Original source code:
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import contextlib
import torch
class NullContextManager(torch.nn.Module):
Null context manager in Python will be traced out.
def forward(self, x):
Null context manager in Python will be traced out.
ctx = contextlib.nullcontext()
with ctx:
return x.sin() + x.cos()
example_args = (torch.randn(3, 2),)
tags = {"python.context-manager"}
model = NullContextManager()
torch.export.export(model, example_args)
class GraphModule(torch.nn.Module):
def forward(self, x: "f32[3, 2]"):
sin: "f32[3, 2]" = torch.ops.aten.sin.default(x)
cos: "f32[3, 2]" = torch.ops.aten.cos.default(x); x = None
add: "f32[3, 2]" = torch.ops.aten.add.Tensor(sin, cos); sin = cos = None
return (add,)
Graph signature: ExportGraphSignature(input_specs=[InputSpec(kind=<InputKind.USER_INPUT: 1>, arg=TensorArgument(name='x'), target=None, persistent=None)], output_specs=[OutputSpec(kind=<OutputKind.USER_OUTPUT: 1>, arg=TensorArgument(name='add'), target=None)])
Range constraints: {}