
Source code for torchx.specs.api

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import copy
import json
import re
import typing
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from json import JSONDecodeError
from string import Template
from typing import (

from torchx.util.types import to_dict

    State: ${state}
    Num Restarts: ${num_restarts}
    Roles: ${roles}
    Msg: ${msg}
    Structured Error Msg: ${structured_error_msg}
    UI URL: ${url}

# RPC Error message. Example:
# RuntimeError('On WorkerInfo(id=1, name=trainer:0:0):
# <message with the Traceback>
# ')
_RPC_ERROR_MESSAGE_RE: Pattern[str] = re.compile(
    (r"(?P<exception_type>\w*)\('On WorkerInfo\(.+\):\n" r"(.*\n)*" r"'\)")

# Sometimes another exception is nested as a message of the outer exception
# rather than proper exception chaining. Example:
#  c10::Error: CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered
# Exception
#   raised from create_event_internal at caffe2/c10/cuda/CUDACachingAllocator.cpp:733
#     (most recent call first):
_EMBEDDED_ERROR_MESSAGE_RE: Pattern[str] = re.compile(r"(?P<msg>.+)\nException.*")

# ========================================
# ==== Distributed AppDef API =======
# ========================================
[docs]@dataclass class Resource: """ Represents resource requirements for a ``Role``. Args: cpu: number of logical cpu cores. The definition of a CPU core depends on the scheduler. See your scheduler documentation for how a logical CPU core maps to physical cores and threads. gpu: number of gpus memMB: MB of ram capabilities: additional hardware specs (interpreted by scheduler) devices: a list of named devices with their quantities Note: you should prefer to use named_resources instead of specifying the raw resource requirement directly. """ cpu: int gpu: int memMB: int capabilities: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) devices: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def copy(original: "Resource", **capabilities: Any) -> "Resource": """ Copies a resource and applies new capabilities. If the same capabilities are present in the original resource and as parameter, the one from parameter will be used. """ res_capabilities = dict(original.capabilities) res_capabilities.update(capabilities) return Resource( cpu=original.cpu, gpu=original.gpu, memMB=original.memMB, capabilities=res_capabilities, devices=original.devices, )
# sentinel value used for cases when resource does not matter (e.g. ignored) NULL_RESOURCE: Resource = Resource(cpu=-1, gpu=-1, memMB=-1) # no-arg static factory method to use with default_factory in @dataclass # needed to support python 3.11 since mutable defaults for dataclasses are not allowed in 3.11 def _null_resource() -> Resource: return NULL_RESOURCE # used as "*" scheduler backend ALL: str = "all" # sentinel value used to represent missing string attributes, such as image or entrypoint MISSING: str = "<MISSING>" # sentinel value used to represent "unset" optional string attributes NONE: str = "<NONE>"
[docs]class macros: """ Defines macros that can be used in the elements of ``Role.args`` values of ``Role.env``. The macros will be substituted at runtime to their actual values. .. warning:: Macros used fields of :py:class:`Role` other than the ones mentioned above, are NOT substituted. Available macros: 1. ``img_root`` - root directory of the pulled container.image 2. ``app_id`` - application id as assigned by the scheduler 3. ``replica_id`` - unique id for each instance of a replica of a Role, for instance a role with 3 replicas could have the 0, 1, 2 as replica ids. Note that when the container fails and is replaced, the new container will have the same ``replica_id`` as the one it is replacing. For instance if node 1 failed and was replaced by the scheduler the replacing node will also have ``replica_id=1``. Example: :: # runs: --app_id ${app_id} trainer = Role( name="trainer", entrypoint="", args=["--app_id", macros.app_id], env={"IMAGE_ROOT_DIR": macros.img_root}) app = AppDef("train_app", roles=[trainer]) app_handle =, scheduler="local_docker", cfg={}) """ img_root = "${img_root}" base_img_root = "${base_img_root}" app_id = "${app_id}" replica_id = "${replica_id}" # rank0_env will be filled with the name of the environment variable that # provides the master host address. To get the actual hostname the # environment variable must be resolved by the app via either shell # expansion (wrap sh/bash) or via the application. # This may not be available on all schedulers. rank0_env = "${rank0_env}"
