Source code for torch_tensorrt._Input
from __future__ import annotations
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
import torch
from torch_tensorrt._enums import dtype, memory_format
[docs]class Input(object):
Defines an input to a module in terms of expected shape, data type and tensor format.
shape_mode (torch_tensorrt.Input._ShapeMode): Is input statically or dynamically shaped
shape (Tuple or Dict): Either a single Tuple or a dict of tuples defining the input shape.
Static shaped inputs will have a single tuple. Dynamic inputs will have a dict of the form
.. code-block:: py
{"min_shape": Tuple, "opt_shape": Tuple, "max_shape": Tuple}
dtype (torch_tensorrt.dtype): The expected data type of the input tensor (default: torch_tensorrt.dtype.float32)
format (torch_tensorrt.TensorFormat): The expected format of the input tensor (default: torch_tensorrt.TensorFormat.NCHW)
class _ShapeMode(Enum):
shape_mode: Optional[_ShapeMode] = (
None #: Is input statically or dynamically shaped
shape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...] | Dict[str, Tuple[int, ...]]] = (
None #: Either a single Tuple or a dict of tuples defining the input shape. Static shaped inputs will have a single tuple. Dynamic inputs will have a dict of the form ``{ "min_shape": Tuple, "opt_shape": Tuple, "max_shape": Tuple }``
dtype: dtype = (
) #: The expected data type of the input tensor (default: torch_tensorrt.dtype.float32)
_explicit_set_dtype: bool = False
format: memory_format = (
) #: The expected format of the input tensor (default: torch_tensorrt.memory_format.linear)
DOMAIN_OFFSET: float = 2.0
low_tensor_domain_incl: float = 0.0
high_tensor_domain_excl: float = low_tensor_domain_incl + DOMAIN_OFFSET
torch_tensor: torch.Tensor = None
name: str = ""
is_shape_tensor: bool = False
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""__init__ Method for torch_tensorrt.Input
Input accepts one of a few construction patterns
shape (Tuple or List, optional): Static shape of input tensor
Keyword Arguments:
shape (Tuple or List, optional): Static shape of input tensor
min_shape (Tuple or List, optional): Min size of input tensor's shape range
Note: All three of min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape must be provided, there must be no positional arguments, shape must not be defined and implicitly this sets Input's shape_mode to DYNAMIC
opt_shape (Tuple or List, optional): Opt size of input tensor's shape range
Note: All three of min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape must be provided, there must be no positional arguments, shape must not be defined and implicitly this sets Input's shape_mode to DYNAMIC
max_shape (Tuple or List, optional): Max size of input tensor's shape range
Note: All three of min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape must be provided, there must be no positional arguments, shape must not be defined and implicitly this sets Input's shape_mode to DYNAMIC
dtype (torch.dtype or torch_tensorrt.dtype): Expected data type for input tensor (default: torch_tensorrt.dtype.float32)
format (torch.memory_format or torch_tensorrt.TensorFormat): The expected format of the input tensor (default: torch_tensorrt.TensorFormat.NCHW)
tensor_domain (Tuple(float, float), optional): The domain of allowed values for the tensor, as interval notation: [tensor_domain[0], tensor_domain[1]).
Note: Entering "None" (or not specifying) will set the bound to [0, 2)
torch_tensor (torch.Tensor): Holds a corresponding torch tensor with this Input.
name (str, optional): Name of this input in the input nn.Module's forward function. Used to specify dynamic shapes for the corresponding input in dynamo tracer.
