

class torchrl.envs.transforms.VecGymEnvTransform(final_name='final')[source]

A transform for GymWrapper subclasses that handles the auto-reset in a consistent way.

Gym, gymnasium and SB3 provide vectorized (read, parallel or batched) environments that are automatically reset. When this occurs, the actual observation resulting from the action is saved within a key in the info. The class torchrl.envs.libs.gym.terminal_obs_reader reads that observation and stores it in a "final" key within the output tensordict. In turn, this transform reads that final data, swaps it with the observation written in its place that results from the actual reset, and saves the reset output in a private container. The resulting data truly reflects the output of the step.

This class works from gym 0.13 till the most recent gymnasium version.


Gym versions < 0.22 did not return the final observations. For these, we simply fill the next observations with NaN (because it is lost) and do the swap at the next step.

Then, when calling env.reset, the saved data is written back where it belongs (and the reset is a no-op).

This transform is automatically appended to the gym env whenever the wrapper is created with an async env.


final_name (str, optional) – the name of the final observation in the dict. Defaults to “final”.


In general, this class should not be handled directly. It is created whenever a vectorized environment is placed within a GymWrapper.

forward(tensordict: TensorDictBase) TensorDictBase[source]

Reads the input tensordict, and for the selected keys, applies the transform.

By default, this method:

  • calls directly _apply_transform().

  • does not call _step() or _call().

This method is not called within env.step at any point. However, is is called within sample().


forward also works with regular keyword arguments using dispatch to cast the args names to the keys.


>>> class TransformThatMeasuresBytes(Transform):
...     '''Measures the number of bytes in the tensordict, and writes it under `"bytes"`.'''
...     def __init__(self):
...         super().__init__(in_keys=[], out_keys=["bytes"])
...     def forward(self, tensordict: TensorDictBase) -> TensorDictBase:
...         bytes_in_td = tensordict.bytes()
...         tensordict["bytes"] = bytes
...         return tensordict
>>> t = TransformThatMeasuresBytes()
>>> env = env.append_transform(t) # works within envs
>>> t(TensorDict(a=0))  # Works offline too.
transform_observation_spec(observation_spec: TensorSpec) TensorSpec[source]

Transforms the observation spec such that the resulting spec matches transform mapping.


observation_spec (TensorSpec) – spec before the transform


expected spec after the transform


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