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  • Configure a development environment

Configure a development environment

The goal of this guide is to set up an interactive development environment on a Cloud TPU with PyTorch/XLA installed. If this is your first time using TPUs, we recommend you start with Colab and Kaggle or. Both options have PyTorch/XLA preinstalled with dependencies and ecosystem packages. For an up-to-date list of examples, see our main README.

If you would like to set up a more customized development environment, keep reading.

Visual Studio Code


Before you begin, export environment variables with the GCP project and zone where you have Cloud TPU quota:

export PROJECT=...
export ZONE=...
export TPU_TYPE=... # e.g. "v2-8"

Creating and connecting to your TPU

Create a Cloud TPU VM with your SSH key registered:

# Assuming your SSH key is named `id_ed25519`
gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm create --project=$PROJECT --zone=$ZONE --accelerator-type=$TPU_TYPE --version=tpu-ubuntu2204-base --metadata="ssh-keys=$USER:$(cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub)" $USER-tpu

Check that your TPU has an external IP and SSH to it:

gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm describe --project=$PROJECT --zone=$ZONE $USER-tpu --format="value(networkEndpoints.accessConfig.externalIp)"
# Output:

Give your TPU a friendly name to make future steps easier:

echo -e Host $USER-tpu "\n " HostName $(gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm describe --project=$PROJECT --zone=$ZONE $USER-tpu --format="value(networkEndpoints.accessConfig.externalIp)") >> ~/.ssh/config

SSH to your TPU to test your connection:

ssh $USER-tpu

Setting up a Visual Studio Code workspace with PyTorch/XLA

From the VS Code Command Palette, select `Remote-SSH: Connect to Host <https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh&gt;[__ and select the host you just created (named ]{.title-ref}[$USER-tpu]{.title-ref}`). VS Code will then open a new window connected to your TPU VM.

From the built-in Terminal, create a new folder to use as a workspace (e.g. mkdir ptxla). Then open the folder from the UI or Command Palette.

Note: It is optional (but recommended) at this point to install the official Python extension and create a venv virtual environment via the Command Palette (Python: Create Environment).

Install the latest PyTorch and PyTorch/XLA releases:

pip install numpy torch torch_xla[tpu] -f https://storage.googleapis.com/libtpu-releases/index.html

Create a file test.py:

import torch_xla as xla

# Optional

print("XLA devices:", xla.real_devices())

Run the test script from your terminal:

$ python test.py
# Output: XLA devices: ['TPU:0', 'TPU:1', 'TPU:2', 'TPU:3', 'TPU:4', 'TPU:5', 'TPU:6', 'TPU:7']
# Number of devices will vary based on TPU type

Next steps

That’s it! You should now have a remote Visual Studio Code workspace set up with PyTorch/XLA installed. To run more realistic examples, see our examples guide.


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