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Get started with TorchRL’s modules
Author: Vincent Moens
To run this tutorial in a notebook, add an installation cell at the beginning containing:
!pip install tensordict !pip install torchrl
Reinforcement Learning is designed to create policies that can effectively tackle specific tasks. Policies can take various forms, from a differentiable map transitioning from the observation space to the action space, to a more ad-hoc method like an argmax over a list of values computed for each possible action. Policies can be deterministic or stochastic, and may incorporate complex elements such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) or transformers.
Accommodating all these scenarios can be quite intricate. In this succinct tutorial, we will delve into the core functionality of TorchRL in terms of policy construction. We will primarily focus on stochastic and Q-Value policies in two common scenarios: using a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) or a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as backbones.
Similar to how environments interact with instances of
, the modules used to represent policies and
value functions also do the same. The core idea is simple: encapsulate a
standard Module
(or any other function) within a class
that knows which entries need to be read and passed to the module, and then
records the results with the assigned entries. To illustrate this, we will
use the simplest policy possible: a deterministic map from the observation
space to the action space. For maximum generality, we will use a
module with the Pendulum environment we
instantiated in the previous tutorial.
import torch
from tensordict.nn import TensorDictModule
from torchrl.envs import GymEnv
env = GymEnv("Pendulum-v1")
module = torch.nn.LazyLinear(out_features=env.action_spec.shape[-1])
policy = TensorDictModule(
This is all that’s required to execute our policy! The use of a lazy module allows us to bypass the need to fetch the shape of the observation space, as the module will automatically determine it. This policy is now ready to be run in the environment:
rollout = env.rollout(max_steps=10, policy=policy)
Specialized wrappers
To simplify the incorporation of Actor
# ProbabilisticActor
# ActorValueOperator
# ActorCriticOperator
For example, Actor
default values for the in_keys
and out_keys
, making integration
with many common environments straightforward:
from torchrl.modules import Actor
policy = Actor(module)
rollout = env.rollout(max_steps=10, policy=policy)
The list of available specialized TensorDictModules is available in the API reference.
TorchRL also provides regular modules that can be used without recurring to
tensordict features. The two most common networks you will encounter are
the MLP
and the ConvNet
(CNN) modules. We can substitute our policy module with one of these:
from torchrl.modules import MLP
module = MLP(
num_cells=[32, 64],
policy = Actor(module)
rollout = env.rollout(max_steps=10, policy=policy)
TorchRL also supports RNN-based policies. Since this is a more technical topic, it is treated in a separate tutorial.
Probabilistic policies
Policy-optimization algorithms like PPO require the policy to be stochastic: unlike in the examples above, the module now encodes a map from the observation space to a parameter space encoding a distribution over the possible actions. TorchRL facilitates the design of such modules by grouping under a single class the various operations such as building the distribution from the parameters, sampling from that distribution and retrieving the log-probability. Here, we’ll be building an actor that relies on a regular normal distribution using three components:
backbone reading observations of size[3]
and outputting a single tensor of size[2]
module that will split this output on two chunks, a mean and a standard deviation of size[1]
that will read those parameters asin_keys
, create a distribution with them and populate our tensordict with samples and log-probabilities.
from tensordict.nn.distributions import NormalParamExtractor
from torch.distributions import Normal
from torchrl.modules import ProbabilisticActor
backbone = MLP(in_features=3, out_features=2)
extractor = NormalParamExtractor()
module = torch.nn.Sequential(backbone, extractor)
td_module = TensorDictModule(module, in_keys=["observation"], out_keys=["loc", "scale"])
policy = ProbabilisticActor(
in_keys=["loc", "scale"],
rollout = env.rollout(max_steps=10, policy=policy)
There are a few things to note about this rollout:
Since we asked for it during the construction of the actor, the log-probability of the actions given the distribution at that time is also written. This is necessary for algorithms like PPO.
