

class torchtune.rlhf.loss.RSOLoss(gamma: float = 0.1)[source]

Statistical Rejection Sampling Optimization (RSO) or “hinge” loss module: Intuition from the paper:

DPO is a logistic regression on human preference data, and SLiC ( is almost equivalent to a support vector machine (SVM) with hinge loss. [RSO] improve[s] SLiC as the SVM counter part of DPO.

Based on the implementation in HF’s TRL library:


gamma (float) – Equivalent temperature parameter (from DPO) for the RSO loss.

forward(policy_chosen_logps: Tensor, policy_rejected_logps: Tensor, reference_chosen_logps: Tensor, reference_rejected_logps: Tensor) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor][source]

Compute the RSO loss for a batch of policy and reference model log probabilities.

  • policy_chosen_logps (torch.Tensor) – Log probabilities of the policy model for the chosen responses. Shape: (batch_size)

  • policy_rejected_logps (torch.Tensor) – Log probabilities of the policy model for the rejected responses. Shape: (batch_size)

  • reference_chosen_logps (torch.Tensor) – Log probabilities of the reference model for the chosen responses. Shape: (batch_size)

  • reference_rejected_logps (torch.Tensor) – Log probabilities of the reference model for the rejected responses. Shape: (batch_size)


A tuple of three tensors:
  • losses: The RSO loss for each example in the batch.

  • chosen_rewards: Rewards for the chosen responses.

  • rejected_rewards: Rewards for the rejected responses.

Return type:

Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]


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