Source code for ts.torch_handler.unit_tests.test_object_detector
# pylint: disable=W0621
# Using the same name as global function is part of pytest
Basic unit test for ObjectDetector class.
Ensures it can load and execute an example model
import platform
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from ts.torch_handler.object_detector import ObjectDetector
from .test_utils.mock_context import MockContext
from .test_utils.model_dir import copy_files, download_model
REPO_DIR = Path(__file__).parents[3]
def image_bytes():
with open(REPO_DIR.joinpath("examples/image_segmenter/persons.jpg"), "rb") as fin:
image_bytes =
return image_bytes
def model_dir(tmp_path_factory, model_name):
model_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("model_dir")
src_dir = REPO_DIR.joinpath("examples/object_detector/fast-rcnn/")
model_url = (
download_model(model_url, model_dir)
files = {
"": model_name + ".py",
"index_to_name.json": "index_to_name.json",
copy_files(src_dir, model_dir, files)
yield model_dir
def context(model_dir, model_name):
context = MockContext(
model_file=model_name + ".py",
yield context
def handler(context):
handler = ObjectDetector()
return handler
platform.machine() == "aarch64", reason="Test skipped on aarch64 architecture"
def test_handle(handler, context, image_bytes):
test_data = [{"data": image_bytes}] * 2
results = handler.handle(test_data, context)
assert len(results) == 2
assert any("bench" in d for d in results[0])