The parameters of the distribution are returned within the output tensordict too under the
You can control the sampling of the action to use the expected value or
other properties of the distribution instead of using random samples if
your application requires it. This can be controlled via the
from torchrl.envs.utils import ExplorationType, set_exploration_type
with set_exploration_type(ExplorationType.DETERMINISTIC):
# takes the mean as action
rollout = env.rollout(max_steps=10, policy=policy)
with set_exploration_type(ExplorationType.RANDOM):
# Samples actions according to the dist
rollout = env.rollout(max_steps=10, policy=policy)
Check the default_interaction_type
keyword argument in
the docstrings to know more.
Stochastic policies like this somewhat naturally trade off exploration and
exploitation, but deterministic policies won’t. Fortunately, TorchRL can
also palliate to this with its exploration modules.
We will take the example of the EGreedyModule
exploration module (check also
To see this module in action, let’s revert to a deterministic policy:
from tensordict.nn import TensorDictSequential
from torchrl.modules import EGreedyModule
policy = Actor(MLP(3, 1, num_cells=[32, 64]))
Our step()
is required (see the last
tutorial for an example).
exploration_module = EGreedyModule(
spec=env.action_spec, annealing_num_steps=1000, eps_init=0.5
To build our explorative policy, we only had to concatenate the
deterministic policy module with the exploration module within a
module (which is the analogous
to Sequential
in the tensordict realm).
exploration_policy = TensorDictSequential(policy, exploration_module)
with set_exploration_type(ExplorationType.DETERMINISTIC):
# Turns off exploration
rollout = env.rollout(max_steps=10, policy=exploration_policy)
with set_exploration_type(ExplorationType.RANDOM):
# Turns on exploration
rollout = env.rollout(max_steps=10, policy=exploration_policy)
Because it must be able to sample random actions in the action space, the
must be equipped with the
from the environment to know what strategy to use to
sample actions randomly.
Q-Value actors
In some settings, the policy isn’t a standalone module but is constructed on
top of another module. This is the case with Q-Value actors. In short, these
actors require an estimate of the action value (most of the time discrete)
and will greedily pick up the action with the highest value. In some
settings (finite discrete action space and finite discrete state space),
one can just store a 2D table of state-action pairs and pick up the
action with the highest value. The innovation brought by
DQN was to scale this up to continuous
state spaces by utilizing a neural network to encode for the Q(s, a)
value map. Let’s consider another environment with a discrete action space
for a clearer understanding:
env = GymEnv("CartPole-v1")
We build a value network that produces one value per action when it reads a state from the environment:
num_actions = 2
value_net = TensorDictModule(
MLP(out_features=num_actions, num_cells=[32, 32]),
We can easily build our Q-Value actor by adding a
after our value
from torchrl.modules import QValueModule
policy = TensorDictSequential(
value_net, # writes action values in our tensordict
QValueModule(spec=env.action_spec), # Reads the "action_value" entry by default
Let’s check it out! We run the policy for a couple of steps and look at the
output. We should find an "action_value"
as well as a
entries in the rollout that we obtain:
rollout = env.rollout(max_steps=3, policy=policy)
Because it relies on the argmax
operator, this policy is deterministic.
During data collection, we will need to explore the environment. For that,
we are using the EGreedyModule
once again:
policy_explore = TensorDictSequential(policy, EGreedyModule(env.action_spec))
with set_exploration_type(ExplorationType.RANDOM):
rollout_explore = env.rollout(max_steps=3, policy=policy_explore)
This is it for our short tutorial on building a policy with TorchRL!
There are many more things you can do with the library. A good place to start is to look at the API reference for modules.
Next steps:
Check how to use compound distributions with
when the action is composite (e.g., a discrete and a continuous action are required by the env);Have a look at how you can use an RNN within the policy (a tutorial);
Compare this to the usage of transformers with the Decision Transformers examples (see the
directory on GitHub).