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Distributed Checkpointing

PyTorch/XLA SPMD is compatible with the torch.distributed.checkpoint library through a dedicated Planner instance. Users are able to synchronously save and load checkpoints through this common interface.

The SPMDSavePlanner and SPMDLoadPlanner (src) classes enable the save and load functions to operate directly on the shards of an XLAShardedTensor, enabling all of the benefits of distributed checkpointing in SPMD training.

Here is a demonstration of the synchronous distributed checkpointing API:

import torch.distributed.checkpoint as dist_cp
import torch_xla.experimental.distributed_checkpoint as xc

# Saving a state_dict
state_dict = {
    "model": model.state_dict(),
    "optim": optim.state_dict(),


# Loading the model's state_dict from the checkpoint. The model should
# already be on the XLA device and have the desired sharding applied.
state_dict = {
    "model": model.state_dict(),



The experimental CheckpointManager interface provides a higher-level API over the torch.distributed.checkpoint functions to enable a few key features:

  • Managed checkpoints: Each checkpoint taken by the CheckpointManager is identified by the step at which it was taken. All steps tracked are accessible through the CheckpointManager.all_steps method, and any tracked steps can be restored using CheckpointManager.restore.

  • Asynchronous checkpointing: Checkpoints taken through the CheckpointManager.save_async API are written to persistent storage asynchronously to unblock training for the duration of the checkpoint. The input sharded state_dict is first moved to CPU before the checkpoint is dispatched to a background thread.

  • Auto-checkpointing on preemption: On Cloud TPU, preemptions can be detected and a checkpoint taken before the process is terminated. To use, ensure your TPU is provisioned through a QueuedResource with Autocheckpointing enabled, and ensure the chkpt_on_preemption parameter is set when constructing the CheckpointManager (this option is enabled by default).

  • FSSpec Support: CheckpointManager uses an fsspec storage backend to enable checkpointing directly to any fsspec-compatible filesystem, including GCS.

Example usage of the CheckpointManager is below:

from torch_xla.experimental.distributed_checkpoint import CheckpointManager, prime_optimizer

# Create a CheckpointManager to checkpoint every 10 steps into GCS.
chkpt_mgr = CheckpointManager('gs://my-bucket/my-experiment', 10)

# Select a checkpoint to restore from, and restore if applicable
tracked_steps = chkpt_mgr.all_steps()
if tracked_steps:
    # Choose the highest step
    best_step = max(tracked_steps)
    # Before restoring the checkpoint, the optimizer state must be primed
    # to allow state to be loaded into it.
    state_dict = {'model': model.state_dict(), 'optim': optim.state_dict()}
    chkpt_mgr.restore(best_step, state_dict)

# Call `save` or `save_async` every step within the train loop. These methods
# return True when a checkpoint is taken.
for step, data in enumerate(dataloader):
    state_dict = {'model': model.state_dict(), 'optim': optim.state_dict()}
    if chkpt_mgr.save_async(step, state_dict):
        print(f'Checkpoint taken at step {step}')

Restoring Optimizer State

In distributed checkpointing, the state_dicts are loaded in-place, and only the required shards of the checkpoint are loaded. Since optimizer states are lazily created, the state isn’t present until the first optimizer.step call, and attempts to load an unprimed optimizer will fail.

The utility method prime_optimizer is provided for this: it runs a fake train step by setting all gradients to zero and calling optimizer.step. This is a destructive method and will touch both model parameters and optimizer state, so it should only be called just prior to restoration.

Process Groups

To use torch.distributed APIs such as distributed checkpointing, a process group is required. In SPMD mode, the xla backend is not supported since the compiler is responsible for all collectives.

Instead, a CPU process group such as gloo must be used. On TPUs, the xla:// init_method is still supported to discover the master IP, global world size, and host rank. An example initialization is below:

import torch.distributed as dist
# Import to register the `xla://` init_method
import torch_xla.distributed.xla_backend
import torch_xla.runtime as xr


# The `xla://` init_method will automatically discover master worker IP, rank,
# and global world size without requiring environment configuration on TPUs.
dist.init_process_group('gloo', init_method='xla://')


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