
Using Replay Buffers

Author: Vincent Moens

Replay buffers are a central piece of any RL or control algorithm. Supervised learning methods are usually characterized by a training loop where data is randomly pulled from a static dataset and fed successively to the model and loss function. In RL, things are often slightly different: the data is gathered using the model, then temporarily stored in a dynamic structure (the experience replay buffer), which serves as dataset for the loss module.

As always, the context in which the buffer is used drastically conditions how it is built: some may wish to store trajectories when others will want to store single transitions. Specific sampling strategies may be preferable in contexts: some items can have a higher priority than others, or it can be important to sample with or without replacement. Computational factors may also come into play, such as the size of the buffer which may exceed the available RAM storage.

For these reasons, TorchRL’s replay buffers are fully composable: although they come with “batteries included”, requiring a minimal effort to be built, they also support many customizations such as storage type, sampling strategy or data transforms.

In this tutorial, you will learn:

Basics: building a vanilla replay buffer

TorchRL’s replay buffers are designed to prioritize modularity, composability, efficiency, and simplicity. For instance, creating a basic replay buffer is a straightforward process, as shown in the following example:

import gc

import tempfile

from import ReplayBuffer

buffer = ReplayBuffer()

By default, this replay buffer will have a size of 1000. Let’s check this by populating our buffer using the extend() method:

print("length before adding elements:", len(buffer))


print("length after adding elements:", len(buffer))

We have used the extend() method which is designed to add multiple items all at once. If the object that is passed to extend has more than one dimension, its first dimension is considered to be the one to be split in separate elements in the buffer.

This essentially means that when adding multidimensional tensors or tensordicts to the buffer, the buffer will only look at the first dimension when counting the elements it holds in memory. If the object passed it not iterable, an exception will be thrown.

To add items one at a time, the add() method should be used instead.

Customizing the storage

We see that the buffer has been capped to the first 1000 elements that we passed to it. To change the size, we need to customize our storage.

TorchRL proposes three types of storages:

  • The ListStorage stores elements independently in a list. It supports any data type, but this flexibility comes at the cost of efficiency;

  • The LazyTensorStorage stores tensors data structures contiguously. It works naturally with TensorDict (or tensorclass) objects. The storage is contiguous on a per-tensor basis, meaning that sampling will be more efficient than when using a list, but the implicit restriction is that any data passed to it must have the same basic properties (such as shape and dtype) as the first batch of data that was used to instantiate the buffer. Passing data that does not match this requirement will either raise an exception or lead to some undefined behaviors.

  • The LazyMemmapStorage works as the LazyTensorStorage in that it is lazy (i.e., it expects the first batch of data to be instantiated), and it requires data that match in shape and dtype for each batch stored. What makes this storage unique is that it points to disk files (or uses the filesystem storage), meaning that it can support very large datasets while still accessing data in a contiguous manner.

Let us see how we can use each of these storages:

from import LazyMemmapStorage, LazyTensorStorage, ListStorage

# We define the maximum size of the buffer
size = 100

A buffer with a list storage buffer can store any kind of data (but we must change the collate_fn since the default expects numerical data):

buffer_list = ReplayBuffer(storage=ListStorage(size), collate_fn=lambda x: x)
buffer_list.extend(["a", 0, "b"])

Because it is the one with the lowest amount of assumption, the ListStorage is the default storage in TorchRL.

A LazyTensorStorage can store data contiguously. This should be the preferred option when dealing with complicated but unchanging data structures of medium size:

buffer_lazytensor = ReplayBuffer(storage=LazyTensorStorage(size))

Let us create a batch of data of size torch.Size([3]) with 2 tensors stored in it:

import torch
from tensordict import TensorDict

data = TensorDict(
        "a": torch.arange(12).view(3, 4),
        ("b", "c"): torch.arange(15).view(3, 5),

The first call to extend() will instantiate the storage. The first dimension of the data is unbound into separate datapoints:

print(f"The buffer has {len(buffer_lazytensor)} elements")

