

torchaudio.functional.inverse_spectrogram(spectrogram: Tensor, length: Optional[int], pad: int, window: Tensor, n_fft: int, hop_length: int, win_length: int, normalized: Union[bool, str], center: bool = True, pad_mode: str = 'reflect', onesided: bool = True) Tensor[source]

Create an inverse spectrogram or a batch of inverse spectrograms from the provided complex-valued spectrogram.

This feature supports the following devices: CPU, CUDA This API supports the following properties: Autograd, TorchScript
  • spectrogram (Tensor) – Complex tensor of audio of dimension (…, freq, time).

  • length (int or None) – The output length of the waveform.

  • pad (int) – Two sided padding of signal. It is only effective when length is provided.

  • window (Tensor) – Window tensor that is applied/multiplied to each frame/window

  • n_fft (int) – Size of FFT

  • hop_length (int) – Length of hop between STFT windows

  • win_length (int) – Window size

  • normalized (bool or str) – Whether the stft output was normalized by magnitude. If input is str, choices are "window" and "frame_length", dependent on normalization mode. True maps to "window".

  • center (bool, optional) – whether the waveform was padded on both sides so that the tt-th frame is centered at time t×hop_lengtht \times \text{hop\_length}. Default: True

  • pad_mode (string, optional) – controls the padding method used when center is True. This parameter is provided for compatibility with the spectrogram function and is not used. Default: "reflect"

  • onesided (bool, optional) – controls whether spectrogram was done in onesided mode. Default: True


Dimension (…, time). Least squares estimation of the original signal.

Return type:



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