
Source code for torchrl.collectors.distributed.ray

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Iterator, OrderedDict

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from tensordict import TensorDict, TensorDictBase

from torchrl._utils import logger as torchrl_logger
from torchrl.collectors import MultiaSyncDataCollector
from torchrl.collectors.collectors import (
from torchrl.collectors.utils import _NON_NN_POLICY_WEIGHTS, split_trajectories
from import ReplayBuffer
from torchrl.envs.common import EnvBase
from torchrl.envs.env_creator import EnvCreator

RAY_ERR = None
    import ray
    from import get_node_ip_address

    _has_ray = True
except ImportError as err:
    _has_ray = False
    RAY_ERR = err

    "address": None,
    "num_cpus": None,
    "num_gpus": None,
    "resources": None,
    "object_store_memory": None,
    "local_mode": False,
    "ignore_reinit_error": False,
    "include_dashboard": None,
    "dashboard_host": "",
    "dashboard_port": None,
    "job_config": None,
    "configure_logging": True,
    "logging_level": "info",
    "logging_format": None,
    "log_to_driver": True,
    "namespace": None,
    "runtime_env": None,
    "storage": None,

    "num_cpus": 1,
    "num_gpus": 0.2,
    "memory": 2 * 1024**3,

def print_remote_collector_info(self):
    """Prints some information about the remote collector."""
    s = (
        f"Created remote collector with in machine "
        f"{get_node_ip_address()} using gpus {ray.get_gpu_ids()}"
    # torchrl_logger.warning(s)

def as_remote(cls, remote_config):
    """Creates an instance of a remote ray class.

        cls (Python Class): class to be remotely instantiated.
        remote_config (dict): the quantity of CPU cores to reserve for this class.

        A function that creates ray remote class instances.
    remote_collector = ray.remote(**remote_config)(cls)
    remote_collector.is_remote = True
    return remote_collector