[docs] @dataclass class Values: img_root: str app_id: str replica_id: str rank0_env: str base_img_root: str = "DEPRECATED"
[docs] def apply(self, role: "Role") -> "Role": """ apply applies the values to a copy the specified role and returns it. """ role = copy.deepcopy(role) role.args = [self.substitute(arg) for arg in role.args] role.env = {key: self.substitute(arg) for key, arg in role.env.items()} role.metadata = self._apply_nested(role.metadata) return role
def _apply_nested(self, d: typing.Dict[str, Any]) -> typing.Dict[str, Any]: stack = [d] while stack: current_dict = stack.pop() for k, v in current_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): stack.append(v) elif isinstance(v, str): current_dict[k] = self.substitute(v) elif isinstance(v, list): for i in range(len(v)): if isinstance(v[i], str): v[i] = self.substitute(v[i]) return d
[docs] def substitute(self, arg: str) -> str: """ substitute applies the values to the template arg. """ return Template(arg).safe_substitute(**asdict(self))
[docs]class RetryPolicy(str, Enum): """ Defines the retry policy for the ``Roles`` in the ``AppDef``. The policy defines the behavior when the role replica encounters a failure: 1. unsuccessful (non zero) exit code 2. hardware/host crashes 3. preemption 4. eviction .. note:: Not all retry policies are supported by all schedulers. However all schedulers must support ``RetryPolicy.APPLICATION``. Please refer to the scheduler's documentation for more information on the retry policies they support and behavior caveats (if any). 1. REPLICA: Replaces the replica instance. Surviving replicas are untouched. Use with ``dist.ddp`` component to have torchelastic coordinate restarts and membership changes. Otherwise, it is up to the application to deal with failed replica departures and replacement replica admittance. 2. APPLICATION: Restarts the entire application. 3. HOT_SPARE: Restarts the replicas for a role as long as quorum (min_replicas) is not violated using extra hosts as spares. It does not really support elasticity and just uses the delta between num_replicas and min_replicas as spares (EXPERIMENTAL). 4. ROLE: Restarts the role when any error occurs in that role. This does not restart the whole job. """ REPLICA = "REPLICA" APPLICATION = "APPLICATION" HOT_SPARE = "HOT_SPARE" ROLE = "ROLE"
class MountType(str, Enum): BIND = "bind" VOLUME = "volume" DEVICE = "device"
[docs]@dataclass class BindMount: """ Defines a bind mount to `mount --bind` a host path into the worker environment. See scheduler documentation on how bind mounts operate for each scheduler. Args: src_path: the path on the host dst_path: the path in the worker environment/container read_only: whether the mount should be read only """ src_path: str dst_path: str read_only: bool = False
[docs]@dataclass class VolumeMount: """ Defines a persistent volume mount to mount into the worker environment. Args: src: the name or ID of the volume to mount dst_path: the path in the worker environment/container read_only: whether the mount should be read only """ src: str dst_path: str read_only: bool = False
[docs]@dataclass class DeviceMount: """ Defines a host device to mount into the container. Args: src_path: the path on the host dst_path: the path in the worker environment/container permissions: the permissions to set on the device. Default: read, write, mknode """ src_path: str dst_path: str permissions: str = "rwm"
