[docs]classSobolEngine:r""" The :class:`torch.quasirandom.SobolEngine` is an engine for generating (scrambled) Sobol sequences. Sobol sequences are an example of low discrepancy quasi-random sequences. This implementation of an engine for Sobol sequences is capable of sampling sequences up to a maximum dimension of 21201. It uses direction numbers from https://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~fkuo/sobol/ obtained using the search criterion D(6) up to the dimension 21201. This is the recommended choice by the authors. References: - Art B. Owen. Scrambling Sobol and Niederreiter-Xing points. Journal of Complexity, 14(4):466-489, December 1998. - I. M. Sobol. The distribution of points in a cube and the accurate evaluation of integrals. Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Phys., 7:784-802, 1967. Args: dimension (Int): The dimensionality of the sequence to be drawn scramble (bool, optional): Setting this to ``True`` will produce scrambled Sobol sequences. Scrambling is capable of producing better Sobol sequences. Default: ``False``. seed (Int, optional): This is the seed for the scrambling. The seed of the random number generator is set to this, if specified. Otherwise, it uses a random seed. Default: ``None`` Examples:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("unseeded random state") >>> soboleng = torch.quasirandom.SobolEngine(dimension=5) >>> soboleng.draw(3) tensor([[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000], [0.7500, 0.2500, 0.2500, 0.2500, 0.7500]]) """MAXBIT=30MAXDIM=21201def__init__(self,dimension,scramble=False,seed=None):ifdimension>self.MAXDIMordimension<1:raiseValueError("Supported range of dimensionality "f"for SobolEngine is [1, {self.MAXDIM}]")self.seed=seedself.scramble=scrambleself.dimension=dimensioncpu=torch.device("cpu")self.sobolstate=torch.zeros(dimension,self.MAXBIT,device=cpu,dtype=torch.long)torch._sobol_engine_initialize_state_(self.sobolstate,self.dimension)ifnotself.scramble:self.shift=torch.zeros(self.dimension,device=cpu,dtype=torch.long)else:self._scramble()self.quasi=self.shift.clone(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format)self._first_point=(self.quasi/2**self.MAXBIT).reshape(1,-1)self.num_generated=0
[docs]defdraw(self,n:int=1,out:Optional[torch.Tensor]=None,dtype:Optional[torch.dtype]=None,)->torch.Tensor:r""" Function to draw a sequence of :attr:`n` points from a Sobol sequence. Note that the samples are dependent on the previous samples. The size of the result is :math:`(n, dimension)`. Args: n (Int, optional): The length of sequence of points to draw. Default: 1 out (Tensor, optional): The output tensor dtype (:class:`torch.dtype`, optional): the desired data type of the returned tensor. Default: ``None`` """ifdtypeisNone:dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()ifself.num_generated==0:ifn==1:result=self._first_point.to(dtype)else:result,self.quasi=torch._sobol_engine_draw(self.quasi,n-1,self.sobolstate,self.dimension,self.num_generated,dtype=dtype,)result=torch.cat((self._first_point.to(dtype),result),dim=-2)else:result,self.quasi=torch._sobol_engine_draw(self.quasi,n,self.sobolstate,self.dimension,self.num_generated-1,dtype=dtype,)self.num_generated+=nifoutisnotNone:out.resize_as_(result).copy_(result)returnoutreturnresult
[docs]defdraw_base2(self,m:int,out:Optional[torch.Tensor]=None,dtype:Optional[torch.dtype]=None,)->torch.Tensor:r""" Function to draw a sequence of :attr:`2**m` points from a Sobol sequence. Note that the samples are dependent on the previous samples. The size of the result is :math:`(2**m, dimension)`. Args: m (Int): The (base2) exponent of the number of points to draw. out (Tensor, optional): The output tensor dtype (:class:`torch.dtype`, optional): the desired data type of the returned tensor. Default: ``None`` """n=2**mtotal_n=self.num_generated+nifnot(total_n&(total_n-1)==0):raiseValueError("The balance properties of Sobol' points require "f"n to be a power of 2. {self.num_generated} points have been "f"previously generated, then: n={self.num_generated}+2**{m}={total_n}. ""If you still want to do this, please use ""'SobolEngine.draw()' instead.")returnself.draw(n=n,out=out,dtype=dtype)
[docs]defreset(self):r""" Function to reset the ``SobolEngine`` to base state. """self.quasi.copy_(self.shift)self.num_generated=0returnself
[docs]deffast_forward(self,n):r""" Function to fast-forward the state of the ``SobolEngine`` by :attr:`n` steps. This is equivalent to drawing :attr:`n` samples without using the samples. Args: n (Int): The number of steps to fast-forward by. """ifself.num_generated==0:torch._sobol_engine_ff_(self.quasi,n-1,self.sobolstate,self.dimension,self.num_generated)else:torch._sobol_engine_ff_(self.quasi,n,self.sobolstate,self.dimension,self.num_generated-1)self.num_generated+=nreturnself
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