Source code for torchrl.record.loggers.mlflow
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations
import importlib.util
import os
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Any, Sequence
from torch import Tensor
from torchrl.record.loggers.common import Logger
_has_tv = importlib.util.find_spec("torchvision") is not None
_has_mlflow = importlib.util.find_spec("mlflow") is not None
_has_omegaconf = importlib.util.find_spec("omegaconf") is not None
[docs]class MLFlowLogger(Logger):
"""Wrapper for the mlflow logger.
exp_name (str): The name of the experiment.
tracking_uri (str): A tracking URI to a datastore that supports MLFlow or a local directory.
Keyword Args:
fps (int, optional): Number of frames per second when recording videos. Defaults to ``30``.
def __init__(
exp_name: str,
tracking_uri: str,
tags: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
video_fps: int = 30,
) -> None:
import mlflow
self._mlflow_kwargs = {
"name": exp_name,
"artifact_location": tracking_uri,
"tags": tags,
super().__init__(exp_name=exp_name, log_dir=tracking_uri)
self.video_log_counter = 0
self.video_fps = video_fps
def _create_experiment(self) -> mlflow.ActiveRun: # noqa
import mlflow
"""Creates an mlflow experiment.
mlflow.ActiveRun: The mlflow experiment object.
if not _has_mlflow:
raise ImportError("MLFlow is not installed")
# Only create experiment if it doesnt exist
experiment = mlflow.get_experiment_by_name(self._mlflow_kwargs["name"])
if experiment is None: = mlflow.create_experiment(**self._mlflow_kwargs)
else: = experiment.experiment_id
return mlflow.start_run(
def log_scalar(self, name: str, value: float, step: int | None = None) -> None:
"""Logs a scalar value to mlflow.
name (str): The name of the scalar.
value (:obj:`float`): The value of the scalar.
step (int, optional): The step at which the scalar is logged.
Defaults to None.
import mlflow
mlflow.log_metric(key=name, value=value, step=step)
def log_video(self, name: str, video: Tensor, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Log video inputs to mlflow.
name (str): The name of the video.
video (Tensor): The video to be logged, expected to be in (T, C, H, W) format
for consistency with other loggers.
**kwargs: Other keyword arguments. By construction, log_video
supports 'step' (integer indicating the step index) and 'fps' (defaults to ``self.video_fps``).
import mlflow
import torchvision
if not _has_tv:
raise ImportError(
"Logging a video with MLFlow requires torchvision to be installed."
if video.ndim == 5:
video = video[-1] # N T C H W -> T C H W
video = video.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # T C H W -> T H W C
if video.size(dim=-1) != 3:
raise ValueError(
"The MLFlow logger only supports videos with 3 color channels."
self.video_log_counter += 1
fps = kwargs.pop("fps", self.video_fps)
step = kwargs.pop("step", None)
with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
video_name = f"{name}_step_{step:04}.mp4" if step else f"{name}.mp4"
with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, video_name), "wb") as f:, video_array=video, fps=fps)
mlflow.log_artifact(, "videos")
def log_hparams(self, cfg: DictConfig | dict) -> None: # noqa: F821
"""Logs the hyperparameters of the experiment.
cfg (DictConfig or dict): The configuration of the experiment.
import mlflow
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
if type(cfg) is not dict and _has_omegaconf:
cfg = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"MLFlowLogger(experiment={self.experiment.__repr__()})"
def log_histogram(self, name: str, data: Sequence, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError("Logging histograms in cvs is not permitted.")