- class torchrl.envs.transforms.Reward2GoTransform(gamma: float | torch.Tensor | None = 1.0, in_keys: Sequence[NestedKey] | None = None, out_keys: Sequence[NestedKey] | None = None, done_key: NestedKey | None = 'done')[source]
Calculates the reward to go based on the episode reward and a discount factor.
As the
is only an inverse transform thein_keys
will be directly used for thein_keys_inv
. The reward-to-go can be only calculated once the episode is finished. Therefore, the transform should be applied to the replay buffer and not to the collector or within an environment.- Parameters:
gamma (
or torch.Tensor) – the discount factor. Defaults to 1.0.in_keys (sequence of NestedKey) – the entries to rename. Defaults to
("next", "reward")
if none is provided.out_keys (sequence of NestedKey) – the entries to rename. Defaults to the values of
if none is provided.done_key (NestedKey) – the done entry. Defaults to
.truncated_key (NestedKey) – the truncated entry. Defaults to
. If no truncated entry is found, only the"done"
will be used.
>>> # Using this transform as part of a replay buffer >>> from import ReplayBuffer, LazyTensorStorage >>> torch.manual_seed(0) >>> r2g = Reward2GoTransform(gamma=0.99, out_keys=["reward_to_go"]) >>> rb = ReplayBuffer(storage=LazyTensorStorage(100), transform=r2g) >>> batch, timesteps = 4, 5 >>> done = torch.zeros(batch, timesteps, 1, dtype=torch.bool) >>> for i in range(batch): ... while not done[i].any(): ... done[i] = done[i].bernoulli_(0.1) >>> reward = torch.ones(batch, timesteps, 1) >>> td = TensorDict( ... {"next": {"done": done, "reward": reward}}, ... [batch, timesteps], ... ) >>> rb.extend(td) >>> sample = rb.sample(1) >>> print(sample["next", "reward"]) tensor([[[1.], [1.], [1.], [1.], [1.]]]) >>> print(sample["reward_to_go"]) tensor([[[4.9010], [3.9404], [2.9701], [1.9900], [1.0000]]])
One can also use this transform directly with a collector: make sure to append the inv method of the transform.
>>> from torchrl.envs.utils import RandomPolicy >>> from torchrl.collectors import SyncDataCollector >>> from torchrl.envs.libs.gym import GymEnv >>> t = Reward2GoTransform(gamma=0.99, out_keys=["reward_to_go"]) >>> env = GymEnv("Pendulum-v1") >>> collector = SyncDataCollector( ... env, ... RandomPolicy(env.action_spec), ... frames_per_batch=200, ... total_frames=-1, ... postproc=t.inv ... ) >>> for data in collector: ... break >>> print(data) TensorDict( fields={ action: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([200, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float32, is_shared=False), collector: TensorDict( fields={ traj_ids: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([200]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.int64, is_shared=False)}, batch_size=torch.Size([200]), device=cpu, is_shared=False), done: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([200, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.bool, is_shared=False), next: TensorDict( fields={ done: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([200, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.bool, is_shared=False), observation: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([200, 3]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float32, is_shared=False), reward: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([200, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float32, is_shared=False)}, batch_size=torch.Size([200]), device=cpu, is_shared=False), observation: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([200, 3]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float32, is_shared=False), reward: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([200, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float32, is_shared=False), reward_to_go: Tensor(shape=torch.Size([200, 1]), device=cpu, dtype=torch.float32, is_shared=False)}, batch_size=torch.Size([200]), device=cpu, is_shared=False)
Using this transform as part of an env will raise an exception
>>> t = Reward2GoTransform(gamma=0.99) >>> TransformedEnv(GymEnv("Pendulum-v1"), t) # crashes
In settings where multiple done entries are present, one should build a single
for each done-reward pair.- forward(tensordict: TensorDictBase) TensorDictBase [source]
Reads the input tensordict, and for the selected keys, applies the transform.
By default, this method:
calls directly
.does not call
This method is not called within env.step at any point. However, is is called within
also works with regular keyword arguments usingdispatch
to cast the args names to the keys.Examples
>>> class TransformThatMeasuresBytes(Transform): ... '''Measures the number of bytes in the tensordict, and writes it under `"bytes"`.''' ... def __init__(self): ... super().__init__(in_keys=[], out_keys=["bytes"]) ... ... def forward(self, tensordict: TensorDictBase) -> TensorDictBase: ... bytes_in_td = tensordict.bytes() ... tensordict["bytes"] = bytes ... return tensordict >>> t = TransformThatMeasuresBytes() >>> env = env.append_transform(t) # works within envs >>> t(TensorDict(a=0)) # Works offline too.