[docs]class RayCollector(DataCollectorBase): """Distributed data collector with `Ray <>`_ backend. This Python class serves as a ray-based solution to instantiate and coordinate multiple data collectors in a distributed cluster. Like TorchRL non-distributed collectors, this collector is an iterable that yields TensorDicts until a target number of collected frames is reached, but handles distributed data collection under the hood. The class dictionary input parameter "ray_init_config" can be used to provide the kwargs to call Ray initialization method ray.init(). If "ray_init_config" is not provided, the default behavior is to autodetect an existing Ray cluster or start a new Ray instance locally if no existing cluster is found. Refer to Ray documentation for advanced initialization kwargs. Similarly, dictionary input parameter "remote_configs" can be used to specify the kwargs for ray.remote() when called to create each remote collector actor, including collector compute resources.The sum of all collector resources should be available in the cluster. Refer to Ray documentation for advanced configuration of the ray.remote() method. Default kwargs are: >>> kwargs = { ... "num_cpus": 1, ... "num_gpus": 0.2, ... "memory": 2 * 1024 ** 3, ... } The coordination between collector instances can be specified as "synchronous" or "asynchronous". In synchronous coordination, this class waits for all remote collectors to collect a rollout, concatenates all rollouts into a single TensorDict instance and finally yields the concatenated data. On the other hand, if the coordination is to be carried out asynchronously, this class provides the rollouts as they become available from individual remote collectors. Args: create_env_fn (Callable or List[Callabled]): list of Callables, each returning an instance of :class:`~torchrl.envs.EnvBase`. policy (Callable, optional): Policy to be executed in the environment. Must accept :class:`tensordict.tensordict.TensorDictBase` object as input. If ``None`` is provided, the policy used will be a :class:`~torchrl.collectors.RandomPolicy` instance with the environment ``action_spec``. Accepted policies are usually subclasses of :class:`~tensordict.nn.TensorDictModuleBase`. This is the recommended usage of the collector. Other callables are accepted too: If the policy is not a ``TensorDictModuleBase`` (e.g., a regular :class:`~torch.nn.Module` instances) it will be wrapped in a `nn.Module` first. Then, the collector will try to assess if these modules require wrapping in a :class:`~tensordict.nn.TensorDictModule` or not. - If the policy forward signature matches any of ``forward(self, tensordict)``, ``forward(self, td)`` or ``forward(self, <anything>: TensorDictBase)`` (or any typing with a single argument typed as a subclass of ``TensorDictBase``) then the policy won't be wrapped in a :class:`~tensordict.nn.TensorDictModule`. - In all other cases an attempt to wrap it will be undergone as such: ``TensorDictModule(policy, in_keys=env_obs_key, out_keys=env.action_keys)``. .. note:: If the policy needs to be passed as a policy factory (e.g., in case it mustn't be serialized / pickled directly), the :arg:`policy_factory` should be used instead. Keyword Args: policy_factory (Callable[[], Callable], optional): a callable that returns a policy instance. This is exclusive with the `policy` argument. .. note:: `policy_factory` comes in handy whenever the policy cannot be serialized. frames_per_batch (int): A keyword-only argument representing the total number of elements in a batch. total_frames (int, Optional): lower bound of the total number of frames returned by the collector. The iterator will stop once the total number of frames equates or exceeds the total number of frames passed to the collector. Default value is -1, which mean no target total number of frames (i.e. the collector will run indefinitely). device (int, str or torch.device, optional): The generic device of the collector. The ``device`` args fills any non-specified device: if ``device`` is not ``None`` and any of ``storing_device``, ``policy_device`` or ``env_device`` is not specified, its value will be set to ``device``. Defaults to ``None`` (No default device). Lists of devices are supported. storing_device (int, str or torch.device, optional): The *remote* device on which the output :class:`~tensordict.TensorDict` will be stored. If ``device`` is passed and ``storing_device`` is ``None``, it will default to the value indicated by ``device``. For long trajectories, it may be necessary to store the data on a different device than the one where the policy and env are executed. Defaults to ``None`` (the output tensordict isn't on a specific device, leaf tensors sit on the device where they were created). Lists of devices are supported. env_device (int, str or torch.device, optional): The *remote* device on which the environment should be cast (or executed if that functionality is supported). If not specified and the env has a non-``None`` device, ``env_device`` will default to that value. If ``device`` is passed and ``env_device=None``, it will default to ``device``. If the value as such specified of ``env_device`` differs from ``policy_device`` and one of them is not ``None``, the data will be cast to ``env_device`` before being passed to the env (i.e., passing different devices to policy and