Let us sample from the buffer, and print the data:

sample = buffer_lazytensor.sample(5)
print("samples", sample["a"], sample["b", "c"])

A LazyMemmapStorage is created in the same manner. We can also customize the storage location on disk:

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
    buffer_lazymemmap = ReplayBuffer(
        storage=LazyMemmapStorage(size, scratch_dir=tempdir)
    print(f"The buffer has {len(buffer_lazymemmap)} elements")
        "the 'a' tensor is stored in", buffer_lazymemmap._storage._storage["a"].filename
        "the ('b', 'c') tensor is stored in",
        buffer_lazymemmap._storage._storage["b", "c"].filename,
    sample = buffer_lazytensor.sample(5)
    print("samples: a=", sample["a"], "\n('b', 'c'):", sample["b", "c"])
    del buffer_lazymemmap

Integration with TensorDict

The tensor location follows the same structure as the TensorDict that contains them: this makes it easy to save and load buffers during training.

To use TensorDict as a data carrier at its fullest potential, the TensorDictReplayBuffer class can be used. One of its key benefits is its ability to handle the organization of sampled data, along with any additional information that may be required (such as sample indices).

It can be built in the same manner as a standard ReplayBuffer and can generally be used interchangeably.

from import TensorDictReplayBuffer

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
    buffer_lazymemmap = TensorDictReplayBuffer(
        storage=LazyMemmapStorage(size, scratch_dir=tempdir), batch_size=12
    print(f"The buffer has {len(buffer_lazymemmap)} elements")
    sample = buffer_lazymemmap.sample()
    print("sample:", sample)
    del buffer_lazymemmap

Our sample now has an extra "index" key that indicates what indices were sampled. Let us have a look at these indices:


Integration with tensorclass

The ReplayBuffer class and associated subclasses also work natively with tensorclass classes, which can conveniently be used to encode datasets in a more explicit manner:

from tensordict import tensorclass

class MyData:
    images: torch.Tensor
    labels: torch.Tensor

data = MyData(
        (10, 64, 64, 3),
    labels=torch.randint(100, (10,)),

buffer_lazy = ReplayBuffer(storage=LazyTensorStorage(size), batch_size=12)
print(f"The buffer has {len(buffer_lazy)} elements")
sample = buffer_lazy.sample()
print("sample:", sample)

As expected. the data has the proper class and shape!

Integration with other tensor structures (PyTrees)

TorchRL’s replay buffers also work with any pytree data structure. A PyTree is a nested structure of arbitrary depth made of dicts, lists and/or tuples where the leaves are tensors. This means that one can store in contiguous memory any such tree structure! Various storages can be used: TensorStorage, LazyMemmapStorage or LazyTensorStorage all accept this kind of data.

Here is a brief demonstration of what this feature looks like:

from torch.utils._pytree import tree_map

Let’s build our replay buffer on RAM:

rb = ReplayBuffer(storage=LazyTensorStorage(size))
data = {
    "a": torch.randn(3),
    "b": {"c": (torch.zeros(2), [torch.ones(1)])},
    30: -torch.ones(()),  # non-string keys also work

# The sample has a similar structure to the data (with a leading dimension of 10 for each tensor)
sample = rb.sample(10)

With pytrees, any callable can be used as a transform:

def transform(x):
    # Zeros all the data in the pytree
    return tree_map(lambda y: y * 0, x)

sample = rb.sample(batch_size=12)

let’s check that our transform did its job:

def assert0(x):
    assert (x == 0).all()

tree_map(assert0, sample)

Sampling and iterating over buffers

Replay Buffers support multiple sampling strategies:

  • If the batch-size is fixed and can be defined at construction time, it can be passed as keyword argument to the buffer;

  • With a fixed batch-size, the replay buffer can be iterated over to gather samples;

  • If the batch-size is dynamic, it can be passed to the sample method on-the-fly.

Sampling can be done using multithreading, but this is incompatible with the last option (at it requires the buffer to know in advance the size of the next batch).

