# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations
import importlib
import os
import warnings
from copy import copy
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import torch
from tensordict import TensorDict
from torchrl.data.tensor_specs import Unbounded
from torchrl.envs.common import _maybe_unlock
from torchrl.envs.libs.gym import (
from torchrl.envs.utils import _classproperty, make_composite_from_td
_has_gym = (
importlib.util.find_spec("gym") is not None
or importlib.util.find_spec("gymnasium") is not None
_has_robohive = importlib.util.find_spec("robohive") is not None and _has_gym
if _has_robohive:
os.environ.setdefault("sim_backend", "MUJOCO")
class set_directory:
"""Sets the cwd within the context.
path (Path): The path to the cwd
def __init__(self, path: Path):
self.path = path
self.origin = Path().absolute()
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __call__(self, fun):
def new_fun(*args, **kwargs):
with set_directory(Path(self.path)):
return fun(*args, **kwargs)
return new_fun
class _RoboHiveBuild(_GymAsyncMeta):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
instance: RoboHiveEnv = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
return instance
[docs]class RoboHiveEnv(GymEnv, metaclass=_RoboHiveBuild):
"""A wrapper for RoboHive gym environments.
RoboHive is a collection of environments/tasks simulated with the MuJoCo physics engine exposed using the OpenAI-Gym API.
Github: https://github.com/vikashplus/robohive/
Doc: https://github.com/vikashplus/robohive/wiki
Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.06828
.. warning::
RoboHive requires gym 0.13.
env_name (str): the environment name to build. Must be one of :attr:`.available_envs`
categorical_action_encoding (bool, optional): if ``True``, categorical
specs will be converted to the TorchRL equivalent (:class:`torchrl.data.Categorical`),
otherwise a one-hot encoding will be used (:class:`torchrl.data.OneHot`).
Defaults to ``False``.
Keyword Args:
from_pixels (bool, optional): if ``True``, an attempt to return the pixel
observations from the env will be performed. By default, these observations
will be written under the ``"pixels"`` entry.
The method being used varies
depending on the gym version and may involve a ``wrappers.pixel_observation.PixelObservationWrapper``.
Defaults to ``False``.
pixels_only (bool, optional): if ``True``, only the pixel observations will
be returned (by default under the ``"pixels"`` entry in the output tensordict).
If ``False``, observations (eg, states) and pixels will be returned
whenever ``from_pixels=True``. Defaults to ``True``.
from_depths (bool, optional): if ``True``, an attempt to return the depth
observations from the env will be performed. By default, these observations
will be written under the ``"depths"`` entry. Requires ``from_pixels`` to be ``True``.
Defaults to ``False``.
frame_skip (int, optional): if provided, indicates for how many steps the
same action is to be repeated. The observation returned will be the
last observation of the sequence, whereas the reward will be the sum
of rewards across steps.
device (torch.device, optional): if provided, the device on which the data
is to be cast. Defaults to ``torch.device("cpu")``.
batch_size (torch.Size, optional): Only ``torch.Size([])`` will work with
``RoboHiveEnv`` since vectorized environments are not supported within the
class. To execute more than one environment at a time, see :class:`~torchrl.envs.ParallelEnv`.
allow_done_after_reset (bool, optional): if ``True``, it is tolerated
for envs to be ``done`` just after :meth:`reset` is called.
Defaults to ``False``.
available_envs (list): a list of available envs to build.
>>> from torchrl.envs import RoboHiveEnv
>>> env = RoboHiveEnv(RoboHiveEnv.available_envs[0])
>>> env.rollout(3)
env_list = []
def CURR_DIR(cls):
if _has_robohive:
import robohive.envs.multi_task.substeps1
return robohive.envs.multi_task.substeps1.CURR_DIR
return None
def available_envs(cls):
if not _has_robohive:
return []
return cls.env_list
def register_envs(cls):
if not _has_robohive:
raise ImportError(
"Cannot load robohive from the current virtual environment."
from robohive import robohive_env_suite as robohive_envs
from robohive.utils.prompt_utils import Prompt, set_prompt_verbosity
cls.env_list += robohive_envs
if not len(robohive_envs):
raise RuntimeError("did not load any environment.")
def _build_env( # noqa: F811
env_name: str,
from_pixels: bool = False,
pixels_only: bool = False,
from_depths: bool = False,
) -> gym.core.Env: # noqa: F821
if from_pixels:
if "cameras" not in kwargs:
"from_pixels=True will lead to a registration of ALL available cameras, "
"which may lead to performance issue. "
"Consider passing only the needed cameras through cameras=list_of_cameras. "
"The list of available cameras for a specific environment can be obtained via "
kwargs["cameras"] = self.get_available_cams(env_name)
cams = list(kwargs.pop("cameras"))
env_name = self.register_visual_env(
cams=cams, env_name=env_name, from_depths=from_depths
elif "cameras" in kwargs and kwargs["cameras"]:
raise RuntimeError("Got a list of cameras but from_pixels is set to False.")