env is supported). Defaults to ``None``. Lists of devices are supported. policy_device (int, str or torch.device, optional): The *remote* device on which the policy should be cast. If ``device`` is passed and ``policy_device=None``, it will default to ``device``. If the value as such specified of ``policy_device`` differs from ``env_device`` and one of them is not ``None``, the data will be cast to ``policy_device`` before being passed to the policy (i.e., passing different devices to policy and env is supported). Defaults to ``None``. Lists of devices are supported. create_env_kwargs (dict, optional): Dictionary of kwargs for ``create_env_fn``. max_frames_per_traj (int, optional): Maximum steps per trajectory. Note that a trajectory can span across multiple batches (unless ``reset_at_each_iter`` is set to ``True``, see below). Once a trajectory reaches ``n_steps``, the environment is reset. If the environment wraps multiple environments together, the number of steps is tracked for each environment independently. Negative values are allowed, in which case this argument is ignored. Defaults to ``None`` (i.e., no maximum number of steps). init_random_frames (int, optional): Number of frames for which the policy is ignored before it is called. This feature is mainly intended to be used in offline/model-based settings, where a batch of random trajectories can be used to initialize training. If provided, it will be rounded up to the closest multiple of frames_per_batch. Defaults to ``None`` (i.e. no random frames). reset_at_each_iter (bool, optional): Whether environments should be reset at the beginning of a batch collection. Defaults to ``False``. postproc (Callable, optional): A post-processing transform, such as a :class:`~torchrl.envs.Transform` or a :class:`` instance. Defaults to ``None``. split_trajs (bool, optional): Boolean indicating whether the resulting TensorDict should be split according to the trajectories. See :func:`~torchrl.collectors.utils.split_trajectories` for more information. Defaults to ``False``. exploration_type (ExplorationType, optional): interaction mode to be used when collecting data. Must be one of ``torchrl.envs.utils.ExplorationType.DETERMINISTIC``, ``torchrl.envs.utils.ExplorationType.RANDOM``, ``torchrl.envs.utils.ExplorationType.MODE`` or ``torchrl.envs.utils.ExplorationType.MEAN``. collector_class (Python class): a collector class to be remotely instantiated. Can be :class:`~torchrl.collectors.SyncDataCollector`, :class:`~torchrl.collectors.MultiSyncDataCollector`, :class:`~torchrl.collectors.MultiaSyncDataCollector` or a derived class of these. Defaults to :class:`~torchrl.collectors.SyncDataCollector`. collector_kwargs (dict or list, optional): a dictionary of parameters to be passed to the remote data-collector. If a list is provided, each element will correspond to an individual set of keyword arguments for the dedicated collector. num_workers_per_collector (int): the number of copies of the env constructor that is to be used on the remote nodes. Defaults to 1 (a single env per collector). On a single worker node all the sub-workers will be executing the same environment. If different environments need to be executed, they should be dispatched across worker nodes, not subnodes. ray_init_config (dict, Optional): kwargs used to call ray.init(). remote_configs (list of dicts, Optional): ray resource specs for each remote collector. A single dict can be provided as well, and will be used in all collectors. num_collectors (int, Optional): total number of collectors to be instantiated. sync (bool): if ``True``, the resulting tensordict is a stack of all the tensordicts collected on each node. If ``False`` (default), each tensordict results from a separate node in a "first-ready, first-served" fashion. update_after_each_batch (bool, optional): if ``True``, the weights will be updated after each collection. For ``sync=True``, this means that all workers will see their weights updated. For ``sync=False``, only the worker from which the data has been gathered will be updated. Defaults to ``False``, i.e. updates have to be executed manually through ``torchrl.collectors.distributed.RayDistributedCollector.update_policy_weights_()`` max_weight_update_interval (int, optional): the maximum number of batches that can be collected before the policy weights of a worker is updated. For sync collections, this parameter is overwritten by ``update_after_each_batch``. For async collections, it may be that one worker has not seen its parameters being updated for a certain time even if ``update_after_each_batch`` is turned on. Defaults to -1 (no forced update). replay_buffer (RayReplayBuffer, optional): if provided, the collector will not yield tensordicts but populate the buffer instead. Defaults to ``None``. .. note:: although it is not enfoced (to allow users to implement their own replay buffer class), a :class:`` instance should be used here. Examples: >>> from torch import nn >>> from tensordict.nn import TensorDictModule >>> from torchrl.envs.libs.gym import GymEnv >>> from torchrl.collectors.collectors import SyncDataCollector >>> from torchrl.collectors.distributed import RayCollector >>> env_maker = lambda: GymEnv("Pendulum-v1", device="cpu") >>> policy = TensorDictModule(nn.Linear(3, 1), in_keys=["observation"], out_keys=["action"]) >>> distributed_collector = RayCollector( ... create_env_fn=[env_maker], ... policy=policy, ... collector_class=SyncDataCollector, ... max_frames_per_traj=50, ... init_random_frames=-1, ... reset_at_each_iter=-False, ... collector_kwargs={ ... "device": "cpu", ... "storing_device": "cpu", ... }, ... num_collectors=1, ... total_frames=10000, ... frames_per_batch=200, ... ) >>> for i, data in enumerate(collector): ... if i == 2: ... print(data) ... break """ def __init__( self, create_env_fn: Callable | EnvBase | list[Callable] | list[EnvBase], policy: Callable[[TensorDictBase], TensorDictBase] | None = None, *, policy_factory: Callable[[], Callable] | None = None, frames_per_batch: int, total_frames: int = -1, device: torch.device | list[torch.device] = None, storing_device: torch.device | list[torch.device] = None, env_device: torch.device | list[torch.device] = None, policy_device: torch.device | list[torch.device] = None, max_frames_per_traj=-1, init_random_frames=-1, reset_at_each_iter=False, postproc=None, split_trajs=False, exploration_type=DEFAULT_EXPLORATION_TYPE, collector_class: Callable[[TensorDict], TensorDict] = SyncDataCollector, collector_kwargs: dict | list[dict] = None, num_workers_per_collector: int = 1, sync: bool = False, ray_init_config: dict = None, remote_configs: dict | list[dict] = None, num_collectors: int = None, update_after_each_batch=False, max_weight_update_interval=-1, replay_buffer: ReplayBuffer = None, ): self.frames_per_batch = frames_per_batch if remote_configs is None: remote_configs = DEFAULT_REMOTE_CLASS_CONFIG if ray_init_config is None: ray_init_config = DEFAULT_RAY_INIT_CONFIG if collector_kwargs is None: collector_kwargs = {} if replay_buffer is not None: if isinstance(collector_kwargs, dict): collector_kwargs.setdefault("replay_buffer", replay_buffer) else: collector_kwargs = [ ck.setdefault("replay_buffer", replay_buffer) for ck in collector_kwargs ] # Make sure input parameters are consistent def check_consistency_with_num_collectors(param, param_name, num_collectors): """Checks that if param is a list, it has length num_collectors.""" if isinstance(param, list): if len(param) != num_collectors: raise ValueError( f"Inconsistent RayDistributedCollector parameters, {param_name} is a list of length " f"{len(param)} but the specified number of collectors is {num_collectors}." ) else: param = [param] * num_collectors return param if num_collectors: create_env_fn = check_consistency_with_num_collectors( create_env_fn, "create_env_fn", num_collectors ) collector_kwargs = check_consistency_with_num_collectors( collector_kwargs, "collector_kwargs", num_collectors ) remote_configs = check_consistency_with_num_collectors( remote_configs, "remote_config", num_collectors ) def check_list_length_consistency(*lists): """Checks that all input lists have the same length. If any non-list input is given, it is converted to a list of the same length as the others by repeating the same element multiple times. """ lengths = set() new_lists = [] for lst in lists: if isinstance(lst, list): lengths.add(len(lst)) new_lists.append(lst) else: new_lst = [lst] * max(lengths) new_lists.append(new_lst) lengths.add(len(new_lst)) if len(lengths) > 1: raise ValueError( "Inconsistent RayDistributedCollector parameters. create_env_fn, " "collector_kwargs and remote_configs are lists of different length." ) else: return new_lists out_lists = check_list_length_consistency( create_env_fn, collector_kwargs, remote_configs ) create_env_fn, collector_kwargs, remote_configs = out_lists num_collectors = len(create_env_fn) for i in range(len(create_env_fn)): if not isinstance(create_env_fn[i], (EnvBase, EnvCreator)): create_env_fn[i] = EnvCreator(create_env_fn[i]) # If ray available, try to connect to an existing Ray cluster or start one and connect to it. if not _has_ray: raise RuntimeError( "ray library not found, unable to create a DistributedCollector. " ) from RAY_ERR if not ray.is_initialized(): ray.init(**ray_init_config) if not ray.is_initialized(): raise RuntimeError("Ray could not be initialized.") # Define collector_class, monkey patch it with as_remote and print_remote_collector_info methods if collector_class == "async": collector_class = MultiaSyncDataCollector elif collector_class == "sync": collector_class = MultiSyncDataCollector elif collector_class == "single": collector_class = SyncDataCollector elif not isinstance(collector_class, type) or not issubclass( collector_class, DataCollectorBase ): raise TypeError( "The collector_class must be an instance of DataCollectorBase." ) if not hasattr(collector_class, "as_remote"): collector_class.as_remote = as_remote if not hasattr(collector_class, "print_remote_collector_info"): collector_class.print_remote_collector_info = print_remote_collector_info self.replay_buffer = replay_buffer self._local_policy = policy if isinstance(self._local_policy, nn.Module): policy_weights = TensorDict.from_module(self._local_policy) policy_weights = else: warnings.warn(_NON_NN_POLICY_WEIGHTS) policy_weights = TensorDict(lock=True) self.policy_weights = policy_weights self.collector_class = collector_class self.collected_frames = 0 self.split_trajs = split_trajs self.total_frames = total_frames self.num_collectors = num_collectors self.update_after_each_batch = update_after_each_batch self.max_weight_update_interval = max_weight_update_interval