- class torchrl.envs.transforms.ConditionalSkip(cond: Callable[[TensorDict], bool | torch.Tensor])[source]
A transform that skips steps in the env if certain conditions are met.
This transform writes the result of cond(tensordict) in the “_step” entry of the tensordict passed as input to the TransformedEnv.base_env._step method. If the base_env is not batch-locked (generally speaking, it is stateless), the tensordict is reduced to its element that need to go through the step. If it is batch-locked (generally speaking, it is stateful), the step is skipped altogether if no value in “_step” is
. Otherwise, it is trusted that the environment will account for the “_step” signal accordingly.Note
The skip will affect transforms that modify the environment output too, i.e., any transform that is to be exectued on the tensordict returned by
will be skipped if the condition is met. To palliate this effect if it is not desirable, one can wrap the transformed env in another transformed env, since the skip only affects the first-degree parent of theConditionalSkip
transform. See example below.- Parameters:
cond (Callable[[TensorDictBase], bool | torch.Tensor]) – a callable for the tensordict input that checks whether the next env step must be skipped (True = skipped, False = execute env.step).
>>> import torch >>> >>> from torchrl.envs import GymEnv >>> from torchrl.envs.transforms.transforms import ConditionalSkip, StepCounter, TransformedEnv, Compose >>> >>> torch.manual_seed(0) >>> >>> base_env = TransformedEnv( ... GymEnv("Pendulum-v1"), ... StepCounter(step_count_key="inner_count"), ... ) >>> middle_env = TransformedEnv( ... base_env, ... Compose( ... StepCounter(step_count_key="middle_count"), ... ConditionalSkip(cond=lambda td: td["step_count"] % 2 == 1), ... ), ... auto_unwrap=False) # makes sure that transformed envs are properly wrapped >>> env = TransformedEnv( ... middle_env, ... StepCounter(step_count_key="step_count"), ... auto_unwrap=False) >>> env.set_seed(0) >>> >>> r = env.rollout(10) >>> print(r["observation"]) tensor([[-0.9670, -0.2546, -0.9669], [-0.9802, -0.1981, -1.1601], [-0.9802, -0.1981, -1.1601], [-0.9926, -0.1214, -1.5556], [-0.9926, -0.1214, -1.5556], [-0.9994, -0.0335, -1.7622], [-0.9994, -0.0335, -1.7622], [-0.9984, 0.0561, -1.7933], [-0.9984, 0.0561, -1.7933], [-0.9895, 0.1445, -1.7779]]) >>> print(r["inner_count"]) tensor([[0], [1], [1], [2], [2], [3], [3], [4], [4], [5]]) >>> print(r["middle_count"]) tensor([[0], [1], [1], [2], [2], [3], [3], [4], [4], [5]]) >>> print(r["step_count"]) tensor([[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]])
- forward(tensordict: TensorDictBase) TensorDictBase [source]
Reads the input tensordict, and for the selected keys, applies the transform.
By default, this method:
calls directly
.does not call
This method is not called within env.step at any point. However, is is called within
also works with regular keyword arguments usingdispatch
to cast the args names to the keys.Examples
>>> class TransformThatMeasuresBytes(Transform): ... '''Measures the number of bytes in the tensordict, and writes it under `"bytes"`.''' ... def __init__(self): ... super().__init__(in_keys=[], out_keys=["bytes"]) ... ... def forward(self, tensordict: TensorDictBase) -> TensorDictBase: ... bytes_in_td = tensordict.bytes() ... tensordict["bytes"] = bytes ... return tensordict >>> t = TransformThatMeasuresBytes() >>> env = env.append_transform(t) # works within envs >>> t(TensorDict(a=0)) # Works offline too.