
Source code for torchrl.envs.model_based.dreamer

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations

import torch
from tensordict import TensorDict
from tensordict.nn import TensorDictModule
from import Composite
from import DEVICE_TYPING
from torchrl.envs.common import EnvBase
from torchrl.envs.model_based import ModelBasedEnvBase
from torchrl.envs.transforms.transforms import Transform

[docs]class DreamerEnv(ModelBasedEnvBase): """Dreamer simulation environment.""" def __init__( self, world_model: TensorDictModule, prior_shape: tuple[int, ...], belief_shape: tuple[int, ...], obs_decoder: TensorDictModule = None, device: DEVICE_TYPING = "cpu", batch_size: torch.Size | None = None, ): super().__init__(world_model, device=device, batch_size=batch_size) self.obs_decoder = obs_decoder self.prior_shape = prior_shape self.belief_shape = belief_shape def set_specs_from_env(self, env: EnvBase): """Sets the specs of the environment from the specs of the given environment.""" super().set_specs_from_env(env) self.action_spec = self.state_spec = Composite( state=self.observation_spec["state"], belief=self.observation_spec["belief"], shape=env.batch_size, ) def _reset(self, tensordict=None, **kwargs) -> TensorDict: batch_size = tensordict.batch_size if tensordict is not None else [] device = tensordict.device if tensordict is not None else self.device if tensordict is None: td = self.state_spec.rand(shape=batch_size) # why don't we reuse actions taken at those steps? td.set("action", self.action_spec.rand(shape=batch_size)) td[("next", "reward")] = self.reward_spec.rand(shape=batch_size) td.update(self.observation_spec.rand(shape=batch_size)) if device is not None: td =, non_blocking=True) if torch.cuda.is_available() and device.type == "cpu": torch.cuda.synchronize() elif torch.backends.mps.is_available(): torch.mps.synchronize() else: td = tensordict.clone() return td def decode_obs(self, tensordict: TensorDict, compute_latents=False) -> TensorDict: if self.obs_decoder is None: raise ValueError("No observation decoder provided") if compute_latents: tensordict = self.world_model(tensordict) return self.obs_decoder(tensordict)
[docs]class DreamerDecoder(Transform): """A transform to record the decoded observations in Dreamer. Examples: >>> model_based_env = DreamerEnv(...) >>> model_based_env_eval = model_based_env.append_transform(DreamerDecoder()) """ def _call(self, next_tensordict): return self.parent.base_env.obs_decoder(next_tensordict) def _reset(self, tensordict, tensordict_reset): return self._call(tensordict_reset) def transform_observation_spec(self, observation_spec): return observation_spec


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