Let us see a few examples:

Fixed batch-size

If the batch-size is passed during construction, it should be omitted when sampling:

data = MyData(
        (200, 64, 64, 3),
    labels=torch.randint(100, (200,)),

buffer_lazy = ReplayBuffer(storage=LazyTensorStorage(size), batch_size=128)

This batch of data has the size that we wanted it to have (128).

To enable multithreaded sampling, just pass a positive integer to the prefetch keyword argument during construction. This should speed up sampling considerably whenever sampling is time consuming (e.g., when using prioritized samplers):

buffer_lazy = ReplayBuffer(
    storage=LazyTensorStorage(size), batch_size=128, prefetch=10
)  # creates a queue of 10 elements to be prefetched in the background

Iterating over the buffer with a fixed batch-size

We can also iterate over the buffer like we would do with a regular dataloader, as long as the batch-size is predefined:

for i, data in enumerate(buffer_lazy):
    if i == 3:

del buffer_lazy

Due to the fact that our sampling technique is entirely random and does not prevent replacement, the iterator in question is infinite. However, we can make use of the SamplerWithoutReplacement instead, which will transform our buffer into a finite iterator:

from import SamplerWithoutReplacement

buffer_lazy = ReplayBuffer(
    storage=LazyTensorStorage(size), batch_size=32, sampler=SamplerWithoutReplacement()

we create a data that is big enough to get a couple of samples

data = TensorDict(
        "a": torch.arange(64).view(16, 4),
        ("b", "c"): torch.arange(128).view(16, 8),

for _i, _ in enumerate(buffer_lazy):
print(f"A total of {_i+1} batches have been collected")

del buffer_lazy

Dynamic batch-size

In contrast to what we have seen earlier, the batch_size keyword argument can be omitted and passed directly to the sample method:

buffer_lazy = ReplayBuffer(
    storage=LazyTensorStorage(size), sampler=SamplerWithoutReplacement()
print("sampling 3 elements:", buffer_lazy.sample(3))
print("sampling 5 elements:", buffer_lazy.sample(5))

del buffer_lazy

Prioritized Replay buffers

TorchRL also provides an interface for prioritized replay buffers. This buffer class samples data according to a priority signal that is passed through the data.

Although this tool is compatible with non-tensordict data, we encourage using TensorDict instead as it makes it possible to carry meta-data in and out from the buffer with little effort.

Let us first see how to build a prioritized replay buffer in the generic case. The α and β hyperparameters have to be manually set:

from import PrioritizedSampler

size = 100

rb = ReplayBuffer(
    sampler=PrioritizedSampler(max_capacity=size, alpha=0.8, beta=1.1),
    collate_fn=lambda x: x,

Extending the replay buffer returns the items indices, which we will need later to update the priority:

indices = rb.extend([1, "foo", None])

The sampler expects to have a priority for each element. When added to the buffer, the priority is set to a default value of 1. Once the priority has been computed (usually through the loss), it must be updated in the buffer.

This is done via the update_priority() method, which requires the indices as well as the priority. We assign an artificially high priority to the second sample in the dataset to observe its effect on sampling:

rb.update_priority(index=indices, priority=torch.tensor([0, 1_000, 0.1]))

We observe that sampling from the buffer returns mostly the second sample ("foo"):

sample, info = rb.sample(10, return_info=True)

The info contains the relative weights of the items as well as the indices.


We see that using a prioritized replay buffer requires a series of extra steps in the training loop compared with a regular buffer:

  • After collecting data and extending the buffer, the priority of the items must be updated;

  • After computing the loss and getting a “priority signal” from it, we must update again the priority of the items in the buffer. This requires us to keep track of the indices.

This drastically hampers the reusability of the buffer: if one is to write a training script where both a prioritized and a regular buffer can be created, she must add a considerable amount of control flow to make sure that the appropriate methods are called at the appropriate place, if and only if a prioritized buffer is being used.

