
Source code for torchrl.modules.models.model_based

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations

import warnings

import torch
from packaging import version
from tensordict.nn import (
from torch import nn

# from torchrl.modules.tensordict_module.rnn import GRUCell
from torch.nn import GRUCell
from torchrl._utils import timeit

from torchrl.modules.models.models import MLP

UNSQUEEZE_RNN_INPUT = version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse("1.11")

[docs]class DreamerActor(nn.Module): """Dreamer actor network. This network is used to predict the action distribution given the the stochastic state and the deterministic belief at the current time step. It outputs the mean and the scale of the action distribution. Reference: Args: out_features (int): Number of output features. depth (int, optional): Number of hidden layers. Defaults to 4. num_cells (int, optional): Number of hidden units per layer. Defaults to 200. activation_class (nn.Module, optional): Activation class. Defaults to nn.ELU. std_bias (:obj:`float`, optional): Bias of the softplus transform. Defaults to 5.0. std_min_val (:obj:`float`, optional): Minimum value of the standard deviation. Defaults to 1e-4. """ def __init__( self, out_features, depth=4, num_cells=200, activation_class=nn.ELU, std_bias=5.0, std_min_val=1e-4, ): super().__init__() self.backbone = MLP( out_features=2 * out_features, depth=depth, num_cells=num_cells, activation_class=activation_class, ) self.backbone.append( NormalParamExtractor( scale_mapping=f"biased_softplus_{std_bias}_{std_min_val}", # scale_mapping="relu", ), )
[docs] def forward(self, state, belief): loc, scale = self.backbone(state, belief) return loc, scale
[docs]class ObsEncoder(nn.Module): """Observation encoder network. Takes a pixel observation and encodes it into a latent space. Reference: Args: channels (int, optional): Number of hidden units in the first layer. Defaults to 32. num_layers (int, optional): Depth of the network. Defaults to 4. """ def __init__(self, channels=32, num_layers=4, depth=None): if depth is not None: warnings.warn( f"The depth argument in {type(self)} will soon be deprecated and " f"used for the depth of the network instead. Please use channels " f"for the layer size and num_layers for the depth until depth " f"replaces num_layers." ) channels = depth if num_layers < 1: raise RuntimeError("num_layers cannot be smaller than 1.") super().__init__() layers = [ nn.LazyConv2d(channels, 4, stride=2), nn.ReLU(), ] k = 1 for _ in range(1, num_layers): layers += [ nn.Conv2d(channels * k, channels * (k * 2), 4, stride=2), nn.ReLU(), ] k = k * 2 self.encoder = nn.Sequential(*layers)
[docs] def forward(self, observation): *batch_sizes, C, H, W = observation.shape if len(batch_sizes) == 0: end_dim = 0 else: end_dim = len(batch_sizes) - 1 observation = torch.flatten(observation, start_dim=0, end_dim=end_dim) obs_encoded = self.encoder(observation) latent = obs_encoded.reshape(*batch_sizes, -1) return latent
[docs]class ObsDecoder(nn.Module): """Observation decoder network. Takes the deterministic state and the stochastic belief and decodes it into a pixel observation. Reference: Args: channels (int, optional): Number of hidden units in the last layer. Defaults to 32. num_layers (int, optional): Depth of the network. Defaults to 4. kernel_sizes (int or list of int, optional): the kernel_size of each layer. Defaults to ``[5, 5, 6, 6]`` if num_layers if 4, else ``[5] * num_layers``. """ def __init__(self, channels=32, num_layers=4, kernel_sizes=None, depth=None): if depth is not None: warnings.warn( f"The depth argument in {type(self)} will soon be deprecated and " f"used for the depth of the network instead. Please use channels " f"for the layer size and num_layers for the depth until depth " f"replaces num_layers." ) channels = depth if num_layers < 1: raise RuntimeError("num_layers cannot be smaller than 1.") super().__init__() self.state_to_latent = nn.Sequential( nn.LazyLinear(channels * 8 * 2 * 2), nn.ReLU(), ) if kernel_sizes is None and num_layers == 4: kernel_sizes = [5, 5, 6, 6] elif kernel_sizes is None: kernel_sizes = 5 if isinstance(kernel_sizes, int): kernel_sizes = [kernel_sizes] * num_layers layers = [ nn.ReLU(), nn.ConvTranspose2d(channels, 3, kernel_sizes[-1], stride=2), ] kernel_sizes = kernel_sizes[:-1] k = 1 for j in range(1, num_layers): if j != num_layers - 1: layers = [ nn.ConvTranspose2d( channels * k * 2, channels * k, kernel_sizes[-1], stride=2 ), ] + layers kernel_sizes = kernel_sizes[:-1] k = k * 2 layers = [nn.ReLU()] + layers else: layers = [ nn.LazyConvTranspose2d(channels * k, kernel_sizes[-1], stride=2) ] + layers self.decoder = nn.Sequential(*layers) self._depth = channels
[docs] def forward(self, state, rnn_hidden): latent = self.state_to_latent([state, rnn_hidden], dim=-1)) *batch_sizes, D = latent.shape latent = latent.view(-1, D, 1, 1) obs_decoded = self.decoder(latent) _, C, H, W = obs_decoded.shape obs_decoded = obs_decoded.view(*batch_sizes, C, H, W) return obs_decoded
