

torchaudio.prototype.functional.ray_tracing(room: Tensor, source: Tensor, mic_array: Tensor, num_rays: int, absorption: Union[float, Tensor] = 0.0, scattering: Union[float, Tensor] = 0.0, mic_radius: float = 0.5, sound_speed: float = 343.0, energy_thres: float = 1e-07, time_thres: float = 10.0, hist_bin_size: float = 0.004) Tensor[source]

Compute energy histogram via ray tracing.

The implementation is based on pyroomacoustics [Scheibler et al., 2018].

num_rays rays are casted uniformly in all directions from the source; when a ray intersects a wall, it is reflected and part of its energy is absorbed. It is also scattered (sent directly to the microphone(s)) according to the scattering coefficient. When a ray is close to the microphone, its current energy is recorded in the output histogram for that given time slot.

This feature supports the following devices: CPU This API supports the following properties: TorchScript
  • room (torch.Tensor) – Room coordinates. The shape of room must be (3,) which represents three dimensions of the room.

  • source (torch.Tensor) – Sound source coordinates. Tensor with dimensions (3,).

  • mic_array (torch.Tensor) – Microphone coordinates. Tensor with dimensions (channel, 3).

  • absorption (float or torch.Tensor, optional) – The absorption coefficients of wall materials. (Default: 0.0). If the type is float, the absorption coefficient is identical to all walls and all frequencies. If absorption is a 1D Tensor, the shape must be (6,), representing absorption coefficients of "west", "east", "south", "north", "floor", and "ceiling", respectively. If absorption is a 2D Tensor, the shape must be (num_bands, 6). num_bands is the number of frequency bands (usually 7).

  • scattering (float or torch.Tensor, optional) – The scattering coefficients of wall materials. (Default: 0.0) The shape and type of this parameter is the same as for absorption.

  • mic_radius (float, optional) – The radius of the microphone in meters. (Default: 0.5)

  • sound_speed (float, optional) – The speed of sound in meters per second. (Default: 343.0)

  • energy_thres (float, optional) – The energy level below which we stop tracing a ray. (Default: 1e-7) The initial energy of each ray is 2 / num_rays.

  • time_thres (float, optional) – The maximal duration for which rays are traced. (Unit: seconds) (Default: 10.0)

  • hist_bin_size (float, optional) – The size of each bin in the output histogram. (Unit: seconds) (Default: 0.004)


The 3D histogram(s) where the energy of the traced ray is recorded.

Each bin corresponds to a given time slot. The shape is (channel, num_bands, num_bins), where num_bins = ceil(time_thres / hist_bin_size). If both absorption and scattering are floats, then num_bands == 1.

Return type:



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