- Input([1,3,32,32], dtype=torch.float32, format=torch.channel_last)
- Input(shape=(1,3,32,32), dtype=torch_tensorrt.dtype.int32, format=torch_tensorrt.TensorFormat.NCHW)
- Input(min_shape=(1,3,32,32), opt_shape=[2,3,32,32], max_shape=(3,3,32,32)) #Implicitly dtype=torch_tensorrt.dtype.float32, format=torch_tensorrt.TensorFormat.NCHW
# Compatibility code for switching over from InputTensorSpec
if "shape" in kwargs and "shape_ranges" in kwargs:
assert (
len(kwargs["shape_ranges"]) == 1 and len(kwargs["shape_ranges"][0]) == 3
del kwargs["shape"]
kwargs["min_shape"] = kwargs["shape_ranges"][0][0]
kwargs["opt_shape"] = kwargs["shape_ranges"][0][1]
kwargs["max_shape"] = kwargs["shape_ranges"][0][2]
if len(args) == 1:
if not Input._supported_input_size_type(args[0]):
raise TypeError(
"Input shape specifications for inputs are required to be a List, tuple or torch.Size, found type: "
+ str(type(args[0]))
if any(k in kwargs for k in ["min_shape", "opt_shape", "max_shape"]):
raise ValueError(
"Found that both shape (as a positional argument), and one or more of min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape were specified\nclass Input expects that only either shape or all three of min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape are defined"
self.shape = tuple(args[0])
self.shape_mode = Input._ShapeMode.STATIC
elif len(args) == 0:
if "shape" not in kwargs and not (
all(k in kwargs for k in ["min_shape", "opt_shape", "max_shape"])
raise ValueError(
"Missing required arguments for class Input\nEither shape or all three of min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape must be defined"
elif ("shape" in kwargs) and all(
k in kwargs for k in ["min_shape", "opt_shape", "max_shape"]
raise ValueError(
"Found that both shape, and one or more of min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape were specified\nclass Input expects that only either shape or all three of min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape are defined"
if "shape" in kwargs:
if not Input._supported_input_size_type(kwargs["shape"]):
raise TypeError(
"Input shape specifications for inputs are required to be a List, tuple or torch.Size, found type: "
+ str(type(kwargs["shape"]))
self.shape = tuple(kwargs["shape"])
self.shape_mode = Input._ShapeMode.STATIC
if not Input._supported_input_size_type(kwargs["min_shape"]):
raise TypeError(
"Input shape specifications for inputs are required to be a List, tuple or torch.Size, found type: "
+ str(type(kwargs["min_shape"]))
+ " for min_shape"
if not Input._supported_input_size_type(kwargs["opt_shape"]):
raise TypeError(
"Input shape specifications for inputs are required to be a List, tuple or torch.Size, found type: "
+ str(type(kwargs["opt_shape"]))
+ " for opt_shape"
if not Input._supported_input_size_type(kwargs["max_shape"]):
raise TypeError(
"Input shape specifications for inputs are required to be a List, tuple or torch.Size, found type: "
+ str(type(kwargs["max_shape"]))
+ " for max_shape"
self.shape = {
"min_shape": tuple(kwargs["min_shape"]),
"opt_shape": tuple(kwargs["opt_shape"]),
"max_shape": tuple(kwargs["max_shape"]),
self.shape_mode = Input._ShapeMode.DYNAMIC
raise ValueError(
f"Unexpected number of positional arguments for class Input \n Found {len(args)} arguments, expected either zero or a single positional arguments"
if "dtype" in kwargs:
self.dtype = dtype._from(kwargs["dtype"])
if self.dtype != dtype.unknown:
self._explicit_set_dtype = True
self._explicit_set_dtype = False
if "is_shape_tensor" in kwargs:
self.is_shape_tensor = kwargs["is_shape_tensor"]
if "format" in kwargs:
self.format = memory_format._from(kwargs["format"])
if "tensor_domain" in kwargs:
domain = kwargs["tensor_domain"]
domain = None
self.tensor_domain = Input._parse_tensor_domain(domain)
if "torch_tensor" in kwargs:
self.torch_tensor = kwargs["torch_tensor"]
if self.is_shape_tensor:
self.torch_tensor = torch.tensor(
kwargs["opt_shape"], dtype=kwargs["dtype"]
elif self.shape_mode == Input._ShapeMode.DYNAMIC:
self.torch_tensor = self.example_tensor("opt_shape")
self.torch_tensor = self.example_tensor()
if "name" in kwargs: = kwargs["name"]
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.shape_mode == Input._ShapeMode.STATIC:
return "Input(shape={}, dtype={}, format={}, domain=[{}, {}))".format(
elif self.shape_mode == Input._ShapeMode.DYNAMIC:
if isinstance(self.shape, dict):
return "Input(min_shape={}, opt_shape={}, max_shape={}, dtype={}, format={}, domain=[{}, {}))".format(
raise RuntimeError(
f"Input shape is dynamic but shapes are not provided as dictionary (found: {self.shape})"
raise RuntimeError("Unknown input shape mode")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__()