[docs]@dataclass class Role: """ A set of nodes that perform a specific duty within the ``AppDef``. Examples: 1. Distributed data parallel app - made up of a single role (trainer). 2. App with parameter server - made up of multiple roles (trainer, ps). .. note:: An ``image`` is a software bundle that is installed on the container scheduled by the scheduler. The container on the scheduler dictates what an image actually is. An image could be as simple as a tar-ball or map to a docker image. The scheduler typically knows how to "pull" the image given an image name (str), which could be a simple name (e.g. docker image) or a url e.g. ``s3://path/my_image.tar``). Usage: :: trainer = Role(name="trainer", image = "pytorch/torch:1", entrypoint = "" args = ["--arg", "foo", ENV_VAR="FOOBAR"], num_replicas = 4, resource = Resource(cpu=1, gpu=1, memMB=500), port_map={"tcp_store":8080, "tensorboard": 8081}, metadata={"", value}) Args: name: name of the role image: a software bundle that is installed on a container. entrypoint: command (within the container) to invoke the role args: commandline arguments to the entrypoint cmd env: environment variable mappings num_replicas: number of container replicas to run min_replicas: minimum number of replicas for the job to start. When set the job size can automatically adjust between min_replicas and num_replicas depending on the cluster resources and policies. If the scheduler doesn't support auto scaling this field is ignored and the job size will be num_replicas. EXPERIMENTAL: For HOT_SPARE restart policy this field is used to indicate the quorum required for the job to run. max_retries: max number of retries before giving up retry_policy: retry behavior upon replica failures resource: Resource requirement for the role. The role should be scheduled by the scheduler on ``num_replicas`` container, each of them should have at least ``resource`` guarantees. port_map: Port mapping for the role. The key is the unique identifier of the port e.g. "tensorboard": 9090 metadata: Free form information that is associated with the role, for example scheduler specific data. The key should follow the pattern: ``$scheduler.$key`` mounts: a list of mounts on the machine """ name: str image: str min_replicas: Optional[int] = None base_image: Optional[str] = None # DEPRECATED DO NOT SET, WILL BE REMOVED SOON entrypoint: str = MISSING args: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) env: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) num_replicas: int = 1 max_retries: int = 0 retry_policy: RetryPolicy = RetryPolicy.APPLICATION resource: Resource = field(default_factory=_null_resource) port_map: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict) metadata: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) mounts: List[Union[BindMount, VolumeMount, DeviceMount]] = field( default_factory=list )
[docs] def pre_proc( self, scheduler: str, # pyre-fixme[24]: AppDryRunInfo was designed to work with Any request object dryrun_info: "AppDryRunInfo", # pyre-fixme[24]: AppDryRunInfo was designed to work with Any request object ) -> "AppDryRunInfo": """ Modifies the scheduler request based on the role specific configuration. The method is invoked for each role during scheduler ``submit_dryrun``. If there are multiple roles, the method is invoked for each role in order that is defined by the ``AppDef.roles`` list. """ return dryrun_info
[docs]@dataclass class AppDef: """ Represents a distributed application made up of multiple ``Roles`` and metadata. Contains the necessary information for the driver to submit this app to the scheduler. Args: name: Name of application roles: List of roles metadata: metadata to the app (treatment of metadata is scheduler dependent) """ name: str roles: List[Role] = field(default_factory=list) metadata: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs]class AppState(int, Enum): """ State of the application. An application starts from an initial ``UNSUBMITTED`` state and moves through ``SUBMITTED``, ``PENDING``, ``RUNNING`` states finally reaching a terminal state: ``SUCCEEDED``,``FAILED``, ``CANCELLED``. If the scheduler supports preemption, the app moves from a ``RUNNING`` state to ``PENDING`` upon preemption. If the user stops the application, then the application state moves to ``STOPPED``, then to ``CANCELLED`` when the job is actually cancelled by the scheduler. 1. UNSUBMITTED - app has not been submitted to the scheduler yet 2. SUBMITTED - app has been successfully submitted to the scheduler 3. PENDING - app has been submitted to the scheduler pending allocation 4. RUNNING - app is running 5. SUCCEEDED - app has successfully completed 6. FAILED - app has unsuccessfully completed 7. CANCELLED - app was cancelled before completing 8. UNKNOWN - app state is unknown """ UNSUBMITTED = 0 SUBMITTED = 1 PENDING = 2 RUNNING = 3 SUCCEEDED = 4 FAILED = 5 CANCELLED = 6 UNKNOWN = 7 def __str__(self) -> str: return def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{} ({self.value})"
