

class torchrl.envs.transforms.FlattenObservation(first_dim: int, last_dim: int, in_keys: Sequence[NestedKey] | None = None, out_keys: Sequence[NestedKey] | None = None, allow_positive_dim: bool = False)[source]

Flatten adjacent dimensions of a tensor.

  • first_dim (int) – first dimension of the dimensions to flatten.

  • last_dim (int) – last dimension of the dimensions to flatten.

  • in_keys (sequence of NestedKey, optional) – the entries to flatten. If none is provided, ["pixels"] is assumed.

  • out_keys (sequence of NestedKey, optional) – the flatten observation keys. If none is provided, in_keys is assumed.

  • allow_positive_dim (bool, optional) – if True, positive dimensions are accepted. FlattenObservation will map these to the n^th feature dimension (ie n^th dimension after batch size of parent env) of the input tensor. Defaults to False, ie. non-negative dimensions are not permitted.

forward(next_tensordict: TensorDictBase) TensorDictBase

Reads the input tensordict, and for the selected keys, applies the transform.

_call can be re-written whenever a modification of the output of env.step needs to be modified independently of the data collected in the previous step (including actions and states).

For any operation that relates exclusively to the parent env (e.g. FrameSkip), modify the _step() method instead. _call() should only be overwritten if a modification of the input tensordict is needed.

_call() will be called by step() and reset() but not during forward().

transform_observation_spec(observation_spec: TensorSpec) TensorSpec[source]

Transforms the observation spec such that the resulting spec matches transform mapping.


observation_spec (TensorSpec) – spec before the transform


expected spec after the transform


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