
Source code for

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import json
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import torch
from tensordict import (
from tensordict.memmap import MemoryMappedTensor
from tensordict.utils import _STRDTYPE2DTYPE

from import (

[docs]class StorageCheckpointerBase: """Public base class for storage checkpointers. Each storage checkpointer must implement a `save` and `load` method that take as input a storage and a path. """ @abc.abstractmethod def dumps(self, storage, path): ... @abc.abstractmethod def loads(self, storage, path): ...
[docs]class ListStorageCheckpointer(StorageCheckpointerBase): """A storage checkpointer for ListStoage. Currently not implemented. """ @staticmethod def dumps(storage, path): raise NotImplementedError( "ListStorage doesn't support serialization via `dumps` - `loads` API." ) @staticmethod def loads(storage, path): raise NotImplementedError( "ListStorage doesn't support serialization via `dumps` - `loads` API." )
[docs]class TensorStorageCheckpointer(StorageCheckpointerBase): """A storage checkpointer for TensorStorages. This class supports TensorDict-based storages as well as pytrees. This class will call save and load hooks if provided. These hooks should take as input the data being transformed as well as the path where the data should be saved. """ _save_hooks = [] _load_hooks = [] def dumps(self, storage, path): path = Path(path) path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if not storage.initialized: raise RuntimeError("Cannot save a non-initialized storage.") metadata = {} _storage = storage._storage for hook in self._save_hooks: _storage = hook(_storage, path=path) if is_tensor_collection(_storage): if ( _storage.is_memmap() and _storage.saved_path and Path(_storage.saved_path).absolute() == Path(path).absolute() ): _storage.memmap_refresh_() else: # try to load the path and overwrite. _storage.memmap( path, copy_existing=True, # num_threads=torch.get_num_threads() ) is_pytree = False else: _save_pytree(_storage, metadata, path) is_pytree = True with open(path / "storage_metadata.json", "w") as file: json.dump( { "metadata": metadata, "is_pytree": is_pytree, "len": storage._len, }, file, ) def loads(self, storage, path): with open(path / "storage_metadata.json") as file: metadata = json.load(file) is_pytree = metadata["is_pytree"] _len = metadata["len"] if is_pytree: if self._load_hooks: raise RuntimeError( "Loading hooks are not compatible with PyTree storages." ) path = Path(path) for local_path, md in metadata["metadata"].items(): # load tensor local_path_dot = local_path.replace(".", "/") total_tensor_path = path / (local_path_dot + ".memmap") shape = torch.Size(md["shape"]) dtype = _STRDTYPE2DTYPE[md["dtype"]] tensor = MemoryMappedTensor.from_filename( filename=total_tensor_path, shape=shape, dtype=dtype ) # split path local_path = local_path.split(".") # replace potential dots local_path = [_path.replace("_<dot>_", ".") for _path in local_path] if storage.initialized: # copy in-place _storage_tensor = storage._storage # in this case there is a single tensor, so we skip if local_path != ["_-single-tensor-_"]: for _path in local_path: if _path.isdigit(): _path_attempt = int(_path) try: _storage_tensor = _storage_tensor[_path_attempt] continue except IndexError: pass _storage_tensor = _storage_tensor[_path] _storage_tensor.copy_(tensor) else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot fill a non-initialized pytree-based TensorStorage." ) else: _storage = TensorDict.load_memmap(path) if storage.initialized: dest = storage._storage else: # TODO: This could load the RAM a lot, maybe try to catch this within the hook and use memmap instead dest = None for hook in self._load_hooks: _storage = hook(_storage, out=dest) if not storage.initialized: from import LazyMemmapStorage if ( isinstance(storage, LazyMemmapStorage) and storage.scratch_dir and Path(storage.scratch_dir).absolute() == Path(path).absolute() ): storage._storage = TensorDict.load_memmap(path) storage.initialized = True else: # this should not be reached if is_pytree=True storage._init(_storage[0]) storage._storage.update_(_storage) elif ( storage._storage.is_memmap() and storage._storage.saved_path and Path(storage._storage.saved_path).absolute() == Path(path).absolute() ): # If the storage is already where it should be, we don't need to load anything. storage._storage.memmap_refresh_() else: storage._storage.copy_(_storage) storage._len = _len
[docs]class FlatStorageCheckpointer(TensorStorageCheckpointer): """Saves the storage in a compact form, saving space on the TED format. This class explicitly assumes and does NOT check that: - done states (including terminated and truncated) at the root are always False; - observations in the "next" tensordict are shifted by one step in the future (this is not the case when a multi-step transform is used for instance) unless `done` is `True` in which case the observation in `("next", key)` at time `t` and the one in `key` at time `t+1` should not match. .. seealso: The full list of arguments can be found in :class:``. """ def __init__(self, done_keys=None, reward_keys=None): kwargs = {} if done_keys is not None: kwargs["done_keys"] = done_keys if reward_keys is not None: kwargs["reward_keys"] = reward_keys self._save_hooks = [TED2Flat(**kwargs)] self._load_hooks = [Flat2TED(**kwargs)] def _save_shift_is_full(self, storage): is_full = storage._is_full last_cursor = storage._last_cursor for hook in self._save_hooks: if hasattr(hook, "is_full"): hook.is_full = is_full