self.pixels_only = pixels_only
render_device = int(str(self.device)[-1])
except ValueError:
render_device = 0
if not _has_robohive:
raise ImportError(
f"gym/robohive not found, unable to create {env_name}. "
f"Consider downloading and installing dm_control from"
f" {self.git_url}"
env = self.lib.make(
self.wrapper_frame_skip = 1
except TypeError as err:
if "unexpected keyword argument 'frameskip" not in str(err):
raise err
env = self.lib.make(
env_name, return_dict=True, device_id=render_device, **kwargs
self.wrapper_frame_skip = self.frame_skip
# except Exception as err:
# raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to build env {env_name}.") from err
self.from_pixels = from_pixels
self.from_depths = from_depths
self.render_device = render_device
if kwargs.get("read_info", True):
return env
def _make_specs(self, env: gym.Env, batch_size=None) -> None: # noqa: F821
out = super()._make_specs(env=env, batch_size=batch_size)
*_, info = self.env.step(self.env.action_space.sample())
info = self.read_info(info, TensorDict())
info = info.get("info")
self.observation_spec["info"] = make_composite_from_td(info)
return out
def register_visual_env(cls, env_name, cams, from_depths):
with set_directory(cls.CURR_DIR):
from robohive.envs.env_variants import register_env_variant
if not len(cams):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot create a visual envs without cameras.")
cams = sorted(cams)
cams_rep = [i.replace("A:", "A_") for i in cams]
new_env_name = "-".join([cam[:-3] for cam in cams_rep] + [env_name])
visual_keys = [f"rgb:{c}:224x224:2d" for c in cams]
if from_depths:
visual_keys.extend([f"d:{c}:224x224:2d" for c in cams])
"visual_keys": visual_keys,
env_name = new_env_name
cls.env_list += [env_name]
return env_name
def _refine_specs(self) -> None: # noqa: F821
env = self._env
self.action_spec = _gym_to_torchrl_spec_transform(
env.action_space, device=self.device
# get a np rollout
rollout = TensorDict({"done": torch.zeros(3, 1)}, [3])
def get_obs():
_dict = {}
obs_dict = copy(env.obs_dict)
if self.from_pixels:
visual = self.env.get_exteroception()
pixel_list, depth_list = [], []
for obs_key in obs_dict:
if obs_key.startswith("rgb"):
pix = obs_dict[obs_key]
if not pix.shape[0] == 1:
pix = pix[None]
elif obs_key.startswith("d:"):
dep = obs_dict[obs_key]
dep = dep[None]
elif obs_key in env.obs_keys:
value = env.obs_dict[obs_key]
if not value.shape:
value = value[None]
_dict[obs_key] = value
if pixel_list:
_dict["pixels"] = np.concatenate(pixel_list, 0)
if depth_list:
_dict["depths"] = np.concatenate(depth_list, 0)
return _dict
for i in range(3):
_dict = {}
_dict["action"] = action = env.action_space.sample()
_, r, trunc, term, done, _ = self._output_transform(env.step(action))
_dict[("next", "reward")] = r.reshape(1)
_dict[("next", "done")] = [1]
_dict[("next", "terminated")] = [1]
_dict[("next", "truncated")] = [1]
_dict["next"] = get_obs()
rollout[i] = TensorDict(_dict, [])
observation_spec = make_composite_from_td(
rollout.get("next").exclude("done", "reward", "terminated", "truncated")[0]
self.observation_spec = observation_spec
self.reward_spec = Unbounded(
) # default
rollout = self.rollout(2, return_contiguous=False).get("next")
rollout = rollout.exclude(
self.reward_key, *self.done_keys, *self.observation_spec.keys(True, True)
rollout = rollout[..., 0]
spec = make_composite_from_td(rollout)
def _reset_output_transform(self, reset_data):
if not (isinstance(reset_data, tuple) and len(reset_data) == 2):
return reset_data, {}
return reset_data
def set_from_pixels(self, from_pixels: bool) -> None:
"""Sets the from_pixels attribute to an existing environment.
from_pixels (bool): new value for the from_pixels attribute
if from_pixels is self.from_pixels:
self.from_pixels = from_pixels
def read_obs(self, observation):
# the info is missing from the reset
observations = self.env.obs_dict
del observations["t"]
except KeyError:
# recover vec
obsdict = {}
pixel_list, depth_list = [], []
if self.from_pixels:
visual = self.env.get_exteroception()
for key in observations:
if key.startswith("rgb"):
pix = observations[key]
if not pix.shape[0] == 1:
pix = pix[None]
elif key.startswith("d:"):
dep = observations[key]
dep = dep[None]
elif key in self._env.obs_keys:
value = observations[key]
if not value.shape:
value = value[None]
obsdict[key] = value # ravel helps with images
# if obsvec:
# obsvec = np.concatenate(obsvec, 0)
if self.from_pixels:
obsdict.update({"pixels": np.concatenate(pixel_list, 0)})
if self.from_pixels and self.from_depths:
obsdict.update({"depths": np.concatenate(depth_list, 0)})
out = obsdict
return super().read_obs(out)
def read_info(self, info, tensordict_out):
if not info:
info_spec = self.observation_spec.get("info", None)
if info_spec is None:
return tensordict_out
tensordict_out.set("info", info_spec.zero())
return tensordict_out
out = (
TensorDict(info, [])
.exclude("obs_dict", "done", "reward", *self._env.obs_keys, "act")
.apply(lambda x: x, filter_empty=True)
if "info" in self.observation_spec.keys():
info_spec = self.observation_spec["info"]
def func(name, x):
spec = info_spec.get(name, None)
if spec is None:
return None
return x.reshape(info_spec[name].shape)
out.update(out.named_apply(func, nested_keys=True, filter_empty=True))
lambda x: x.reshape((1,)) if not x.shape else x, filter_empty=True
tensordict_out.set("info", out)
return tensordict_out
def _init_env(self):
def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
out = super().to(*args, **kwargs)
render_device = int(str(out.device)[-1])
except ValueError:
render_device = 0
if render_device != self.render_device:
return out
def get_available_cams(cls, env_name):
env = gym_backend().make(env_name)
cams = [env.sim.model.id2name(ic, 7) for ic in range(env.sim.model.ncam)]
return cams