self.collector_kwargs = ( collector_kwargs if collector_kwargs is not None else [{}] ) self.device = device self.storing_device = storing_device self.env_device = env_device self.policy_device = policy_device self._batches_since_weight_update = [0 for _ in range(self.num_collectors)] self._sync = sync if self._sync: if frames_per_batch % self.num_collectors != 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot dispatch {frames_per_batch} frames across {self.num_collectors}. " f"Consider using a number of frames per batch that is divisible by the number of workers." ) self._frames_per_batch_corrected = frames_per_batch // self.num_collectors else: self._frames_per_batch_corrected = frames_per_batch # update collector kwargs for i, collector_kwarg in enumerate(self.collector_kwargs): collector_kwarg["policy_factory"] = policy_factory collector_kwarg["max_frames_per_traj"] = max_frames_per_traj collector_kwarg["init_random_frames"] = ( init_random_frames // self.num_collectors ) if not self._sync and init_random_frames > 0: warnings.warn( "async distributed data collection with init_random_frames > 0 " "may have unforeseen consequences as we do not control that once " "non-random data is being collected all nodes are returning non-random data. " "If this is a feature that you feel should be fixed, please raise an issue on " "torchrl's repo." ) collector_kwarg["reset_at_each_iter"] = reset_at_each_iter collector_kwarg["exploration_type"] = exploration_type collector_kwarg["split_trajs"] = False collector_kwarg["frames_per_batch"] = self._frames_per_batch_corrected collector_kwarg["device"] = self.device[i] collector_kwarg["storing_device"] = self.storing_device[i] collector_kwarg["env_device"] = self.env_device[i] collector_kwarg["policy_device"] = self.policy_device[i] self.postproc = postproc # Create remote instances of the collector class self._remote_collectors = [] if self.num_collectors > 0: self.add_collectors( create_env_fn, num_workers_per_collector, policy, collector_kwargs, remote_configs, ) # Print info of all remote workers pending_samples = [ e.print_remote_collector_info.remote() for e in self.remote_collectors() ] ray.wait(pending_samples) @property def num_workers(self): return self.num_collectors @property def device(self) -> list[torch.device]: return self._device @property def storing_device(self) -> list[torch.device]: return self._storing_device @property def env_device(self) -> list[torch.device]: return self._env_device @property def policy_device(self) -> list[torch.device]: return self._policy_device @device.setter def device(self, value): if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): self._device = value else: self._device = [value] * self.num_collectors @storing_device.setter def storing_device(self, value): if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): self._storing_device = value else: self._storing_device = [value] * self.num_collectors @env_device.setter def env_device(self, value): if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): self._env_device = value else: self._env_device = [value] * self.num_collectors @policy_device.setter def policy_device(self, value): if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): self._policy_device = value else: self._policy_device = [value] * self.num_collectors @staticmethod def _make_collector(cls, *, env_maker, policy, other_params): """Create a single collector instance.""" if policy is not None: other_params["policy"] = policy collector = cls( env_maker, total_frames=-1, **other_params, ) return collector
[docs] def add_collectors( self, create_env_fn, num_envs, policy, collector_kwargs, remote_configs, ): """Creates and adds a number of remote collectors to the set.""" for env_maker, other_params, remote_config in zip( create_env_fn, collector_kwargs, remote_configs ): cls = self.collector_class.as_remote(remote_config).remote collector = self._make_collector( cls, env_maker=[env_maker] * num_envs if num_envs > 1 or ( isinstance(self.collector_class, type) and not issubclass(self.collector_class, SyncDataCollector) ) else env_maker, policy=policy, other_params=other_params, ) self._remote_collectors.append(collector)
[docs] def local_policy(self): """Returns local collector.""" return self._local_policy
[docs] def remote_collectors(self): """Returns list of remote collectors.""" return self._remote_collectors
[docs] def stop_remote_collectors(self): """Stops all remote collectors.""" for _ in range(len(self._remote_collectors)): collector = self.remote_collectors().pop() # collector.__ray_terminate__.remote() # This will kill the actor but let pending tasks finish ray.kill( collector ) # This will interrupt any running tasks on the actor, causing them to fail immediately