Let us see how we can improve this with TensorDict. We saw that the TensorDictReplayBuffer returns data augmented with their relative storage indices. One feature we did not mention is that this class also ensures that the priority signal is automatically parsed to the prioritized sampler if present during extension.

The combination of these features simplifies things in several ways: - When extending the buffer, the priority signal will automatically be

parsed if present and the priority will accurately be assigned;

  • The indices will be stored in the sampled tensordicts, making it easy to update the priority after the loss computation.

  • When computing the loss, the priority signal will be registered in the tensordict passed to the loss module, making it possible to update the weights without effort:

    ..code - block::Python

    >>> data = replay_buffer.sample()
    >>> loss_val = loss_module(data)
    >>> replay_buffer.update_tensordict_priority(data)

The following code illustrates these concepts. We build a replay buffer with a prioritized sampler, and indicate in the constructor the entry where the priority signal should be fetched:

rb = TensorDictReplayBuffer(
    sampler=PrioritizedSampler(size, alpha=0.8, beta=1.1),

Let us choose a priority signal that is proportional to the storage index:

data["td_error"] = torch.arange(data.numel())


sample = rb.sample()

higher indices should occur more frequently:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.hist(sample["index"].numpy())

Once we have worked with our sample, we update the priority key using the method. For the sake of showing how this works, let us revert the priority of the sampled items:

sample = rb.sample()
sample["td_error"] = data.numel() - sample["index"]

Now, higher indices should occur less frequently:

sample = rb.sample()

fig = plt.hist(sample["index"].numpy())

Using transforms

The data stored in a replay buffer may not be ready to be presented to a loss module. In some cases, the data produced by a collector can be too heavy to be saved as-is. Examples of this include converting images from uint8 to floating point tensors, or concatenating successive frames when using decision transformers.

Data can be processed in and out of a buffer just by appending the appropriate transform to it. Here are a few examples:

Saving raw images

uint8-typed tensors are comparatively much less memory expensive than the floating point tensors we usually feed to our models. For this reason, it can be useful to save the raw images. The following script show how one can build a collector that returns only the raw images but uses the transformed ones for inference, and how these transformations can be recycled in the replay buffer:

from torchrl.collectors import SyncDataCollector
from torchrl.envs.libs.gym import GymEnv
from torchrl.envs.transforms import (
from torchrl.envs.utils import RandomPolicy

env = TransformedEnv(
    GymEnv("CartPole-v1", from_pixels=True),
        ToTensorImage(in_keys=["pixels"], out_keys=["pixels_trsf"]),
        Resize(in_keys=["pixels_trsf"], w=64, h=64),

let us have a look at a rollout:


We have just created an environment that produces pixels. These images are processed to be fed to a policy. We would like to store the raw images, and not their transforms. To do this, we will append a transform to the collector to select the keys we want to see appearing:

from torchrl.envs.transforms import ExcludeTransform

collector = SyncDataCollector(
    postproc=ExcludeTransform("pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf"), "collector"),

Let us have a look at a batch of data, and control that the "pixels_trsf" keys have been discarded:

for data in collector:


We create a replay buffer with the same transform as the environment. There is, however, a detail that needs to be addressed: transforms used without environments are oblivious to the data structure. When appending a transform to an environment, the data in the "next" nested tensordict is transformed first and then copied at the root during the rollout execution. When working with static data, this is not the case. Nevertheless, our data comes with a nested “next” tensordict that will be ignored by our transform if we don’t explicitly instruct it to take care of it. We manually add these keys to the transform:

t = Compose(
        in_keys=["pixels", ("next", "pixels")],
        out_keys=["pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf")],
    Resize(in_keys=["pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf")], w=64, h=64),
    GrayScale(in_keys=["pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf")]),
rb = TensorDictReplayBuffer(storage=LazyTensorStorage(1000), transform=t, batch_size=16)

We can check that a sample method sees the transformed images reappear:


