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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, TypeVar, Union
from urllib import request

T = TypeVar("T", bound=type)

[docs]def truncate( tokens: List[Any], max_seq_len: int, eos_id: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> List[Any]: """ Truncate a list of tokens to a maximum length. If eos_id is provided, the last token will be replaced with eos_id. Args: tokens (List[Any]): list of tokens to truncate max_seq_len (int): maximum length of the list eos_id (Optional[Any]): token to replace the last token with. If None, the last token will not be replaced. Default is None. Returns: List[Any]: truncated list of tokens """ tokens_truncated = tokens[:max_seq_len] if eos_id is not None and tokens_truncated[-1] != eos_id: tokens_truncated[-1] = eos_id return tokens_truncated
[docs]def load_image(image_loc: Union[Path, str]) -> "PIL.Image.Image": """ Convenience method to load an image in PIL format from a local file path or remote source. Args: image_loc (Union[Path, str]): Local file path or remote source pointing to the image which will be loaded in PIL format. Note: If loading an image from a remote source, the function expects the URL provided in ``image_loc`` to start with "http" or "https" e.g. "". Raises: ValueError: If the image cannot be loaded from remote source. ValueError: If the image cannot be opened as a :class:`~PIL.Image.Image`. Examples: >>> # Load from remote source >>> image = load_image("") >>> # Load from local file path >>> image = load_image(Path("/home/user/bird.jpg")) Returns: PIL.Image.Image: The loaded image. """ # Hackily import PIL to avoid burdensome import in the main module # TODO: Fix this from PIL import Image # If pointing to remote source, try to load to local if isinstance(image_loc, str) and image_loc.startswith("http"): try: image_loc = request.urlopen(image_loc) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Failed to load image from {image_loc}") from e # Open the local image as a PIL image try: image = except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Failed to open image as PIL Image from {image_loc}") from e return image
[docs]def format_content_with_images( content: str, *, image_tag: str, images: List["PIL.Image.Image"] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Given a raw text string, split by the specified ``image_tag`` and form into list of dictionaries to be used in the :class:`` content field:: [ { "role": "system" | "user" | "assistant", "content": [ {"type": "image", "content": <PIL.Image.Image>}, {"type": "text", "content": "This is a sample image."}, ], }, ... ] Args: content (str): raw message text image_tag (str): string to split the text by images (List["PIL.Image.Image"]): list of images to be used in the content Raises: ValueError: If the number of images does not match the number of image tags in the content Examples: >>> content = format_content_with_images( ... "<|image|>hello <|image|>world", ... image_tag="<|image|>", ... images=[<PIL.Image.Image>, <PIL.Image.Image>] ... ) >>> print(content) [ {"type": "image", "content": <PIL.Image.Image>}, {"type": "text", "content": "hello "}, {"type": "image", "content": <PIL.Image.Image>}, {"type": "text", "content": "world"} ] Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: list of dictionaries to be used in the :class:`` content field """ num_image_tags_in_content = content.count(image_tag) if len(images) != num_image_tags_in_content: raise ValueError( f"Number of images ({len(images)}) does not match number of image tags " f"({num_image_tags_in_content}) in content: {content}" ) split_content = content.split(image_tag) final_content_list = [] for i, substr in enumerate(split_content): if len(substr) > 0: final_content_list.append({"type": "text", "content": substr}) if i < len(split_content) - 1: final_content_list.append({"type": "image", "content": images.pop(0)}) return final_content_list


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