def iterator(self): def proc(data): if self.split_trajs: data = split_trajectories(data) if self.postproc is not None: data = self.postproc(data) return data if self._sync: meth = self._sync_iterator else: meth = self._async_iterator yield from (proc(data) for data in meth()) async def _asyncio_iterator(self): def proc(data): if self.split_trajs: data = split_trajectories(data) if self.postproc is not None: data = self.postproc(data) return data if self._sync: for d in self._sync_iterator(): yield proc(d) else: for d in self._async_iterator(): yield proc(d) def _sync_iterator(self) -> Iterator[TensorDictBase]: """Collects one data batch per remote collector in each iteration.""" while self.collected_frames < self.total_frames: if self.update_after_each_batch: self.update_policy_weights_() else: for j in range(self.num_collectors): self._batches_since_weight_update[j] += 1 # Ask for batches to all remote workers. pending_tasks = [ for e in self.remote_collectors()] # Wait for all rollouts samples_ready = [] while len(samples_ready) < self.num_collectors: samples_ready, samples_not_ready = ray.wait( pending_tasks, num_returns=len(pending_tasks) ) # Retrieve and concatenate Tensordicts out_td = [] for r in pending_tasks: rollouts = ray.get(r) r ) # should not be necessary, deleted automatically when ref count is down to 0 out_td.append(rollouts) if len(rollouts.batch_size): out_td = torch.stack(out_td) else: out_td = self.collected_frames += out_td.numel() yield out_td if self.max_weight_update_interval > -1: for j in range(self.num_collectors): rank = j + 1 if ( self._batches_since_weight_update[j] > self.max_weight_update_interval ): self.update_policy_weights_(rank) if self._task is None: self.shutdown() _task = None
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the RayCollector.""" if self.replay_buffer is None: raise RuntimeError("Replay buffer must be defined for asyncio execution.") if self._task is None or self._task.done(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._task = loop.create_task(self._run_iterator_silently())
async def _run_iterator_silently(self): async for _ in self._asyncio_iterator(): # Process each item silently continue
[docs] async def async_shutdown(self): """Finishes processes started by ray.init() during async execution.""" if self._task is not None: await self._task self.stop_remote_collectors() ray.shutdown()
def _async_iterator(self) -> Iterator[TensorDictBase]: """Collects a data batch from a single remote collector in each iteration.""" pending_tasks = {} for index, collector in enumerate(self.remote_collectors()): future = pending_tasks[future] = index while self.collected_frames < self.total_frames: if not len(list(pending_tasks.keys())) == len(self.remote_collectors()): raise RuntimeError("Missing pending tasks, something went wrong") # Wait for first worker to finish wait_results = ray.wait(list(pending_tasks.keys())) future = wait_results[0][0] collector_index = pending_tasks.pop(future) collector = self.remote_collectors()[collector_index] # Retrieve single rollouts out_td = ray.get(future) [future] ) # should not be necessary, deleted automatically when ref count is down to 0 self.collected_frames += self.frames_per_batch yield out_td for j in range(self.num_collectors): self._batches_since_weight_update[j] += 1 if self.update_after_each_batch: self.update_policy_weights_(worker_rank=collector_index + 1) elif self.max_weight_update_interval > -1: for j in range(self.num_collectors): rank = j + 1 if ( self._batches_since_weight_update[j] > self.max_weight_update_interval ): self.update_policy_weights_(rank) # Schedule a new collection task future = pending_tasks[future] = collector_index # Wait for the in-process collections tasks to finish. refs = list(pending_tasks.keys()) ray.wait(refs, num_returns=len(refs)) # Cancel the in-process collections tasks # for ref in refs: # ray.cancel( # object_ref=ref, # force=False, # ) if self._task is None: self.shutdown()
[docs] def update_policy_weights_(self, worker_rank=None) -> None: """Updates the weights of the worker nodes. Args: worker_rank (int, optional): if provided, only this worker weights will be updated. """ # Update agent weights policy_weights_local_collector_ref = ray.put(self.policy_weights.detach()) if worker_rank is None: for index, e in enumerate(self.remote_collectors()): e.update_policy_weights_.remote(policy_weights_local_collector_ref) self._batches_since_weight_update[index] = 0 else: self.remote_collectors()[worker_rank - 1].update_policy_weights_.remote( policy_weights_local_collector_ref ) self._batches_since_weight_update[worker_rank - 1] = 0
[docs] def set_seed(self, seed: int, static_seed: bool = False) -> list[int]: """Calls parent method for each remote collector iteratively and returns final seed.""" for collector in self.remote_collectors(): seed = ray.get(object_refs=collector.set_seed.remote(seed, static_seed)) return seed
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> list[OrderedDict]: """Calls parent method for each remote collector and returns a list of results.""" futures = [ collector.state_dict.remote() for collector in self.remote_collectors() ] results = ray.get(object_refs=futures) return results
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: OrderedDict | list[OrderedDict]) -> None: """Calls parent method for each remote collector.""" if isinstance(state_dict, OrderedDict): state_dicts = [state_dict] if len(state_dict) == 1: state_dicts = state_dict * len(self.remote_collectors()) for collector, state_dict in zip(self.remote_collectors(), state_dicts): collector.load_state_dict.remote(state_dict)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Finishes processes started by ray.init().""" self.stop_remote_collectors() ray.shutdown()
def __repr__(self) -> str: string = f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" return string


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