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  • Building Torch-TensorRT on Windows

Building Torch-TensorRT on Windows

Torch-TensorRT has community support for Windows platform using CMake


  • Microsoft VS 2022 Tools

  • Bazelisk

  • CUDA

Build steps

  • Open the app “x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022” - note that Admin priveleges may be necessary

  • Ensure Bazelisk (Bazel launcher) is installed on your machine and available from the command line. Package installers such as Chocolatey can be used to install Bazelisk

  • Install latest version of Torch (i.e. with pip install –pre torch –index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu124)

  • Clone the Torch-TensorRT repository and navigate to its root directory

  • Run pip install ninja wheel setuptools

  • Run pip install –pre -r py/requirements.txt


  • Run python setup.py bdist_wheel

  • Run pip install dist/*.whl

Advanced setup and Troubleshooting

In the WORKSPACE file, the cuda_win, libtorch_win, and tensorrt_win are Windows-specific modules which can be customized. For instance, if you would like to build with a different version of CUDA, or your CUDA installation is in a non-standard location, update the path in the cuda_win module.

Similarly, if you would like to use a different version of pytorch or tensorrt, customize the urls in the libtorch_win and tensorrt_win modules, respectively.

Local versions of these packages can also be used on Windows. See toolchainsci_workspacesWORKSPACE.win.release.tmpl for an example of using a local version of TensorRT on Windows.


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