch_version
from torch_tensorrt.fx import InputTensorSpec
from torch_tensorrt.fx.lower import compile as fx_compile
from torch_tensorrt.fx.utils import LowerPrecision
from torch_tensorrt.ts._compiler import compile as torchscript_compile
from typing_extensions import TypeGuard

from packaging import version

DYNAMO_ENABLED = version.parse(sanitized_torch_version()) >= version.parse("")

    from torch._export import ExportedProgram
    from torch_tensorrt.dynamo._compiler import compile as dynamo_compile

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

def _non_fx_input_interface(
    inputs: Sequence[Input | torch.Tensor | InputTensorSpec],
) -> TypeGuard[List[Input | torch.Tensor]]:
    return all(isinstance(i, (torch.Tensor, Input)) for i in inputs)

def _fx_input_interface(
    inputs: Sequence[Input | torch.Tensor | InputTensorSpec],
) -> TypeGuard[List[InputTensorSpec | torch.Tensor]]:
    return all(isinstance(i, (torch.Tensor, InputTensorSpec)) for i in inputs)

class _IRType(Enum):
    """Enum to determine the type of IR selected for model compilation"""

    ts = 0
    fx = 1
    dynamo = 2
    torch_compile = 3
    exported_program = 4

class _ModuleType(Enum):
    """Enum to determine the type of model provided as input"""

    nn = 0
    ts = 1
    fx = 2
    ep = 3

def _parse_module_type(module: Any) -> _ModuleType:
    if any(
        isinstance(module, t)
        for t in [torch.jit.ScriptModule, torch.jit.ScriptFunction]
        return _ModuleType.ts
    elif isinstance(module, torch.fx.GraphModule):
        return _ModuleType.fx
    elif DYNAMO_ENABLED and isinstance(module, ExportedProgram):
        return _ModuleType.ep
    elif isinstance(module, torch.nn.Module):
        return _ModuleType.nn
        raise RuntimeError("Module is an unknown format")

def _get_target_ir(module_type: _ModuleType, ir: str) -> _IRType:
    module_is_tsable = any(module_type == t for t in [_ModuleType.nn, _ModuleType.ts])
    module_is_fxable = any(module_type == t for t in [_ModuleType.nn, _ModuleType.fx])
    module_is_exportable = module_type == _ModuleType.ep

    ir_targets_torchscript = any(ir == opt for opt in ["torchscript", "ts"])
    ir_targets_fx = ir == "fx"
    ir_targets_dynamo = ir == "dynamo"
    ir_targets_torch_compile = ir == "torch_compile"

    if module_is_tsable and ir_targets_torchscript:
        return _IRType.ts
    elif module_is_fxable and ir_targets_fx:
        return _IRType.fx
    elif module_is_fxable and ir_targets_dynamo:
        return _IRType.dynamo
    elif module_is_fxable and ir_targets_torch_compile:
        return _IRType.torch_compile
        if ir == "default":
            # Options are listed in order of preference
            if DYNAMO_ENABLED and module_is_fxable:
      "ir was set to default, using dynamo as ir")
                return _IRType.dynamo
            elif module_is_tsable:
                if DYNAMO_ENABLED:
                        "Input graph is a Torchscript module but the ir provided is default (dynamo). Please set ir=torchscript to suppress the warning. Compiling the module with ir=torchscript"
                return _IRType.ts
            elif module_is_exportable:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Input graph is an ExportedProgram which is not currently supported. Please provide torch.nn.Module or torch.fx.GraphModule as input."
                raise ValueError("Module was provided in an unsupported format")
        elif ir == "exported_program":
            raise ValueError(
                "ir=exported_program is not currently supported. Supported ir options : ts|fx|dynamo"
            raise ValueError("Unknown ir was requested")