A more complex examples: using CatFrames

The CatFrames transform unfolds the observations through time, creating a n-back memory of past events that allow the model to take the past events into account (in the case of POMDPs or with recurrent policies such as Decision Transformers). Storing these concatenated frames can consume a considerable amount of memory. It can also be problematic when the n-back window needs to be different (usually longer) during training and inference. We solve this problem by executing the CatFrames transform separately in the two phases.

from torchrl.envs import CatFrames, UnsqueezeTransform

We create a standard list of transforms for environments that return pixel-based observations:

env = TransformedEnv(
    GymEnv("CartPole-v1", from_pixels=True),
        ToTensorImage(in_keys=["pixels"], out_keys=["pixels_trsf"]),
        Resize(in_keys=["pixels_trsf"], w=64, h=64),
        UnsqueezeTransform(-4, in_keys=["pixels_trsf"]),
        CatFrames(dim=-4, N=4, in_keys=["pixels_trsf"]),
collector = SyncDataCollector(
for data in collector:


The buffer transform looks pretty much like the environment one, but with extra ("next", ...) keys like before:

t = Compose(
        in_keys=["pixels", ("next", "pixels")],
        out_keys=["pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf")],
    Resize(in_keys=["pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf")], w=64, h=64),
    GrayScale(in_keys=["pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf")]),
    UnsqueezeTransform(-4, in_keys=["pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf")]),
    CatFrames(dim=-4, N=4, in_keys=["pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf")]),
rb = TensorDictReplayBuffer(storage=LazyTensorStorage(size), transform=t, batch_size=16)
data_exclude = data.exclude("pixels_trsf", ("next", "pixels_trsf"))

Let us sample one batch from the buffer. The shape of the transformed pixel keys should have a length of 4 along the 4th dimension starting from the end:

s = rb.sample(1)  # the buffer has only one element

After a bit of processing (excluding non-used keys etc), we see that the data generated online and offline match!

assert (data.exclude("collector") == s.squeeze(0).exclude("index", "collector")).all()

Storing trajectories

In many cases, it is desirable to access trajectories from the buffer rather than simple transitions. TorchRL offers multiple ways of achieving this.

The preferred way is currently to store trajectories along the first dimension of the buffer and use a SliceSampler to sample these batches of data. This class only needs a couple of information about your data structure to do its job (not that as of now it is only compatible with tensordict-structured data): the number of slices or their length and some information about where the separation between the episodes can be found (e.g. recall that with a DataCollector, the trajectory id is stored in ("collector", "traj_ids")). In this simple example, we construct a data with 4 consecutive short trajectories and sample 4 slices out of it, each of length 2 (since the batch size is 8, and 8 items // 4 slices = 2 time steps). We mark the steps as well.

from import SliceSampler

rb = TensorDictReplayBuffer(
    sampler=SliceSampler(traj_key="episode", num_slices=4),
episode = torch.zeros(10,
episode[:3] = 1
episode[3:5] = 2
episode[5:7] = 3
episode[7:] = 4
steps =[torch.arange(3), torch.arange(2), torch.arange(2), torch.arange(3)])
data = TensorDict(
        "episode": episode,
        "obs": torch.randn((3, 4, 5)).expand(10, 3, 4, 5),
        "act": torch.randn((20,)).expand(10, 20),
        "other": torch.randn((20, 50)).expand(10, 20, 50),
        "steps": steps,
sample = rb.sample()
print("episode are grouped", sample["episode"])
print("steps are successive", sample["steps"])



We have seen how a replay buffer can be used in TorchRL, from its simplest usage to more advanced ones where the data need to be transformed or stored in particular ways. You should now be able to:

  • Create a Replay Buffer, customize its storage, sampler and transforms;

  • Choose the best storage type for your problem (list, memory or disk-based);

  • Minimize the memory footprint of your buffer.

Next steps

  • Check the data API reference to learn about offline datasets in TorchRL, which are based on our Replay Buffer API;

  • Check other samplers such as SamplerWithoutReplacement, PrioritizedSliceSampler and SliceSamplerWithoutReplacement, or other writers such as TensorDictMaxValueWriter.

  • Check how to checkpoint ReplayBuffers in the doc.

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