
Source code for torchx.workspace.api

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import abc
import fnmatch
import posixpath
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, Iterable, Mapping, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar

from torchx.specs import AppDef, CfgVal, Role, runopts

    from fsspec import AbstractFileSystem

TORCHX_IGNORE = ".torchxignore"

T = TypeVar("T")

PackageType = TypeVar("PackageType")
WorkspaceConfigType = TypeVar("WorkspaceConfigType")

class PkgInfo(Generic[PackageType]):
    Convenience class used to specify information regarding the built workspace

    img: str
    lazy_overrides: Dict[str, Any]
    metadata: PackageType

class WorkspaceBuilder(Generic[PackageType, WorkspaceConfigType]):
    cfg: WorkspaceConfigType

    def build_workspace(self, sync: bool = True) -> PkgInfo[PackageType]:
        Builds the specified ``workspace`` with respect to ``img``.
        In the simplest case, this method builds a new image.
        Certain (more efficient) implementations build
        incremental diff patches that overlay on top of the role's image.


[docs]class WorkspaceMixin(abc.ABC, Generic[T]): """ Note: (Prototype) this interface may change without notice! A mix-in that can be attached to a Scheduler that adds the ability to builds a workspace. A workspace is the local checkout of the codebase/project that builds into an image. The workspace scheduler adds capability to automatically rebuild images or generate diff patches that are applied to the ``Role``, allowing the user to make local code changes to the application and having those changes be reflected (either through a new image or an overlaid patch) at runtime without a manual image rebuild. The exact semantics of what the workspace build artifact is, is implementation dependent. """ def __init__(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def workspace_opts(self) -> runopts: """ Returns the run configuration options expected by the workspace. Basically a ``--help`` for the ``run`` API. """ return runopts()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def build_workspace_and_update_role( self, role: Role, workspace: str, cfg: Mapping[str, CfgVal] ) -> None: """ Builds the specified ``workspace`` with respect to ``img`` and updates the ``role`` to reflect the built workspace artifacts. In the simplest case, this method builds a new image and updates the role's image. Certain (more efficient) implementations build incremental diff patches that overlay on top of the role's image. Note: this method mutates the passed ``role``. """ ...
[docs] def dryrun_push_images(self, app: AppDef, cfg: Mapping[str, CfgVal]) -> T: """ dryrun_push does a dryrun of the image push and updates the app to have the final values. Only called for remote jobs. ``push`` must be called before scheduling the job. """ raise NotImplementedError("dryrun_push is not implemented")
[docs] def push_images(self, images_to_push: T) -> None: """ push pushes any images to the remote repo if required. """ raise NotImplementedError("push is not implemented")
def _ignore(s: str, patterns: Iterable[str]) -> Tuple[int, bool]: last_matching_pattern = -1 match = False if s in (".", "Dockerfile.torchx"): return last_matching_pattern, match s = posixpath.normpath(s) for i, pattern in enumerate(patterns): if pattern.startswith("!") and fnmatch.fnmatch(s, pattern[1:]): match = False last_matching_pattern = i elif fnmatch.fnmatch(s, pattern): match = True last_matching_pattern = i return last_matching_pattern, match
[docs]def walk_workspace( fs: "AbstractFileSystem", path: str, ignore_name: str = TORCHX_IGNORE, ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Iterable[str], Mapping[str, Mapping[str, object]]]]: """ walk_workspace walks the filesystem path and applies the ignore rules specified via ``ignore_name``. This follows the rules for ``.dockerignore``. """ ignore_patterns = [] ignore_path = posixpath.join(path, ignore_name) if fs.exists(ignore_path): with, "rt") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line, _, _ = line.partition("#") line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line == ".": continue ignore_patterns.append(line) paths_to_walk = [(0, path)] while paths_to_walk: first_pattern_to_use, current_path = paths_to_walk.pop() for dir, dirs, files in fs.walk(current_path, detail=True, maxdepth=1): assert isinstance(dir, str), "path must be str" relpath = posixpath.relpath(dir, path) if _ignore(relpath, ignore_patterns[first_pattern_to_use:])[1]: continue filtered_dirs = [] last_matching_pattern_index = [] for d in dirs: index, match = _ignore( posixpath.join(relpath, d), ignore_patterns[first_pattern_to_use:] ) if not match: filtered_dirs.append(d) last_matching_pattern_index.append(first_pattern_to_use + index) dirs = filtered_dirs files = { file: info for file, info in files.items() if not _ignore( posixpath.join(relpath, file) if relpath != "." else file, ignore_patterns[first_pattern_to_use:], )[1] } yield dir, dirs, files for i, d in zip(last_matching_pattern_index, dirs): paths_to_walk.append((i + 1, posixpath.join(dir, d)))


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