if last_cursor is None: warnings.warn( "las_cursor is None. The replay buffer " "may not be saved properly in this setting. To solve this issue, make " "sure the storage updates the _las_cursor value during calls to `set`." ) shift = self._get_shift_from_last_cursor(last_cursor) for hook in self._save_hooks: if hasattr(hook, "shift"): hook.shift = shift def dumps(self, storage, path): self._save_shift_is_full(storage) return super().dumps(storage, path) def _get_shift_from_last_cursor(self, last_cursor): if isinstance(last_cursor, slice): return last_cursor.stop + 1 if isinstance(last_cursor, int): return last_cursor + 1 if isinstance(last_cursor, torch.Tensor): return last_cursor.reshape(-1)[-1].item() + 1 if isinstance(last_cursor, np.ndarray): return last_cursor.reshape(-1)[-1].item() + 1 raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised last_cursor type {type(last_cursor)}.")
[docs]class NestedStorageCheckpointer(FlatStorageCheckpointer): """Saves the storage in a compact form, saving space on the TED format and using memory-mapped nested tensors. This class explicitly assumes and does NOT check that: - done states (including terminated and truncated) at the root are always False; - observations in the "next" tensordict are shifted by one step in the future (this is not the case when a multi-step transform is used for instance). .. seealso: The full list of arguments can be found in :class:``. """ def __init__(self, done_keys=None, reward_keys=None, **kwargs): kwargs = {} if done_keys is not None: kwargs["done_keys"] = done_keys if reward_keys is not None: kwargs["reward_keys"] = reward_keys self._save_hooks = [TED2Nested(**kwargs)] self._load_hooks = [Nested2TED(**kwargs)]
[docs]class H5StorageCheckpointer(NestedStorageCheckpointer): """Saves the storage in a compact form, saving space on the TED format and using H5 format to save the data. This class explicitly assumes and does NOT check that: - done states (including terminated and truncated) at the root are always False; - observations in the "next" tensordict are shifted by one step in the future (this is not the case when a multi-step transform is used for instance). Keyword Args: checkpoint_file: the filename where to save the checkpointed data. This will be ignored iff the path passed to dumps / loads ends with the ``.h5`` suffix. Defaults to ``"checkpoint.h5"``. h5_kwargs (Dict[str, Any] or Tuple[Tuple[str, Any], ...]): kwargs to be passed to :meth:`h5py.File.create_dataset`. .. note:: To prevent out-of-memory issues, the data of the H5 file will be temporarily written on memory-mapped tensors stored in shared file system. The physical memory usage may increase during loading as a consequence. .. seealso: The full list of arguments can be found in :class:``. Note that this class only supports keyword arguments. """ def __init__( self, *, checkpoint_file: str = "checkpoint.h5", done_keys=None, reward_keys=None, h5_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): ted2_kwargs = kwargs if done_keys is not None: ted2_kwargs["done_keys"] = done_keys if reward_keys is not None: ted2_kwargs["reward_keys"] = reward_keys self._save_hooks = [TED2Nested(**ted2_kwargs), H5Split()] self._load_hooks = [H5Combine(), Nested2TED(**ted2_kwargs)] self.kwargs = {} if h5_kwargs is None else dict(h5_kwargs) self.checkpoint_file = checkpoint_file def dumps(self, storage, path): path = self._get_path(path) self._save_shift_is_full(storage) if not storage.initialized: raise RuntimeError("Cannot save a non-initialized storage.") _storage = storage._storage length = storage._len for hook in self._save_hooks: # we don't pass a path here since we're not reusing the tensordict _storage = hook(_storage) if is_tensor_collection(_storage): # try to load the path and overwrite. data = PersistentTensorDict.from_dict(_storage, path, **self.kwargs) data["_len"] = NonTensorData(data=length) else: raise ValueError("Only tensor collections are supported.") def loads(self, storage, path): path = self._get_path(path) data = PersistentTensorDict.from_h5(path) if storage.initialized: dest = storage._storage else: # TODO: This could load the RAM a lot, maybe try to catch this within the hook and use memmap instead dest = None _len = data["_len"] for hook in self._load_hooks: data = hook(data, out=dest) if not storage.initialized: # this should not be reached if is_pytree=True storage._init(data[0]) storage._storage.update_(data) else: storage._storage.copy_(data) storage._len = _len def _get_path(self, path): path = Path(path) if path.suffix == ".h5": return str(path.absolute()) try: path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) except Exception: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to create the checkpoint directory {path}.") path = path / self.checkpoint_file return str(path.absolute())
[docs]class StorageEnsembleCheckpointer(StorageCheckpointerBase): """Checkpointer for ensemble storages.""" @staticmethod def dumps(storage, path: Path): path = Path(path).absolute() storages = storage._storages for i, storage in enumerate(storages): storage.dumps(path / str(i)) if storage._transforms is not None: for i, transform in enumerate(storage._transforms):, path / f"{i}") @staticmethod def loads(storage, path: Path): path = Path(path).absolute() for i, _storage in enumerate(storage._storages): _storage.loads(path / str(i)) if storage._transforms is not None: for i, transform in enumerate(storage._transforms): transform.load_state_dict(torch.load(path / f"{i}"))


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