def equivalent_spec(a: Input, b: Input) -> bool:
if a.shape_mode != b.shape_mode:
return False
if a.shape_mode == Input._ShapeMode.DYNAMIC:
assert isinstance(a.shape, dict)
assert isinstance(b.shape, dict)
checks = [
a.shape["min_shape"] == b.shape["min_shape"],
a.shape["opt_shape"] == b.shape["opt_shape"],
a.shape["max_shape"] == b.shape["max_shape"],
a.dtype == b.dtype,
a.format == b.format,
a.low_tensor_domain_incl == b.low_tensor_domain_incl,
a.high_tensor_domain_excl == b.high_tensor_domain_excl,
return all(checks)
checks = [
a.shape == b.shape,
a.dtype == b.dtype,
a.format == b.format,
a.low_tensor_domain_incl == b.low_tensor_domain_incl,
a.high_tensor_domain_excl == b.high_tensor_domain_excl,
return all(checks)
def _supported_input_size_type(input_size: Any) -> bool:
if isinstance(input_size, torch.Size):
return True
elif isinstance(input_size, tuple):
return True
elif isinstance(input_size, list):
return True
return False
def _parse_tensor_domain(
domain: Optional[Tuple[float, float]]
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Produce a tuple of integers which specifies a tensor domain in the interval format: [lo, hi)
domain (Tuple[int, int]): A tuple of integers (or NoneTypes) to verify
A tuple of two int32_t-valid integers
if domain is None:
result_domain = (
elif len(domain) == 2:
domain_lo, domain_hi = domain
# Validate type and provided values for domain
valid_type_lo = isinstance(domain_lo, (int, float))
valid_type_hi = isinstance(domain_hi, (int, float))
if not valid_type_lo:
raise ValueError(
f"Expected value for tensor domain low specifier, got {domain_lo}"
elif not valid_type_hi:
raise ValueError(
f"Expected value for tensor domain high specifier, got {domain_hi}"
if domain_hi <= domain_lo:
raise ValueError(
"Expected provided integer range to have low tensor domain value "
+ f"< high tensor domain value, got invalid range [{domain_lo}, {domain_hi})"
result_domain = (float(domain_lo), float(domain_hi))
raise ValueError(
f"Expected 2 values for domain, got {len(domain)}: {domain}"
return result_domain
[docs] @classmethod
def from_tensor(
cls, t: torch.Tensor, disable_memory_format_check: bool = False
) -> "Input":
Produce a Input which contains the information of the given PyTorch tensor.
tensor (torch.Tensor): A PyTorch tensor.
disable_memory_format_check (bool): Whether to validate the memory formats of input tensors
A Input object.
if not (
or t.is_contiguous(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format)
or t.is_contiguous(memory_format=torch.channels_last)
raise ValueError(
"Tensor does not have a supported memory format, supported formats are contiguous or channel_last"
frmt = (
if (
or t.is_contiguous(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format)
else torch.channels_last
return cls(shape=t.shape, dtype=t.dtype, format=frmt, torch_tensor=t)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_tensors(
cls, ts: Sequence[torch.Tensor], disable_memory_format_check: bool = False
) -> List["Input"]:
Produce a list of Inputs which contain
the information of all the given PyTorch tensors.
tensors (Iterable[torch.Tensor]): A list of PyTorch tensors.
disable_memory_format_check (bool): Whether to validate the memory formats of input tensors
A list of Inputs.
assert isinstance(ts, (list, tuple))
return [
cls.from_tensor(t, disable_memory_format_check=disable_memory_format_check)
for t in ts
[docs] def example_tensor(
self, optimization_profile_field: Optional[str] = None
) -> torch.Tensor:
Get an example tensor of the shape specified by the Input object
optimization_profile_field (Optional(str)): Name of the field to use for shape in the case the Input is dynamically shaped
A PyTorch Tensor
if self.shape_mode == Input._ShapeMode.STATIC:
if optimization_profile_field is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Specified a optimization profile field but the input is static"
if isinstance(self.shape, tuple):
return torch.rand(self.shape).to(, use_default=True)
f"Input shape is dynamic but shapes are not provided as sequence (found: {self.shape})"
if optimization_profile_field is not None:
assert any(
optimization_profile_field == field_name
for field_name in ["min_shape", "opt_shape", "max_shape"]
except AssertionError:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid field name, expected one of min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape"
if isinstance(self.shape, dict):
return torch.rand(self.shape[optimization_profile_field]).to(, use_default=True)
raise RuntimeError(
f"Input shape is dynamic but shapes are not provided as dictionary (found: {self.shape})"
raise ValueError(
"Requested an example tensor from a dynamic shaped input but did not specific which profile field to use."