
Preference Datasets

Preference datasets are used for reward modelling, where the downstream task is to fine-tune a base model to capture some underlying human preferences. Currently, these datasets are used in torchtune with the Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) recipe.

The ground-truth in preference datasets is usually the outcome of a binary comparison between two completions for the same prompt, and where a human annotator has indicated that one completion is more preferable than the other, according to some pre-set criterion. These prompt-completion pairs could be instruct style (single-turn, optionally with a single prompt), chat style (multi-turn), or some other set of interactions between a user and model (e.g. free-form text completion).

The primary entry point for fine-tuning with preference datasets in torchtune with the DPO recipe is preference_dataset().

Example local preference dataset

# my_preference_dataset.json
        "chosen_conversations": [
                "content": "What do I do when I have a hole in my trousers?",
                "role": "user"
            { "content": "Fix the hole.", "role": "assistant" }
        "rejected_conversations": [
                "content": "What do I do when I have a hole in my trousers?",
                "role": "user"
            { "content": "Take them off.", "role": "assistant" }
from torchtune.models.mistral import mistral_tokenizer
from torchtune.datasets import preference_dataset

 m_tokenizer = mistral_tokenizer(
column_map = {
    "chosen": "chosen_conversations",
    "rejected": "rejected_conversations"
ds = preference_dataset(
tokenized_dict = ds[0]
# user\n\nWhat do I do when I have a hole in my trousers?assistant\n\nTake them off.
# [-100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100, -100,-100,\
# -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,128006,78191,128007,271,18293,1124,1022,13,128009,-100]

This can also be accomplished via the yaml config:

# In config
  _component_: torchtune.models.mistral.mistral_tokenizer
  path: /tmp/Mistral-7B-v0.1/tokenizer.model
  prompt_template: torchtune.models.mistral.MistralChatTemplate
  max_seq_len: 8192

  _component_: torchtune.datasets.preference_dataset
  source: json
  data_files: my_preference_dataset.json
    chosen: chosen_conversations
    rejected: rejected_conversations
  train_on_input: False
  split: train

In this example, we’ve also shown how column_map can be used when the “chosen” and/or “rejected” column names differ from the corresponding columns in your dataset.

Preference dataset format

Preference datasets are expected to have two columns: “chosen”, which indicates the human annotator’s preferred response, and “rejected”, indicating the human annotator’s dis-preferred response. Each of these columns should contain a list of messages with an identical prompt. The list of messages could include a system prompt, an instruction, multiple turns between user and assistant, or tool calls/returns. Let’s take a look at Anthropic’s helpfulness/harmlessness dataset on Hugging Face as an example of a multi-turn chat-style format:

| chosen                                | rejected                              |
|[{                                     |[{                                     |
| "role": "user",                       | "role": "user",                       |
| "content": "helping my granny with her| "content": "helping my granny with her|
| mobile phone issue"                   | mobile phone issue"                   |
| },                                    | },                                    |
| {                                     | {                                     |
| "role": "assistant",                  | "role": "assistant",                  |
| "content": "I see you are chatting    | "content": "Well, the best choice here|
| with your grandmother about an issue  | could be helping with so-called 'self-|
| with her mobile phone. How can I      | management behaviors'. These are      |
| help?"                                | things your grandma can do on her own |
| },                                    | to help her feel more in control."    |
| {                                     | }]                                    |
| "role": "user",                       |                                       |
| "content": "her phone is not turning  |                                       |
| on"                                   |                                       |
| },                                    |                                       |
| {...},                                |                                       |
|]                                      |                                       |

Currently, only JSON-format conversations are supported, as shown in the example above. You can use this dataset out-of-the-box in torchtune through hh_rlhf_helpful_dataset().

Loading preference datasets from Hugging Face

To load in preference datasets from Hugging Face you’ll need to pass in the dataset repo name to source. For most HF datasets, you will also need to specify the split.

from torchtune.models.gemma import gemma_tokenizer
from torchtune.datasets import preference_dataset

g_tokenizer = gemma_tokenizer("/tmp/gemma-7b/tokenizer.model")
ds = chat_dataset(
# Tokenizer is passed into the dataset in the recipe so we don't need it here
  _component_: torchtune.datasets.preference_dataset
  source: hendrydong/preference_700K
  split: train

Built-in preference datasets


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