[docs]def compile( module: Any, ir: str = "default", inputs: Optional[Sequence[Input | torch.Tensor | InputTensorSpec]] = None, enabled_precisions: Optional[Set[torch.dtype | dtype]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ( torch.nn.Module | torch.jit.ScriptModule | torch.fx.GraphModule | Callable[..., Any] ): """Compile a PyTorch module for NVIDIA GPUs using TensorRT Takes a existing PyTorch module and a set of settings to configure the compiler and using the path specified in ``ir`` lower and compile the module to TensorRT returning a PyTorch Module back Converts specifically the forward method of a Module Arguments: module (Union(torch.nn.Module,torch.jit.ScriptModule): Source module Keyword Arguments: inputs (List[Union(torch_tensorrt.Input, torch.Tensor)]): **Required** List of specifications of input shape, dtype and memory layout for inputs to the module. This argument is required. Input Sizes can be specified as torch sizes, tuples or lists. dtypes can be specified using torch datatypes or torch_tensorrt datatypes and you can use either torch devices or the torch_tensorrt device type enum to select device type. :: input=[ torch_tensorrt.Input((1, 3, 224, 224)), # Static NCHW input shape for input #1 torch_tensorrt.Input( min_shape=(1, 224, 224, 3), opt_shape=(1, 512, 512, 3), max_shape=(1, 1024, 1024, 3), dtype=torch.int32 format=torch.channel_last ), # Dynamic input shape for input #2 torch.randn((1, 3, 224, 244)) # Use an example tensor and let torch_tensorrt infer settings ] enabled_precision (Set(Union(torch.dtype, torch_tensorrt.dtype))): The set of datatypes that TensorRT can use when selecting kernels ir (str): The requested strategy to compile. (Options: default - Let Torch-TensorRT decide, ts - TorchScript with scripting path) **kwargs: Additional settings for the specific requested strategy (See submodules for more info) Returns: torch.nn.Module: Compiled Module, when run it will execute via TensorRT """ input_list = inputs if inputs is not None else [] enabled_precisions_set = ( enabled_precisions if enabled_precisions is not None else {torch.float} ) module_type = _parse_module_type(module) target_ir = _get_target_ir(module_type, ir) if target_ir == _IRType.ts: ts_mod = module if module_type == _ModuleType.nn: "Module was provided as a torch.nn.Module, trying to script the module with torch.jit.script. In the event of a failure please preconvert your module to TorchScript" ) ts_mod = torch.jit.script(module) assert _non_fx_input_interface(input_list) compiled_ts_module: torch.jit.ScriptModule = torchscript_compile( ts_mod, inputs=input_list, enabled_precisions=enabled_precisions_set, **kwargs, ) return compiled_ts_module elif target_ir == _IRType.fx: if ( torch.float16 in enabled_precisions_set or torch_tensorrt.dtype.half in enabled_precisions_set ): lower_precision = LowerPrecision.FP16 elif ( torch.float32 in enabled_precisions_set or torch_tensorrt.dtype.float in enabled_precisions_set ): lower_precision = LowerPrecision.FP32 else: raise ValueError(f"Precision {enabled_precisions_set} not supported on FX") assert _fx_input_interface(input_list) compiled_fx_module: torch.nn.Module = fx_compile( module, input_list, lower_precision=lower_precision, explicit_batch_dimension=True, dynamic_batch=False, **kwargs, ) return compiled_fx_module elif target_ir == _IRType.dynamo: # Prepare torch and torchtrt inputs import from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.utils import prepare_inputs if not isinstance(input_list, input_list = [input_list] # Export the module torchtrt_inputs = prepare_inputs(input_list) exp_program = torch_tensorrt.dynamo.trace(module, torchtrt_inputs, **kwargs) trt_graph_module = dynamo_compile( exp_program, inputs=torchtrt_inputs, enabled_precisions=enabled_precisions_set, **kwargs, ) return trt_graph_module elif target_ir == _IRType.torch_compile: return torch_compile( module, enabled_precisions=enabled_precisions_set, **kwargs ) else: raise RuntimeError("Module is an unknown format or the ir requested is unknown")
def torch_compile(module: torch.nn.Module, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Returns a boxed model which is the output of torch.compile. This does not compile the model to TRT. Execute this model on sample inputs to compile the model to TRT. """ from torch_tensorrt.dynamo.backend import torch_tensorrt_backend # TODO: Remove dynamic=False when SymInt Dynamic shape support is ready boxed_fn = torch.compile( module, backend=torch_tensorrt_backend, dynamic=False, options={**kwargs} ) return boxed_fn
[docs]def convert_method_to_trt_engine( module: Any, method_name: str = "forward", inputs: Optional[Sequence[Input | torch.Tensor]] = None, ir: str = "default", enabled_precisions: Optional[Set[torch.dtype | dtype]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> bytes: """Convert a TorchScript module method to a serialized TensorRT engine Converts a specified method of a module to a serialized TensorRT engine given a dictionary of conversion settings Arguments: module (Union(torch.nn.Module,torch.jit.ScriptModule): Source module Keyword Arguments: inputs (List[Union(torch_tensorrt.Input, torch.Tensor)]): **Required** List of specifications of input shape, dtype and memory layout for inputs to the module. This argument is required. Input Sizes can be specified as torch sizes, tuples or lists. dtypes can be specified using torch datatypes or torch_tensorrt datatypes and you can use either torch devices or the torch_tensorrt device type enum to select device type. :: input=[ torch_tensorrt.Input((1, 3, 224, 224)), # Static NCHW input shape for input #1 torch_tensorrt.Input( min_shape=(1, 224, 224, 3), opt_shape=(1, 512, 512, 3), max_shape=(1, 1024, 1024, 3), dtype=torch.int32 format=torch.channel_last ), # Dynamic input shape for input #2 torch.randn((1, 3, 224, 244)) # Use an example tensor and let torch_tensorrt infer settings ] enabled_precision (Set(Union(torch.dtype, torch_tensorrt.dtype))): The set of datatypes that TensorRT can use when selecting kernels ir (str): The requested strategy to compile. (Options: default - Let Torch-TensorRT decide, ts - TorchScript with scripting path) **kwargs: Additional settings for the specific requested strategy (See submodules for more info) Returns: bytes: Serialized TensorRT engine, can either be saved to a file or deserialized via TensorRT APIs """ enabled_precisions_set = ( enabled_precisions if enabled_precisions is not None else {torch.float} ) module_type = _parse_module_type(module) target_ir = _get_target_ir(module_type, ir) if target_ir == _IRType.ts: ts_mod = module if module_type == _ModuleType.nn: "Module was provided as a torch.nn.Module, trying to script the module with torch.jit.script. In the event of a failure please preconvert your module to TorchScript" ) ts_mod = torch.jit.script(module) return torch_tensorrt.ts.convert_method_to_trt_engine( # type: ignore[no-any-return] ts_mod, inputs=inputs, method_name=method_name, enabled_precisions=enabled_precisions_set, **kwargs, ) elif target_ir == _IRType.fx: raise RuntimeError( "convert_method_to_trt_engine call is not supported for ir=fx" ) elif target_ir == _IRType.dynamo: raise RuntimeError( "convert_method_to_trt_engine call is not supported for ir=dynamo." ) elif target_ir == _IRType.torch_compile: raise RuntimeError( "convert_method_to_trt_engine call is not supported for ir=torch_compile" ) else: raise RuntimeError("Module is an unknown format or the ir requested is unknown")


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