
Source code for torchaudio.prototype.functional._dsp

import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import torch

from torchaudio.functional import fftconvolve

[docs]def oscillator_bank( frequencies: torch.Tensor, amplitudes: torch.Tensor, sample_rate: float, reduction: str = "sum", dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = torch.float64, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Synthesize waveform from the given instantaneous frequencies and amplitudes. .. devices:: CPU CUDA .. properties:: Autograd TorchScript Note: The phase information of the output waveform is found by taking the cumulative sum of the given instantaneous frequencies (``frequencies``). This incurs roundoff error when the data type does not have enough precision. Using ``torch.float64`` can work around this. The following figure shows the difference between ``torch.float32`` and ``torch.float64`` when generating a sin wave of constant frequency and amplitude with sample rate 8000 [Hz]. Notice that ``torch.float32`` version shows artifacts that are not seen in ``torch.float64`` version. .. image:: Args: frequencies (Tensor): Sample-wise oscillator frequencies (Hz). Shape `(..., time, N)`. amplitudes (Tensor): Sample-wise oscillator amplitude. Shape: `(..., time, N)`. sample_rate (float): Sample rate reduction (str): Reduction to perform. Valid values are ``"sum"``, ``"mean"`` or ``"none"``. Default: ``"sum"`` dtype (torch.dtype or None, optional): The data type on which cumulative sum operation is performed. Default: ``torch.float64``. Pass ``None`` to disable the casting. Returns: Tensor: The resulting waveform. If ``reduction`` is ``"none"``, then the shape is `(..., time, N)`, otherwise the shape is `(..., time)`. """ if frequencies.shape != amplitudes.shape: raise ValueError( "The shapes of `frequencies` and `amplitudes` must match. " f"Found: {frequencies.shape} and {amplitudes.shape} respectively." ) reductions = ["sum", "mean", "none"] if reduction not in reductions: raise ValueError(f"The value of reduction must be either {reductions}. Found: {reduction}") invalid = torch.abs(frequencies) >= sample_rate / 2 if torch.any(invalid): warnings.warn( "Some frequencies are above nyquist frequency. " "Setting the corresponding amplitude to zero. " "This might cause numerically unstable gradient." ) amplitudes = torch.where(invalid, 0.0, amplitudes) pi2 = 2.0 * torch.pi freqs = frequencies * pi2 / sample_rate % pi2 phases = torch.cumsum(freqs, dim=-2, dtype=dtype) if dtype is not None and freqs.dtype != dtype: phases = waveform = amplitudes * torch.sin(phases) if reduction == "sum": return waveform.sum(-1) if reduction == "mean": return waveform.mean(-1) return waveform
[docs]def adsr_envelope( num_frames: int, *, attack: float = 0.0, hold: float = 0.0, decay: float = 0.0, sustain: float = 1.0, release: float = 0.0, n_decay: int = 2, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ): """Generate ADSR Envelope .. devices:: CPU CUDA Args: num_frames (int): The number of output frames. attack (float, optional): The relative *time* it takes to reach the maximum level from the start. (Default: ``0.0``) hold (float, optional): The relative *time* the maximum level is held before it starts to decay. (Default: ``0.0``) decay (float, optional): The relative *time* it takes to sustain from the maximum level. (Default: ``0.0``) sustain (float, optional): The relative *level* at which the sound should sustain. (Default: ``1.0``) .. Note:: The duration of sustain is derived as `1.0 - (The sum of attack, hold, decay and release)`. release (float, optional): The relative *time* it takes for the sound level to reach zero after the sustain. (Default: ``0.0``) n_decay (int, optional): The degree of polynomial decay. Default: ``2``. dtype (torch.dtype, optional): the desired data type of returned tensor. Default: if ``None``, uses a global default (see :py:func:`torch.set_default_tensor_type`). device (torch.device, optional): the desired device of returned tensor. Default: if ``None``, uses the current device for the default tensor type (see :py:func:`torch.set_default_tensor_type`). device will be the CPU for CPU tensor types and the current CUDA device for CUDA tensor types. Returns: Tensor: ADSR Envelope. Shape: `(num_frames, )` Example .. image:: """ if not 0 <= attack <= 1: raise ValueError(f"The value of `attack` must be within [0, 1]. Found: {attack}") if not 0 <= decay <= 1: raise ValueError(f"The value of `decay` must be within [0, 1]. Found: {decay}") if not 0 <= sustain <= 1: raise ValueError(f"The value of `sustain` must be within [0, 1]. Found: {sustain}") if not 0 <= hold <= 1: raise ValueError(f"The value of `hold` must be within [0, 1]. Found: {hold}") if not 0 <= release <= 1: raise ValueError(f"The value of `release` must be within [0, 1]. Found: {release}") if attack + decay + release + hold > 1: raise ValueError("The sum of `attack`, `hold`, `decay` and `release` must not exceed 1.") nframes = num_frames - 1 num_a = int(nframes * attack) num_h = int(nframes * hold) num_d = int(nframes * decay) num_r = int(nframes * release) # Initialize with sustain out = torch.full((num_frames,), float(sustain), device=device, dtype=dtype) # attack if num_a > 0: torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num_a + 1, out=out[: num_a + 1]) # hold if num_h > 0: out[num_a : num_a + num_h + 1] = 1.0 # decay if num_d > 0: # Compute: sustain + (1.0 - sustain) * (linspace[1, 0] ** n_decay) i = num_a + num_h decay = out[i : i + num_d + 1] torch.linspace(1.0, 0.0, num_d + 1, out=decay) decay **= n_decay decay *= 1.0 - sustain decay += sustain # sustain is handled by initialization # release if num_r > 0: torch.linspace(sustain, 0, num_r + 1, out=out[-num_r - 1 :]) return out
[docs]def extend_pitch( base: torch.Tensor, pattern: Union[int, List[float], torch.Tensor], ): """Extend the given time series values with multipliers of them. .. devices:: CPU CUDA .. properties:: Autograd TorchScript Given a series of fundamental frequencies (pitch), this function appends its harmonic overtones or inharmonic partials. Args: base (torch.Tensor): Base time series, like fundamental frequencies (Hz). Shape: `(..., time, 1)`. pattern (int, list of floats or torch.Tensor): If ``int``, the number of pitch series after the operation. `pattern - 1` tones are added, so that the resulting Tensor contains up to `pattern`-th overtones of the given series. If list of float or ``torch.Tensor``, it must be one dimensional, representing the custom multiplier of the fundamental frequency. Returns: Tensor: Oscillator frequencies (Hz). Shape: `(..., time, num_tones)`. Example >>> # fundamental frequency >>> f0 = torch.linspace(1, 5, 5).unsqueeze(-1) >>> f0 tensor([[1.], [2.], [3.], [4.], [5.]]) >>> # Add harmonic overtones, up to 3rd. >>> f = extend_pitch(f0, 3) >>> f.shape torch.Size([5, 3]) >>> f tensor([[ 1., 2., 3.], [ 2., 4., 6.], [ 3., 6., 9.], [ 4., 8., 12.], [ 5., 10., 15.]]) >>> # Add custom (inharmonic) partials. >>> f = extend_pitch(f0, torch.tensor([1, 2.1, 3.3, 4.5])) >>> f.shape torch.Size([5, 4]) >>> f tensor([[ 1.0000, 2.1000, 3.3000, 4.5000], [ 2.0000, 4.2000, 6.6000, 9.0000], [ 3.0000, 6.3000, 9.9000, 13.5000], [ 4.0000, 8.4000, 13.2000, 18.0000], [ 5.0000, 10.5000, 16.5000, 22.5000]]) """ if isinstance(pattern, torch.Tensor): mult = pattern elif isinstance(pattern, int): mult = torch.linspace(1.0, float(pattern), pattern, device=base.device, dtype=base.dtype) else: mult = torch.tensor(pattern, dtype=base.dtype, device=base.device) h_freq = base @ mult.unsqueeze(0) return h_freq
[docs]def sinc_impulse_response(cutoff: torch.Tensor, window_size: int = 513, high_pass: bool = False): """Create windowed-sinc impulse response for given cutoff frequencies. .. devices:: CPU CUDA .. properties:: Autograd TorchScript Args: cutoff (Tensor): Cutoff frequencies for low-pass sinc filter. window_size (int, optional): Size of the Hamming window to apply. Must be odd. (Default: 513) high_pass (bool, optional): If ``True``, convert the resulting filter to high-pass. Otherwise low-pass filter is returned. Default: ``False``. Returns: Tensor: A series of impulse responses. Shape: `(..., window_size)`. """ if window_size % 2 == 0: raise ValueError(f"`window_size` must be odd. Given: {window_size}") half = window_size // 2 device, dtype = cutoff.device, cutoff.dtype idx = torch.linspace(-half, half, window_size, device=device, dtype=dtype) filt = torch.special.sinc(cutoff.unsqueeze(-1) * idx.unsqueeze(0)) filt = filt * torch.hamming_window(window_size, device=device, dtype=dtype, periodic=False).unsqueeze(0) filt = filt / filt.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True).abs() # High pass IR is obtained by subtracting low_pass IR from delta function. # if high_pass: filt = -filt filt[..., half] = 1.0 + filt[..., half] return filt
[docs]def frequency_impulse_response(magnitudes): """Create filter from desired frequency response Args: magnitudes: The desired frequency responses. Shape: `(..., num_fft_bins)` Returns: Tensor: Impulse response. Shape `(..., 2 * (num_fft_bins - 1))` """ if magnitudes.min() < 0.0: # Negative magnitude does not make sense but allowing so that autograd works # around 0. # Should we raise error? warnings.warn("The input frequency response should not contain negative values.") ir = torch.fft.fftshift(torch.fft.irfft(magnitudes), dim=-1) device, dtype = magnitudes.device, magnitudes.dtype window = torch.hann_window(ir.size(-1), periodic=False, device=device, dtype=dtype).expand_as(ir) return ir * window
