

class torchrl.collectors.distributed.submitit_delayed_launcher(num_jobs, framework='distributed', backend='gloo', tcpport='10003', submitit_main_conf: dict = {'slurm_cpus_per_task': 32, 'slurm_gpus_per_node': 1, 'slurm_partition': 'train', 'timeout_min': 10}, submitit_collection_conf: dict = {'slurm_cpus_per_task': 32, 'slurm_gpus_per_node': 0, 'slurm_partition': 'train', 'timeout_min': 10})[source]

Delayed launcher for submitit.

In some cases, launched jobs cannot spawn other jobs on their own and this can only be done at the jump-host level.

In these cases, the submitit_delayed_launcher() can be used to pre-launch collector nodes that will wait for the main worker to provide the launching instruction.

  • num_jobs (int) – the number of collection jobs to be launched.

  • framework (str, optional) – the framework to use. Can be either "distributed" or "rpc". "distributed" requires a DistributedDataCollector collector whereas "rpc" requires a RPCDataCollector. Defaults to "distributed".

  • backend (str, optional) – torch.distributed backend in case framework points to "distributed". This value must match the one passed to the collector, otherwise main and satellite nodes will fail to reach the rendezvous and hang forever (ie no exception will be raised!) Defaults to 'gloo'.

  • tcpport (int or str, optional) – the TCP port to use. Defaults to torchrl.collectors.distributed.default_configs.TCP_PORT

  • submitit_main_conf (dict, optional) – the main node configuration to be passed to submitit. Defaults to torchrl.collectors.distributed.default_configs.DEFAULT_SLURM_CONF_MAIN

  • submitit_collection_conf (dict, optional) – the configuration to be passed to submitit. Defaults to torchrl.collectors.distributed.default_configs.DEFAULT_SLURM_CONF


>>> num_jobs=2
>>> @submitit_delayed_launcher(num_jobs=num_jobs)
... def main():
...     from torchrl.envs.utils import RandomPolicy
        from torchrl.envs.libs.gym import GymEnv
...     from import BoundedContinuous
...     collector = DistributedDataCollector(
...         [EnvCreator(lambda: GymEnv("Pendulum-v1"))] * num_jobs,
...         policy=RandomPolicy(BoundedContinuous(-1, 1, shape=(1,))),
...         launcher="submitit_delayed",
...     )
...     for data in collector:
...         print(data)
>>> if __name__ == "__main__":
...     main()


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