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TorchRec High Level Architecture

In this section, you will learn about the high-level architecture of TorchRec, designed to optimize large-scale recommendation systems using PyTorch. You will learn how TorchRec employs model parallelism to distribute complex models across multiple GPUs, enhancing memory management and GPU utilization, as well as get introduced to TorchRec’s base components and sharding strategies.

In effect, TorchRec provides parallelism primitives allowing hybrid data parallelism/model parallelism, embedding table sharding, planner to generate sharding plans, pipelined training, and more.

TorchRec’s Parallelism Strategy: Model Parallelism

As modern deep learning models have scaled, distributed deep learning has become required to successfully train models in sufficient time. In this paradigm, two main approaches have been developed: data parallelism and model parallelism. TorchRec focuses on the latter for the sharding of embedding tables.

Visualizing the difference of sharding a model in model parallel or data parallel approach

Figure 1. Comparison between model parallelism and data parallelism approach

As you can see in the diagram above, model parallelism and data parallelism are two approaches to distribute workloads across multiple GPUs,

  • Model Parallelism

    • Divide the model into segments and distribute them across GPUs

    • Each segment processes data independently

    • Suitable for large models that don’t fit on a single GPU

  • Data Parallel

    • Distribute the copies of entire model on each GPU

    • Each GPU processes a subset of the data and contributes to the overall computation

    • Effecive for models that fit on single GPU but need to handle large datasets

  • Benefits of Model Parallelism

    • Optimizes memory usage and computational efficiency for large models

    • Particularly beneficial for recommendation systems with large embedding tables

    • Enables parallel computation of embeddings in DLRM-type architectures

Embedding Tables

For TorchRec to figure out what to recommend, we need to be able to represent entities and their relationships, this is what embeddings are used for. Embeddings are vectors of real numbers in a high dimensional space used to represent meaning in complex data like words, images, or users. An embedding table is an aggregation of multiple embeddings into one matrix. Most commonly, embedding tables are represented as a 2D matrix with dimensions (B, N).

  • B is the number of embeddings stored by the table

  • N is number of dimensions per embedding.

Each of B can also be referred to as an ID (representing information such as movie title, user, ad, and so on), when accessing an ID we are returned the corresponding embedding vector which has size of embedding dimension N.

There is also the choice of pooling embeddings, often, we’re looking up multiple rows for a given feature which gives rise to the question of what we do with looking up multiple embedding vectors. Pooling is a common technique where we combine the embedding vectors, usually through sum or mean of the rows, to produce one embedding vector. This is the main difference between the PyTorch nn.Embedding and nn.EmbeddingBag.

PyTorch represents embeddings through nn.Embedding and nn.EmbeddingBag. Building on these modules, TorchRec introduces EmbeddingCollection and EmbeddingBagCollection, which are collections of the corresponding PyTorch modules. This extension enables TorchRec to batch tables and perform lookups on multiple embeddings in a single kernel call, improving efficiency.

Here is the end-to-end flow diagram that describes how embeddings are used in the training process for recommendation models:

Demonstrating the full training loop from embedding lookup to optimizer update in backward

Figure 2. TorchRec End-to-end Embedding Flow

In the diagram above, we show the general TorchRec end to end embedding lookup process,

  • In the forward pass we do the embedding lookup and pooling

  • In the backward pass we compute the gradients of the output lookups and pass them into the optimizer to update the embedding tables

Note here, the embeddings gradients are grayed out since we do not fully materialize these into memory and instead fuse them with the optimizer update. This results in a significant memory reduction which we detail later in the optimizer concepts section.

We recommend going through the TorchRec Concepts page to get a understanding of the fundamentals of how everything ties together end-to-end. It contains lots of useful information to get the most out of TorchRec.

See also


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