_TERMINAL_STATES: List[AppState] = [ AppState.SUCCEEDED, AppState.FAILED, AppState.CANCELLED, ] _STARTED_STATES: List[AppState] = _TERMINAL_STATES + [ AppState.RUNNING, ] def is_terminal(state: AppState) -> bool: return state in _TERMINAL_STATES def is_started(state: AppState) -> bool: return state in _STARTED_STATES # ======================= # ==== Status API ======= # ======================= # replica and app share the same states, simply alias it for now ReplicaState = AppState @dataclass class ReplicaStatus: """ The status of the replica during the job execution. Args: id: The node rank, note: this is not a worker rank. state: The current state of the node. role: The role name hostname: The hostname where the replica is running structured_error_msg: Error message if any, None if job succeeded. """ id: int state: ReplicaState role: str hostname: str structured_error_msg: str = NONE @dataclass class RoleStatus: """ The status of the role during the job execution. Args: role: Role name replicas: List of replica statuses """ role: str replicas: List[ReplicaStatus]
[docs]@dataclass class AppStatus: """ The runtime status of the ``AppDef``. The scheduler can return an arbitrary text message (msg field). If any error occurs, scheduler can populate ``structured_error_msg`` with json response. ``replicas`` represent the statuses of the replicas in the job. If the job runs with multiple retries, the parameter will contain the statuses of the most recent retry. Note: if the previous retries failed, but the most recent retry succeeded or in progress, ``replicas`` will not contain occurred errors. """ state: AppState num_restarts: int = 0 msg: str = "" structured_error_msg: str = NONE ui_url: Optional[str] = None roles: List[RoleStatus] = field(default_factory=list) def is_terminal(self) -> bool: return is_terminal(self.state) def __repr__(self) -> str: app_status_dict = asdict(self) structured_error_msg = app_status_dict.pop("structured_error_msg") if structured_error_msg != NONE: structured_error_msg_parsed = json.loads(structured_error_msg) else: structured_error_msg_parsed = NONE app_status_dict["structured_error_msg"] = structured_error_msg_parsed app_status_dict["state"] = repr(app_status_dict["state"]) import yaml return yaml.dump({"AppStatus": app_status_dict})
[docs] def raise_for_status(self) -> None: """ raise_for_status will raise an AppStatusError if the state is not SUCCEEDED. """ if self.state != AppState.SUCCEEDED: raise AppStatusError(self, f"job did not succeed: {self}")
def _format_error_message(self, msg: str, header: str, width: int = 80) -> str: assert len(header) < width match =, msg) if match: start_pos, end_pos = match.span() msg = msg[start_pos:end_pos] match =, msg) if match: msg ="msg") length = 0 lines = [] for i in range(len(msg) + 1): if (i == (len(msg))) or (msg[i] == " " and length >= width): lines.append(f"{header}{msg[i - length: i]}") header = " " * len(header) length = 0 length += 1 return "\n".join(lines) def _format_replica_status(self, replica_status: ReplicaStatus) -> str: if replica_status.structured_error_msg != NONE: try: error_data = json.loads(replica_status.structured_error_msg) except JSONDecodeError: return replica_status.structured_error_msg error_message = self._format_error_message( msg=error_data["message"]["message"], header=" error_msg: " ) timestamp = int(error_data["message"]["extraInfo"]["timestamp"]) exitcode = error_data["message"]["errorCode"] if not exitcode: exitcode = "<N/A>" data = f"""{str(replica_status.state)} (exitcode: {exitcode}) timestamp: {datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)} hostname: {replica_status.hostname} {error_message}""" else: data = f"{str(replica_status.state)}" if replica_status.state in [ ReplicaState.CANCELLED, ReplicaState.FAILED, ]: data += " (no reply file)" # mark index 0 for each role with a "*" for a visual queue on role boundaries header = " " if == 0: header = "*" return f"\n {header}{replica_status.role}[{}]:{data}" def _get_role_statuses( self, roles: List[RoleStatus], filter_roles: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> List[RoleStatus]: if not filter_roles: return roles return [ role_status for role_status in roles if role_status.role in filter_roles ] def _format_role_status( self, role_status: RoleStatus, ) -> str: replica_data = "" for replica in sorted(role_status.replicas, key=lambda r: replica_data += self._format_replica_status(replica) return f"{replica_data}"