def _overlap_and_add(waveform, stride): num_frames, frame_size = waveform.shape[-2:] numel = (num_frames - 1) * stride + frame_size buffer = torch.zeros(waveform.shape[:-2] + (numel,), device=waveform.device, dtype=waveform.dtype) for i in range(num_frames): start = i * stride end = start + frame_size buffer[..., start:end] += waveform[..., i, :] return buffer
[docs]def filter_waveform(waveform: torch.Tensor, kernels: torch.Tensor, delay_compensation: int = -1): """Applies filters along time axis of the given waveform. This function applies the given filters along time axis in the following manner: 1. Split the given waveform into chunks. The number of chunks is equal to the number of given filters. 2. Filter each chunk with corresponding filter. 3. Place the filtered chunks at the original indices while adding up the overlapping parts. 4. Crop the resulting waveform so that delay introduced by the filter is removed and its length matches that of the input waveform. The following figure illustrates this. .. image:: .. note:: If the number of filters is one, then the operation becomes stationary. i.e. the same filtering is applied across the time axis. Args: waveform (Tensor): Shape `(..., time)`. kernels (Tensor): Impulse responses. Valid inputs are 2D tensor with shape `(num_filters, filter_length)` or `(N+1)`-D tensor with shape `(..., num_filters, filter_length)`, where `N` is the dimension of waveform. In case of 2D input, the same set of filters is used across channels and batches. Otherwise, different sets of filters are applied. In this case, the shape of the first `N-1` dimensions of filters must match (or be broadcastable to) that of waveform. delay_compensation (int): Control how the waveform is cropped after full convolution. If the value is zero or positive, it is interpreted as the length of crop at the beginning of the waveform. The value cannot be larger than the size of filter kernel. Otherwise the initial crop is ``filter_size // 2``. When cropping happens, the waveform is also cropped from the end so that the length of the resulting waveform matches the input waveform. Returns: Tensor: `(..., time)`. """ if kernels.ndim not in [2, waveform.ndim + 1]: raise ValueError( "`kernels` must be 2 or N+1 dimension where " f"N is the dimension of waveform. Found: {kernels.ndim} (N={waveform.ndim})" ) num_filters, filter_size = kernels.shape[-2:] num_frames = waveform.size(-1) if delay_compensation > filter_size: raise ValueError( "When `delay_compenstation` is provided, it cannot be larger than the size of filters." f"Found: delay_compensation={delay_compensation}, filter_size={filter_size}" ) # Transform waveform's time axis into (num_filters x chunk_length) with optional padding chunk_length = num_frames // num_filters if num_frames % num_filters > 0: chunk_length += 1 num_pad = chunk_length * num_filters - num_frames waveform = torch.nn.functional.pad(waveform, [0, num_pad], "constant", 0) chunked = waveform.unfold(-1, chunk_length, chunk_length) assert chunked.numel() >= waveform.numel() # Broadcast kernels if waveform.ndim + 1 > kernels.ndim: expand_shape = waveform.shape[:-1] + kernels.shape kernels = kernels.expand(expand_shape) convolved = fftconvolve(chunked, kernels) restored = _overlap_and_add(convolved, chunk_length) # Trim in a way that the number of samples are same as input, # and the filter delay is compensated if delay_compensation >= 0: start = delay_compensation else: start = filter_size // 2 num_crops = restored.size(-1) - num_frames end = num_crops - start result = restored[..., start:-end] return result
def exp_sigmoid( input: torch.Tensor, exponent: float = 10.0, max_value: float = 2.0, threshold: float = 1e-7 ) -> torch.Tensor: """Exponential Sigmoid pointwise nonlinearity. Implements the equation: ``max_value`` * sigmoid(``input``) ** (log(``exponent``)) + ``threshold`` The output has a range of [``threshold``, ``max_value``]. ``exponent`` controls the slope of the output. .. devices:: CPU CUDA Args: input (Tensor): Input Tensor exponent (float, optional): Exponent. Controls the slope of the output max_value (float, optional): Maximum value of the output threshold (float, optional): Minimum value of the output Returns: Tensor: Exponential Sigmoid output. Shape: same as input """ return max_value * torch.pow( torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(input), torch.log(torch.tensor(exponent, device=input.device, dtype=input.dtype)), ) + torch.tensor(threshold, device=input.device, dtype=input.dtype)


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