

class torchtune.models.llama3_2_vision.Llama3VisionProjectionHead(layers: Module, output: Module, num_hidden_inputs: int = 0)[source]

Projection transformer to adapt the output of a pretrained frozen encoder (CLIP) to a pretrained decoder model. For example, nn.Sequential(CLIP(), Llama3VisionProjectionHead()).

  • layers (nn.Module) – Transformer Decoder layers

  • output (nn.Module) – Output linear layer. Input dim is (num_hidden + 1) * encoder_dim and output is decoder_dim.

  • num_hidden_inputs (int) – Number of expected hidden state inputs

forward(x: Tensor, hidden_states: Optional[List[Tensor]] = None) Tensor[source]
  • x (torch.Tensor) – input tensor with shape [b x i x t x e x d]

  • hidden_states (Optional[List[torch.Tensor]]) – list of hidden states from the encoder. Each hidden state has the same shape as x.


output tensor of a sequence of embedings [b x s x d]

where sequence length is num_imgs*num_tiles+num_embeds

Return type:


Notation used for tensor shapes:
  • b: batch size

  • i: number of images

  • t: number of tiles (where a single image is broken into multiple tiles)

  • e: number of embeds per tile (e.g. CLS embed + patch embeds, etc.)

  • s: sequence length computed by i*t*e

  • d: embed dim


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