[docs] def format( self, filter_roles: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> str: """ Format logs for app status. The app status include: 1. State: State of the application. 2. Num Restarts: The number of application restarts. 3. Roles: List of roles. 4. Msg: Arbitrary text message the scheduler returned. 5. Structured Error Msg: Json response error msg. 6. UI URL: Application URL """ roles_data = "" roles = self._get_role_statuses(self.roles, filter_roles) for role_status in roles: roles_data += self._format_role_status(role_status) return Template(_APP_STATUS_FORMAT_TEMPLATE).substitute( state=self.state, num_restarts=self.num_restarts, roles=roles_data, msg=self.msg, structured_error_msg=self.structured_error_msg, url=self.ui_url, )
class AppStatusError(Exception): """ AppStatusError is raised when the job status is in an exceptional state i.e. not SUCCEEDED. """ def __init__(self, status: AppStatus, *args: object) -> None: super().__init__(*args) self.status = status # valid run cfg values; only support primitives (str, int, float, bool, List[str], Dict[str, str]) # TODO(wilsonhong): python 3.9+ supports list[T] in typing, which can be used directly # in isinstance(). Should replace with that. # see: CfgVal = Union[str, int, float, bool, List[str], Dict[str, str], None] T = TypeVar("T") class AppDryRunInfo(Generic[T]): """ Returned by ``Scheduler.submit_dryrun``. Represents the request that would have been made to the scheduler. The ``fmt_str()`` method of this object should return a pretty formatted string representation of the underlying request object such that ``print(info)`` yields a human readable representation of the underlying request. """ def __init__(self, request: T, fmt: Callable[[T], str]) -> None: self.request = request self._fmt = fmt # fields below are only meant to be used by # Scheduler or Session implementations # and are back references to the parameters # to dryrun() that returned this AppDryRunInfo object # thus they are set in Runner.dryrun() and Scheduler.submit_dryrun() # manually rather than through constructor arguments # DO NOT create getters or make these public # unless there is a good reason to self._app: Optional[AppDef] = None self._cfg: Mapping[str, CfgVal] = {} self._scheduler: Optional[str] = None def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._fmt(self.request) def get_type_name(tp: Type[CfgVal]) -> str: """ Gets the type's name as a string. If ``tp` is a primitive class like int, str, etc, then uses its attribute ``__name__``. Otherwise, use ``str(tp)``. Note: we use this method to print out generic typing like List[str]. """ if tp.__module__ != "typing" and hasattr(tp, "__name__"): return tp.__name__ else: return str(tp) @dataclass class runopt: """ Represents the metadata about the specific run option """ default: CfgVal opt_type: Type[CfgVal] is_required: bool help: str
[docs]class runopts: """ Holds the accepted scheduler run configuration keys, default value (if any), and help message string. These options are provided by the ``Scheduler`` and validated in ```` against user provided run cfg. Allows ``None`` default values. Required opts must NOT have a non-None default. .. important:: This class has no accessors because it is intended to be constructed and returned by ``Scheduler.run_config_options`` and printed out as a "help" tool or as part of an exception msg. Usage: .. code-block:: python opts = runopts() opts.add("run_as_user", type_=str, help="user to run the job as") opts.add("cluster_id", type_=int, help="cluster to submit the job", required=True) opts.add("priority", type_=float, default=0.5, help="job priority") opts.add("preemptible", type_=bool, default=False, help="is the job preemptible") # invalid opts.add("illegal", default=10, required=True) opts.add("bad_type", type=str, default=10) opts.check(cfg) print(opts) """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._opts: Dict[str, runopt] = {} def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, runopt]]: return self._opts.items().