Source code for
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# pyre-strict
import argparse
import inspect
import os
from argparse import Namespace
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Union
from torchx.specs.api import BindMount, MountType, VolumeMount
from torchx.specs.file_linter import get_fn_docstring, TorchXArgumentHelpFormatter
from torchx.util.types import decode, decode_optional, get_argparse_param_type, is_bool
from .api import AppDef, DeviceMount
def _create_args_parser(
cmpnt_fn: Callable[..., AppDef],
cmpnt_defaults: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
parameters = inspect.signature(cmpnt_fn).parameters
function_desc, args_desc = get_fn_docstring(cmpnt_fn)
script_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog=f"torchx run <run args...> {cmpnt_fn.__name__} ",
# enables components to have "h" as a parameter
# otherwise argparse by default adds -h/--help as the help argument
# we still add --help but reserve "-"h" to be used as a component argument
# add help manually since we disabled auto help to allow "h" in component arg
help="show this help message and exit",
class _reminder_action(argparse.Action):
def __call__(
parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
namespace: argparse.Namespace,
values: Any,
option_string: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
(self.default or "").split() if len(values) == 0 else values,
for param_name, parameter in parameters.items():
param_desc = args_desc[]
args: Dict[str, Any] = {
"help": param_desc,
"type": get_argparse_param_type(parameter),
# set defaults specified in the component function declaration
if parameter.default != inspect.Parameter.empty:
if is_bool(type(parameter.default)):
args["default"] = str(parameter.default)
args["default"] = parameter.default
# set defaults supplied directly to this method (overwrites the declared defaults)
# the defaults are given as str (as option values passed from CLI) since
# these are typically read from .torchxconfig
if cmpnt_defaults and param_name in cmpnt_defaults:
args["default"] = cmpnt_defaults[param_name]
if parameter.kind == inspect._ParameterKind.VAR_POSITIONAL:
args["nargs"] = argparse.REMAINDER
args["action"] = _reminder_action
script_parser.add_argument(param_name, **args)
arg_names = [f"--{param_name}"]
if len(param_name) == 1:
arg_names = [f"-{param_name}"] + arg_names
if "default" not in args:
if (config and param_name not in config) or not config:
args["required"] = True
script_parser.add_argument(*arg_names, **args)
return script_parser
def _merge_config_values_with_args(
parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, config: Dict[str, Any]
) -> None:
for key, val in config.items():
if key in parsed_args:
setattr(parsed_args, key, val)
def parse_args(
cmpnt_fn: Callable[..., AppDef],
cmpnt_args: List[str],
cmpnt_defaults: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Namespace:
Parse passed arguments, defaults, and config values into a namespace for
a component function.
cmpnt_fn: Component function
cmpnt_args: Function args
cmpnt_defaults: Additional default values for parameters of ``app_fn``
(overrides the defaults set on the fn declaration)
config: Optional dict containing additional configuration for the component from a passed config file
A Namespace object with the args, defaults, and config values incorporated.
script_parser = _create_args_parser(cmpnt_fn, cmpnt_defaults, config)
parsed_args = script_parser.parse_args(cmpnt_args)
if config:
_merge_config_values_with_args(parsed_args, config)
return parsed_args
def materialize_appdef(
cmpnt_fn: Callable[..., AppDef],
cmpnt_args: List[str],
cmpnt_defaults: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> AppDef:
Creates an application by running user defined ``app_fn``.
``app_fn`` has the following restrictions:
* Name must be ``app_fn``
* All arguments should be annotated
* Supported argument types:
- primitive: int, str, float
- Dict[primitive, primitive]
- List[primitive]
- Optional[Dict[primitive, primitive]]
- Optional[List[primitive]]
* ``app_fn`` can define a vararg (*arg) at the end
* There should be a docstring for the function that defines
All arguments in a google-style format
* There can be default values for the function arguments.
* The return object must be ``AppDef``
cmpnt_fn: Component function
cmpnt_args: Function args
cmpnt_defaults: Additional default values for parameters of ``app_fn``
(overrides the defaults set on the fn declaration)
config: Optional dict containing additional configuration for the component from a passed config file
An application spec
function_args = []
var_arg = []
kwargs = {}
parsed_args = parse_args(cmpnt_fn, cmpnt_args, cmpnt_defaults, config)
parameters = inspect.signature(cmpnt_fn).parameters
for param_name, parameter in parameters.items():
arg_value = getattr(parsed_args, param_name)
parameter_type = parameter.annotation
parameter_type = decode_optional(parameter_type)
arg_value = decode(arg_value, parameter_type)
if parameter.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
var_arg = arg_value
elif parameter.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
kwargs[param_name] = arg_value
elif parameter.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
raise TypeError("**kwargs are not supported for component definitions")
if len(var_arg) > 0 and var_arg[0] == "--":
var_arg = var_arg[1:]
appdef = cmpnt_fn(*function_args, *var_arg, **kwargs)
return appdef
def make_app_handle(scheduler_backend: str, session_name: str, app_id: str) -> str:
return f"{scheduler_backend}://{session_name}/{app_id}"
_MOUNT_OPT_MAP: Mapping[str, str] = {
"type": "type",
"destination": "dst",
"dst": "dst",
"target": "dst",
"read_only": "readonly",
"readonly": "readonly",
"source": "src",
"src": "src",
"perm": "perm",
[docs]def parse_mounts(opts: List[str]) -> List[Union[BindMount, VolumeMount, DeviceMount]]:
parse_mounts parses a list of options into typed mounts following a similar
format to Dockers bind mount.
Multiple mounts can be specified in the same list. ``type`` must be
specified first in each.
Supported types:
BindMount: type=bind,src=<host path>,dst=<container path>[,readonly]
VolumeMount: type=volume,src=<name/id>,dst=<container path>[,readonly]
DeviceMount: type=device,src=/dev/<dev>[,dst=<container path>][,perm=rwm]
mount_opts = []
cur = {}
for opt in opts:
key, _, val = opt.partition("=")
if key not in _MOUNT_OPT_MAP:
raise KeyError(
f"unknown mount option {key}, must be one of {list(_MOUNT_OPT_MAP.keys())}"
key = _MOUNT_OPT_MAP[key]
if key == "type":
cur = {}
elif len(mount_opts) == 0:
raise KeyError("type must be specified first")
cur[key] = val
mounts = []
for opts in mount_opts:
typ = opts.get("type")
if typ == MountType.BIND:
src_path = opts["src"]
if src_path.startswith("~"):
src_path = os.path.expanduser(src_path)
read_only="readonly" in opts,
elif typ == MountType.VOLUME:
src=opts["src"], dst_path=opts["dst"], read_only="readonly" in opts
elif typ == MountType.DEVICE:
src = opts["src"]
dst = opts.get("dst", src)
perm = opts.get("perm", "rwm")
for c in perm:
if c not in "rwm":
raise ValueError(
f"{c} is not a valid permission flags must one of r,w,m"
mounts.append(DeviceMount(src_path=src, dst_path=dst, permissions=perm))
valid = list(str(item.value) for item in MountType)
raise ValueError(f"invalid mount type {repr(typ)}, must be one of {valid}")
return mounts