Source code for torchrl.trainers.helpers.losses
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
from torchrl.objectives import DistributionalDQNLoss, DQNLoss, HardUpdate, SoftUpdate
from torchrl.objectives.common import LossModule
from torchrl.objectives.utils import TargetNetUpdater
[docs]def make_target_updater(
cfg: DictConfig, loss_module: LossModule # noqa: F821
) -> TargetNetUpdater | None:
"""Builds a target network weight update object."""
if cfg.loss == "double":
if not cfg.hard_update:
target_net_updater = SoftUpdate(
loss_module, eps=1 - 1 / cfg.value_network_update_interval
target_net_updater = HardUpdate(
if cfg.hard_update:
raise RuntimeError(
"hard/soft-update are supposed to be used with double SAC loss. "
"Consider using --loss=double or discarding the hard_update flag."
target_net_updater = None
return target_net_updater
[docs]def make_dqn_loss(model, cfg) -> tuple[DQNLoss, TargetNetUpdater | None]:
"""Builds the DQN loss module."""
loss_kwargs = {}
if cfg.distributional:
loss_class = DistributionalDQNLoss
loss_kwargs.update({"loss_function": cfg.loss_function})
loss_class = DQNLoss
if cfg.loss not in ("single", "double"):
raise NotImplementedError
loss_kwargs.update({"delay_value": cfg.loss == "double"})
loss_module = loss_class(model, **loss_kwargs)
target_net_updater = make_target_updater(cfg, loss_module)
return loss_module, target_net_updater
class LossConfig:
"""Generic Loss config struct."""
loss: str = "double"
# whether double or single SAC loss should be used. Default=double
hard_update: bool = False
# whether soft-update should be used with double SAC loss (default) or hard updates.
loss_function: str = "smooth_l1"
# loss function for the value network. Either one of l1, l2 or smooth_l1 (default).
value_network_update_interval: int = 1000
# how often the target value network weights are updated (in number of updates).
# If soft-updates are used, the value is translated into a moving average decay by using
# the formula decay=1-1/cfg.value_network_update_interval. Default=1000
gamma: float = 0.99
# Decay factor for return computation. Default=0.99.
num_q_values: int = 2
# As suggested in the original SAC paper and in, we can
# use two (or more!) different qvalue networks trained independently and choose the lowest value
# predicted to predict the state action value. This can be disabled by using this flag.
# REDQ uses an arbitrary number of Q-value functions to speed up learning in MF contexts.
target_entropy: Any = None
# Target entropy for the policy distribution. Default is None (auto calculated as the `target_entropy = -action_dim`)
class A2CLossConfig:
"""A2C Loss config struct."""
gamma: float = 0.99
# Decay factor for return computation. Default=0.99.
entropy_coef: float = 1e-3
# Entropy factor for the A2C loss
critic_coef: float = 1.0
# Critic factor for the A2C loss
critic_loss_function: str = "smooth_l1"
# loss function for the value network. Either one of l1, l2 or smooth_l1 (default).
class PPOLossConfig:
"""PPO Loss config struct."""
loss: str = "clip"
# PPO loss class, either clip or kl or base/<empty>. Default=clip
# PPOLoss base parameters:
gamma: float = 0.99
# Decay factor for return computation. Default=0.99.
lmbda: float = 0.95
# lambda factor in GAE (using 'lambda' as attribute is prohibited in python, hence the misspelling)
entropy_bonus: bool = True
# whether to add an entropy term to the PPO loss.
entropy_coef: float = 1e-3
# Entropy factor for the PPO loss
samples_mc_entropy: int = 1
# Number of samples to use for a Monte-Carlo estimate if the policy distribution has not closed formula.
loss_function: str = "smooth_l1"
# loss function for the value network. Either one of l1, l2 or smooth_l1 (default).
critic_coef: float = 1.0
# Critic loss multiplier when computing the total loss.
# ClipPPOLoss parameters:
clip_epsilon: float = 0.2
# weight clipping threshold in the clipped PPO loss equation.
# KLPENPPOLoss parameters:
dtarg: float = 0.01
# target KL divergence.
beta: float = 1.0
# initial KL divergence multiplier.
increment: float = 2
# how much beta should be incremented if KL > dtarg. Valid range: increment >= 1.0
decrement: float = 0.5
# how much beta should be decremented if KL < dtarg. Valid range: decrement <= 1.0
samples_mc_kl: int = 1
# Number of samples to use for a Monte-Carlo estimate of KL if necessary