__iter__() def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._opts)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_type(obj: CfgVal, tp: Type[CfgVal]) -> bool: """ Returns True if ``obj`` is type of ``tp``. Similar to isinstance() but supports tp = List[str], thus can be used to validate ConfigValue. """ try: return isinstance(obj, tp) except TypeError: if isinstance(obj, list): return all(isinstance(e, str) for e in obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return all( isinstance(k, str) and isinstance(v, str) for k, v in obj.items() ) else: return False
[docs] def get(self, name: str) -> Optional[runopt]: """ Returns option if any was registered, or None otherwise """ return self._opts.get(name, None)
[docs] def resolve(self, cfg: Mapping[str, CfgVal]) -> Dict[str, CfgVal]: """ Checks the given config against this ``runopts`` and sets default configs if not set. .. note:: Extra configs unknown to this run option are ignored. """ resolved_cfg: Dict[str, CfgVal] = {**cfg} for cfg_key, runopt in self._opts.items(): val = resolved_cfg.get(cfg_key) # check required opt if runopt.is_required and val is None: raise InvalidRunConfigException( f"Required run option: {cfg_key}, must be provided and not `None`", cfg_key, cfg, ) # check type (None matches all types) if val is not None and not runopts.is_type(val, runopt.opt_type): raise InvalidRunConfigException( f"Run option: {cfg_key}, must be of type: {get_type_name(runopt.opt_type)}," f" but was: {val} ({type(val).__name__})", cfg_key, cfg, ) # not required and not set, set to default if val is None: resolved_cfg[cfg_key] = runopt.default return resolved_cfg
[docs] def cfg_from_str(self, cfg_str: str) -> Dict[str, CfgVal]: """ Parses scheduler ``cfg`` from a string literal and returns a cfg map where the cfg values have been cast into the appropriate types as specified by this runopts object. Unknown keys are ignored and not returned in the resulting map. .. note:: Unlike the method ``resolve``, this method does NOT resolve default options or check that the required options are actually present in the given ``cfg_str``. This method is intended to be called before calling ``resolve()`` when the input is a string encoded run cfg. That is to fully resolve the cfg, call ``opt.resolve(opt.cfg_from_str(cfg_literal))``. If the ``cfg_str`` is an empty string, then an empty ``cfg`` is returned. Otherwise, at least one kv-pair delimited by ``"="`` (equal) is expected. Either ``","`` (comma) or ``";"`` (semi-colon) can be used to delimit multiple kv-pairs. ``CfgVal`` allows ``List`` of primitives, which can be passed as either ``","`` or ``";"`` (semi-colon) delimited. Since the same delimiters are used to delimit between cfg kv pairs, this method interprets the last (trailing) ``","`` or ``";"`` as the delimiter between kv pairs. See example below. Examples: .. doctest:: opts = runopts() opts.add("FOO", type_=List[str], default=["a"], help="an optional list option") opts.add("BAR", type_=str, required=True, help="a required str option") # required and default options not checked # method returns strictly parsed cfg from the cfg literal string opts.cfg_from_str("") == {} # however, unknown options are ignored # since the value type is unknown hence cannot cast to the correct type opts.cfg_from_str("UNKNOWN=VALUE") == {} opts.cfg_from_str("FOO=v1") == {"FOO": "v1"} opts.cfg_from_str("FOO=v1,v2") == {"FOO": ["v1", "v2"]} opts.cfg_from_str("FOO=v1;v2") == {"FOO": ["v1", "v2"]} opts.cfg_from_str("FOO=v1,v2,BAR=v3") == {"FOO": ["v1", "v2"], "BAR": "v3"} opts.cfg_from_str("FOO=v1;v2,BAR=v3") == {"FOO": ["v1", "v2"], "BAR": "v3"} opts.cfg_from_str("FOO=v1;v2;BAR=v3") == {"FOO": ["v1", "v2"], "BAR": "v3"} """ def _cast_to_type(value: str, opt_type: Type[CfgVal]) -> CfgVal: if opt_type == bool: return value.lower() == "true" elif opt_type == List[str]: # lists may be ; or , delimited # also deal with trailing "," by removing empty strings return [v for v in value.replace(";", ",").split(",") if v] elif opt_type == Dict[str, str]: return { s.split(":", 1)[0]: s.split(":", 1)[1] for s in value.replace(";", ",").split(",") } else: # pyre-ignore[19, 6] type won't be dict here as we handled it above return opt_type(value) cfg: Dict[str, CfgVal] = {} for key, val in to_dict(cfg_str).items(): runopt_ = self.get(key) if runopt_: cfg[key] = _cast_to_type(val, runopt_.opt_type) return cfg