class RSSMRollout(TensorDictModuleBase): """Rollout the RSSM network. Given a set of encoded observations and actions, this module will rollout the RSSM network to compute all the intermediate states and beliefs. The previous posterior is used as the prior for the next time step. The forward method returns a stack of all intermediate states and beliefs. Reference: Args: rssm_prior (TensorDictModule): Prior network. rssm_posterior (TensorDictModule): Posterior network. """ def __init__(self, rssm_prior: TensorDictModule, rssm_posterior: TensorDictModule): super().__init__() _module = TensorDictSequential(rssm_prior, rssm_posterior) self.in_keys = _module.in_keys self.out_keys = _module.out_keys self.rssm_prior = rssm_prior self.rssm_posterior = rssm_posterior def forward(self, tensordict): """Runs a rollout of simulated transitions in the latent space given a sequence of actions and environment observations. The rollout requires a belief and posterior state primer. At each step, two probability distributions are built and sampled from: - A prior distribution p(s_{t+1} | s_t, a_t, b_t) where b_t is a deterministic transform of the form b_t(s_{t-1}, a_{t-1}). The previous state s_t is sampled according to the posterior distribution (see below), creating a chain of posterior-to-priors that accumulates evidence to compute a prior distribution over the current event distribution: p(s_{t+1} s_t | o_t, a_t, s_{t-1}, a_{t-1}) = p(s_{t+1} | s_t, a_t, b_t) q(s_t | b_t, o_t) - A posterior distribution of the form q(s_{t+1} | b_{t+1}, o_{t+1}) which amends to q(s_{t+1} | s_t, a_t, o_{t+1}) """ tensordict_out = [] *batch, time_steps = tensordict.shape update_values = tensordict.exclude(*self.out_keys).unbind(-1) _tensordict = update_values[0] for t in range(time_steps): # samples according to p(s_{t+1} | s_t, a_t, b_t) # ["state", "belief", "action"] -> [("next", "prior_mean"), ("next", "prior_std"), "_", ("next", "belief")] with timeit("rssm_rollout/time-rssm_prior"): self.rssm_prior(_tensordict) # samples according to p(s_{t+1} | s_t, a_t, o_{t+1}) = p(s_t | b_t, o_t) # [("next", "belief"), ("next", "encoded_latents")] -> [("next", "posterior_mean"), ("next", "posterior_std"), ("next", "state")] with timeit("rssm_rollout/time-rssm_posterior"): self.rssm_posterior(_tensordict) tensordict_out.append(_tensordict) if t < time_steps - 1: _tensordict =*self.in_keys, strict=False) _tensordict = update_values[t + 1].update(_tensordict) out = torch.stack(tensordict_out, tensordict.ndim - 1) return out
[docs]class RSSMPrior(nn.Module): """The prior network of the RSSM. This network takes as input the previous state and belief and the current action. It returns the next prior state and belief, as well as the parameters of the prior state distribution. State is by construction stochastic and belief is deterministic. In "Dream to control", these are called "deterministic state " and "stochastic state", respectively. Reference: Args: action_spec (TensorSpec): Action spec. hidden_dim (int, optional): Number of hidden units in the linear network. Input size of the recurrent network. Defaults to 200. rnn_hidden_dim (int, optional): Number of hidden units in the recurrent network. Also size of the belief. Defaults to 200. state_dim (int, optional): Size of the state. Defaults to 30. scale_lb (:obj:`float`, optional): Lower bound of the scale of the state distribution. Defaults to 0.1. """ def __init__( self, action_spec, hidden_dim=200, rnn_hidden_dim=200, state_dim=30, scale_lb=0.1, ): super().__init__() # Prior self.rnn = GRUCell(hidden_dim, rnn_hidden_dim) self.action_state_projector = nn.Sequential(nn.LazyLinear(hidden_dim), nn.ELU()) self.rnn_to_prior_projector = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim), nn.ELU(), nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 2 * state_dim), NormalParamExtractor( scale_lb=scale_lb, scale_mapping="softplus", ), ) self.state_dim = state_dim self.rnn_hidden_dim = rnn_hidden_dim self.action_shape = action_spec.shape
[docs] def forward(self, state, belief, action): projector_input =[state, action], dim=-1) action_state = self.action_state_projector(projector_input) unsqueeze = False if UNSQUEEZE_RNN_INPUT and action_state.ndimension() == 1: if belief is not None: belief = belief.unsqueeze(0) action_state = action_state.unsqueeze(0) unsqueeze = True belief = self.rnn(action_state, belief) if unsqueeze: belief = belief.squeeze(0) prior_mean, prior_std = self.rnn_to_prior_projector(belief) state = prior_mean + torch.randn_like(prior_std) * prior_std return prior_mean, prior_std, state, belief
[docs]class RSSMPosterior(nn.Module): """The posterior network of the RSSM. This network takes as input the belief and the associated encoded observation. It returns the parameters of the posterior as well as a state sampled according to this distribution. Reference: Args: hidden_dim (int, optional): Number of hidden units in the linear network. Defaults to 200. state_dim (int, optional): Size of the state. Defaults to 30. scale_lb (:obj:`float`, optional): Lower bound of the scale of the state distribution. Defaults to 0.1. """ def __init__(self, hidden_dim=200, state_dim=30, scale_lb=0.1): super().__init__() self.obs_rnn_to_post_projector = nn.Sequential( nn.LazyLinear(hidden_dim), nn.ELU(), nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 2 * state_dim), NormalParamExtractor( scale_lb=scale_lb, scale_mapping="softplus", ), ) self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
[docs] def forward(self, belief, obs_embedding): posterior_mean, posterior_std = self.obs_rnn_to_post_projector([belief, obs_embedding], dim=-1) ) # post_std = post_std + 0.1 state = posterior_mean + torch.randn_like(posterior_std) * posterior_std return posterior_mean, posterior_std, state


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