[docs] def cfg_from_json_repr(self, json_repr: str) -> Dict[str, CfgVal]: """ Converts the given dict to a valid cfg for this ``runopts`` object. """ cfg: Dict[str, CfgVal] = {} cfg_dict = json.loads(json_repr) for key, val in cfg_dict.items(): runopt_ = self.get(key) if runopt_: if runopt_.opt_type == List[str]: cfg[key] = [str(v) for v in val] elif runopt_.opt_type == Dict[str, str]: cfg[key] = {str(k): str(v) for k, v in val.items()} else: cfg[key] = val return cfg
[docs] def add( self, cfg_key: str, type_: Type[CfgVal], help: str, default: CfgVal = None, required: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Adds the ``config`` option with the given help string and ``default`` value (if any). If the ``default`` is not specified then this option is a required option. """ if required and default is not None: raise ValueError( f"Required option: {cfg_key} must not specify default value. Given: {default}" ) if default is not None: if not runopts.is_type(default, type_): raise TypeError( f"Option: {cfg_key}, must be of type: {type_}." f" Given: {default} ({type(default).__name__})" ) self._opts[cfg_key] = runopt(default, type_, required, help)
def update(self, other: "runopts") -> None: self._opts.update(other._opts) def __repr__(self) -> str: required = [(key, opt) for key, opt in self._opts.items() if opt.is_required] optional = [ (key, opt) for key, opt in self._opts.items() if not opt.is_required ] out = " usage:\n " for i, (key, opt) in enumerate(required + optional): contents = f"{key}={key.upper()}" if not opt.is_required: contents = f"[{contents}]" if i > 0: contents = "," + contents out += contents sections = [("required", required), ("optional", optional)] for section, opts in sections: if len(opts) == 0: continue out += f"\n\n {section} arguments:" for key, opt in opts: default = "" if opt.is_required else f", {opt.default}" out += f"\n {key}={key.upper()} ({get_type_name(opt.opt_type)}{default})" out += f"\n {}" return out
class InvalidRunConfigException(Exception): """ Raised when the supplied run cfg does not satisfy the ``runopts``, either due to missing required configs or value type mismatch. """ def __init__( self, invalid_reason: str, cfg_key: str, cfg: Mapping[str, CfgVal] ) -> None: given = str(cfg) if cfg else "<EMPTY>" super().__init__(f"{invalid_reason}. Given: {given}") self.cfg_key = cfg_key class MalformedAppHandleException(Exception): """ Raised when APIs are given a bad app handle. """ def __init__(self, app_handle: str) -> None: super().__init__( f"{app_handle} is not of the form: <scheduler_backend>://<session_name>/<app_id>" ) class UnknownSchedulerException(Exception): def __init__(self, scheduler_backend: str) -> None: super().__init__( f"Scheduler backend: {scheduler_backend} does not exist." f" Use session.scheduler_backends() to see all supported schedulers" ) # encodes information about a running app in url format # {scheduler_backend}://{session_name}/{app_id} AppHandle = str class ParsedAppHandle(NamedTuple): """ Individual accessible components of the `AppHandle` """ scheduler_backend: str session_name: str app_id: str class UnknownAppException(Exception): """ Raised by ``Session`` APIs when either the application does not exist or the application is not owned by the session. """ def __init__(self, app_handle: "AppHandle") -> None: super().__init__( f"Unknown app = {app_handle}. Did you forget to call" f" Otherwise, the app may have already finished and purged by the scheduler" ) def parse_app_handle(app_handle: AppHandle) -> ParsedAppHandle: """ parses the app handle into ```(scheduler_backend, session_name, and app_id)``` """ # parse it manually b/c currently torchx does not # define allowed characters nor length for session name and app_id import re pattern = r"(?P<scheduler_backend>.+)://(?P<session_name>.+)/(?P<app_id>.+)" match = re.match(pattern, app_handle) if not match: raise MalformedAppHandleException(app_handle) gd = match.groupdict() return ParsedAppHandle(gd["scheduler_backend"], gd["session_name"], gd["app_id"])


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